
Crochet Dog Pattern

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Acrylic white and grey color
Hook № 1.85
Eye diameter 9-10 mm
Plastic nose (can be embroidered)
Needles for sewing and embroidery
Black stitches
White felt for eyes

Size: 10 cm sitting, 13cm standing

Ka – Ring Amigurumi: To make a double ring from a thread, to tie in it columns of the first row, to pull over ends of threads.
VP-Air Loop
PRS-Column without a throw
Raise – 2 PRS in one column of the previous row
Decrease – 2 PRs together
Note: The toy fit on a spiral, without connecting columns.

Muzzle (grey and white):
Start White.
1p-in Ka tie 5 prs
2p-5 Additions (10)
3p-1 PRS, 1 raise, 1 PRS, 1 increase, grey: 1 Raise, 1 PRS, again White: 1 PRS, 1 raise, 1 PRS, 1 raise (15)
4rs-1 Raise, 2 PRS, 1 raise, 2 PRS, Gray: 1 Raise, 2 PRS, 1 raise, again White: 2 PRS, 1 raise, 2 PRS, (20).
5-7 pp-8 PRS, Grey: 6 PRS, again White: 6 prs.
Finish, leave enough thread for sewing. Insert the nose in the 2nd row, embroider the mouth. Make a "beard."

Beard and wool on paws:

Cut white yarn length 10-13 cm.

Fold the thread twice.

Make a hole hook. Pull out the loop.

Pull the ends of the threads into the loop.

Tighten, align with scissors. If the loops are not sticking, glue them.

Gray yarn in ka tie:
1p-6 PRS
2p-6 Additions (12)
3p-* 1 PRS, 1 raise * repeat 6 times (18)
4RS-* 2 PRS, 1 raise * repeat 6 times (24)
5p-* 3 PRS, 1 raise * repeat 6 times (30)
6p-* 4 PRS, 1 raise * repeat 6 times (36)
7p-* 5 PRS, 1 raise * repeat 6 times (42)
8r-* 6 PRS, 1 raise * repeat 6 times (48)
9-16 pp-PRS (48)
17r-* 6 PRS, 1 decrease * Repeat 6 times (42)
18R-* 5 PRS, 1 decrease * Repeat 6 times (36)
Insert the eyes in the 12th row, pre-laying under them circles of felt.
19R-* 4 PRS, 1 decrease * Repeat 6 times (30)
20p-* 3 PRS, 1 decrease * Repeat 6 times (24)
Start beating.
21R-* 2 PRS, 1 decrease * Repeat 6 times (18)
22r-* 1 PRS, 1 decrease * Repeat 6 times (12)
Finish, embroider eyebrows with white yarn. To beat and sew a muzzle.

Gray yarn tie in ka:
1p-6 PRS
2p-* 1 PRS, 1 raise * repeat 3 times (9)
3p-PRS (9)
4RS-* 2 PRS, 1 raise * repeat 3 times (12)
5p-PRS (12)
6p-* 3 PRS, 1 raise * repeat 3 times (15)
7p-PRS (15)
8r-* 4 PRS, 1 raise * repeat 3 times (18)
9r-PRS (18)
Finish, fix, sew folded open edge, sew to the head.

Gray yarn tie in ka:
1p-6 PRS
2p-6 Additions (12)
3p-* 1 PRS, 1 raise * repeat 6 times (18)
4RS-* 2 PRS, 1 raise * repeat 6 times (24)
5p-* 3 PRS, 1 raise * repeat 6 times (30)
6-8 pp – PRS (30)
9r – 3 PRS, 1 decrease, 18 PRS, 1 decrease, 3 PRS, 1 decrease (27)
10R-3 PRS, 1 decrease, 15 PRS, 1 decrease, 3 PRS, 1 decrease (24)
11R-3 PRS, 1 decrease, 12 PRS, 1 decrease, 3 PRS, 1 decrease (21)
12p – 2 decreases, 15 PRS, 1 decrease (18)
13-15 pp – PRS (18)
Finish, beat and sew to the head.

Front Paw
Start White.
1p-in Ka tie 5 prs
2p-5 Additions (10)
3p-PRS (10)
4rs – 3 PRS, 2 decreases, 3 PRS (8)
5-7 PP – PRS (8)
Go to Gray.
8-10 PP – PRS (8)
Finish, beat, make fringe and sew to the torso.

Rear Paw
Start White.
1p-in Ka tie 6 prs
2p-5 Additions (12)
3p-PRS (12)
4rs – 3 PRS, 3 decreases, 3 PRS (9)
5-7 pp – PRS (9)
Go to Gray.
8-10 pp – PRS (9)
Finish, beat, make fringe and sew to the torso. The hind paws can be sewn so that the puppy stood or Sat.

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