
Amigurumi Owl Free Pattern

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

Necessary materials and tools:

1. Yarn areola 50g/235m color pink (girls, do not take thick yarn, take a thickness close to mine, if you can not find it. Otherwise your owl's sneakers will be incredibly huge)
2. YarnArt JEANS Yarn, Color 07 (beige) Polmotka about
3. YarnArt JEANS Yarn, Color 01 (white) quite a bit
4. Children's yarn novelty Pehorka The color of the yolk. Just a little for the beak
5. White felt
6. Safe blue color eyes 18mm. 
7. Overhead Cilia
8. A little pink tulle for a bow
9. Filling
10. Hook 1.5 and 2.0 and Spokes Hosiery 2.0
11. Glue, Scissors
12 Marker for knitting (toy fit Spiral)
13. Pastel, shade or pencil. Something you can valeted eyes on the circle of Felt

VP-Air Loop
PRS-Column without a throw
SS-Connecting Loop
PSN-Needle with crochets
PRSs-Column with one crochets

Sneakers (start with pink thread)

1 Row-8 VP, in the 2nd loop from the hook knit ol, 5 PRS (1 prs in each loop), 4 PRS in the last loop of the chain, on the reverse side of 5 PRS, etc. (18);
2 Row-2 D, 5 PRS, 4 ol, 5 PRS, 2 Ave. 26
3 row-2 PRS, 2 ol PRS, 2 PRS, 2 PSN, 3 PRSs, 5 ol of PRSs, 3 PRSs, 2 PSN, 2 PRS, 2 ol of PRS, 1 PRS. (35)
4rjad-3 VP, 2SSN, 2PR from PRSs, 10 PRSs, 6PR from PRSs, 10 PRSs, 1 ol from PRSs, 4 PRSs, SS (44)
Cut the insole.

5 Row-44 PRS for rear p/p
6 -8 Series-44 PRS. Finish, cut and hide the thread.

Knitting toe (white thread)
1-fold cud in half and from the middle (opposite side of the marker) reckon 10 PRs, get hook and knit 20 PRS for the back Polupetlju, turn (knit average 20 prs)

Change the thread to pink
2-Further rotary rows: 2 VP, in the 2nd from the hook Loop 1SSN, 9 ub of PRSs, turn

3-2 VP, in the 2nd from the hook Loop 1 PRSs, 4 ub of PRSs, turn
4-2 VP, 4 PRSs Knit one Ubavkoj, finish

5-Attach the thread where attached, when began to knit toe Keda, (the beginning of a white thread) Obvjazyvaem toe on the edge of 12 PRS, SS in Edge Keda.

Turn knitting and further turning rows knit Reed:
1rjad-3 VP, with 2 loops from Hook 11 PRSs for rear p/p, turn
2rjad-3 VP, with 2 loops from Hook 11 PRSs. Finish, thread cut and hide

Then knit the very leg of the owl, attaching the beige thread inside the Keda in the 12 remaining p/N strapping (as knitted tying in the same direction), and knit in a circle.

1rjad-(PRS, UB) X12 (24) for rear p/p
2 Row-24 PRS
3rjad-12 UB (12)
4-20 Series-12SBN. At the first leg a thread to cut off.
Dovjazyvaem the top of the Keda.

Attach the pink thread to the remaining Polupetljam side Keda and knit turning rows (find the place of connection toe with collar Keda, reckon in the side of the sock third loop and get hook):

1rjad-30 PRS, turn
2rjad-VP, UB, 26 PRS, UB, turn (28)
3rjad-VP, 28 PRS, turn
4rjad-VP, UB, 24SBN, UB, turn (26)
5rjad-VP, 26 PRs. Finish. Cut and hide the thread. Embroider the white lace thread.

Knit the second leg similarly, but beige thread is not cut.


1rjad-At the second leg we beige the thread not cut, and immediately begin to connect. Put a marker and knit on the LEG 4 PRS, dial a chain of 12 VP, make the legs of a small clubfoot and attach the chain to the second leg (where we finished knitting legs).
12 PRS on a leg, 12 PRS in an air chain, 8SBN on a leg (have reached to a marker)

2rjad-4SBN on the leg, 12 PRS in the air chain, 32 PRS (48)

3rjad-3 PRS, D, 12 PRs, (3SBN, D) X3, 12 PRs, (3SBN, D) X2 (54)
4-13 Series-54 PRS

14rjad-(25 PRS, UB) X2 (52) 15rjad-52 PRS

Change the thread to white
16 Row-(24SBN, UB) x2 (50) 17 row-50 PRS
18 Row-(8 PRS, UB) X5 (45) 19rjad-45 PRS
20 Row-(7 PRS, UB) X5 (40)
21 Row-40 PRS

Next, we cut the white thread without finishing knitting (leave the tail without making a knot). After the wear dress change the thread on the beige and continue knitting the head.


1rjad-6 PRS
2 Row-6SBN
3 Row-(PRS, D) X3 (9)
4rjad-9 PRS
5 row-(2SBN, D) X3 (12)
6rjad-(3SBN, D) X3 (15)
7-14 Row-15 PRS
Change the thread to white
15rjad-15 PRS
16rjad-15 PRS for rear p/p
17 -19 Row-15 PRS
20 Row-(3SBN, UB) X3 (12)
22rjad-(2SBN, UB) X3 (9)
Fold the wing in half to tie for both Walls 4 PRS. Wings do not tie 16 row 15 PRs for left Polupetli. Sew the wings of the owl at level 20 of the torso.


Knitting the same yarn as the sneakers.

We dial 64 loops and distribute on 4 spokes: 12 p (sleeve), 20 n (before), 12p (sleeve), 20p (back)
1-5 Series-64 facial,; In the 3rd row I made  "holes ", 2 facial, yarn, two together, etc.

6 Row-20 persons, close 12 loop sleeves, 20 persons, close 12 stitch sleeves. The last loop perekidyvaemed to the adjacent spoke.

Then knit separately each spoke of a back and pass. (Knitting a series of facial, a series of purl)
7rjad-Shoot Plinth Loop, 19 persons.
8rjad-Edges, 19 IPMs.
9rjad-Shoot plinth, (2 persons, D) X6, 1 persons, (26)
10rjad-Shoot Plinth, 25 IPMs.
Similarly knitting loops of other spokes.

Fasten and trim the thread on one spoke (52)
11 Series-Knitting all 52 loops facial, joining in a circle. and immediately distribute on 4 spokes.
11-18 Series (8rjadov)-52 persons
19 row-make 1 raise on each spoke
20 Row-56 persons
21 row-make 1 raise on each spoke
22 Row-60 persons
23 Row-Make 1 raise on each spoke
24 Row-64 persons
25-31 Series (7p)-Knit rubber Band 1x1 (persons/IPMS).
32 Series-Close the loops, do not pulling the cloth. Cut and hide the thread.

Girls dress ourself, and the number of additions can be reduced... Look at your toy.

Take a needle with the same yarn and the neck pass the seam  "forward with a needle ", but do not tighten, do it very poorly. Put on the dress on the owl and stjagivaem the neck. Cut the thread, hide it. Dress crochet from Vasilisa Vasilyeva

Knit first skirt: 1. Dial 72 and 8 of the crochet Loop knit PRS (it will be a loop under the button), then knit PRS to the end of the series.
2. Then turn the rows. We make 2 SP lifting and again the whole range of PRS.
3.2. P. lifting further PRS.
4.2. P. PRs to the end of the series lock the cloth in a circle and knit another row of PRs.
5. Next row in each loop Knit 2 prs. 
6. Change the thread color make 3 W. N Lifting and Knitting 5 PRSs 2 loops skip in the next do 2 PRSs 1b. P. 2 PRSs 2 Loops skip 5 PRSs, thus knitting up to the end of the range.
Similarly, knit the next rows to the desired length of the skirt.
Next knit top dresses and sleeves:
1. Attach the thread to the top of the skirt and knit (measure the dress on your owl depending on where you sewed the wings do armhole I had so)
2 c. N further 12 prs 15th. P. Skip 9 Loops then 20 PRS 15 W. N Skip 9 Loops further PRS to the end of a row.
2.2. P. series PRS.
3.2. VP and PRS to the end of the series at the end of the series do the 8th PV form another loop under the button.
Where we delali15 to armhole in the first loop to attach the thread of another color and knit 3 in. P. In 3petlju from a hook make PRSs 1 c. P 2 PRSs, we concede 2 to the next loop (2 PRSs 1 c. P 2 PRSs Skip 2 in. p.) To repeat to the end armhole a thread to fasten. Similarly knit the second sleeve.

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