
Knitting Cardigan for Kids

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During the last six months I was fascinated by knitting, immersed in reading. niting and really want to show here the first thing.
So, the choice of threads-it was not simple, because now I am in another city on vacation, local shops yarn do not know, through the Internet to order patience was not enough, and I like to touch the yarn, to think about it before you buy. I also looked for a clean coat. Therefore, from the whole offer was chosen "our village", 100% wool, 200m/100g, the Chinese origin of which I was somewhat embarrassed. However, after washing the yarn turned out to be very soft, shed not much and pleasantly intimidated. But first of all I chose this yarn for color. According to my ideas, something elfin should pass the purple color with grayish shades. What was my surprise when I later read that Elizabeth Zimmerman herself wrote about color: "I prefer muted heather shades more than standard pink, pale blue and yellow. Cute and charming-silver, lunar, beige, and so-called Lovat (that there is an inexpressible soft gray-green color of Scottish hills in a foggy day, which is usually achieved by fading)-this is the best colors for the baby. "That's how all of them coincided Circumstances.

Photo on the model in the hood and without. Our tomten is connected to growth with the expectation of the next year, so we have two laps on our sleeves:

In the unfolded form:

I knitted sleeves on circular spokes, as I am lazy to sew. and also when preparing for work, reading various reviews, realized that the hood by description is small, so I extended it to several rows:

Shortened rows on the backrest:

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