

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

first knit the 1st frill to the desired length and a little more in height to the length of the 2nd frill and set aside, then knit the 2nd frill on the other knitting needles, connect the 2 frills together at the end, tying the 1st loop with each Knitting needles (2 loops together)

1. You will need the strings of "Magic" 49% - wool, 51% - acrylic, in a hank 490 meters in 100 gr. 
three coils — blue and one white — needles # 2. Knitted frills in one thread, and a dress and sleeves in two threads. The dress knitted round. 
I knitted at size 92-98 (3 years). The length of the dress from the shoulder is 50 cm, the width of the front is 28 cm, the height of the armhole is 13 cm, the length of the sleeve is 32 cm. 
Well, let's start. 
We type 396 white loops on knitting needles and knit a pattern: 
Rapport 18 loops 
1 row - all facial 
2 row - all facial 
3 row - all purl 
4 row - 1 w., Nakid, three persons together, nakid, 1 w. together individuals. With an inclination to the right, nakid, persons., Nakid, persons., Nakid, persons., Nakid, persons., Nakid, persons., Nakid, 4 together persons., With an inclination to the left.
I knitted 4 together, so I took off the first one without knitting, then three together and stretched through the un-tied first loop. 
5 row and all odd - by the pattern, knit nakida knit., With circular knitting - nakidi should knit persons. 
6 row - 1 out., 3 persons., 1 out., 13 persons. 
8 row - repeat from the first row 

And this is my incarnation 

3-So we knit the first frill with a height of 13 cm. 
Now type 397 blue loops and knit the second frill of the 
Rapport 17 loops 
1 and 2 rows - front loops 
3 row - purl 
4 row - 2 together, 2 together, 2 together, 2 , persons., nakid, persons., nakid, persons., nakid, persons., nakid, persons., nakid, 2 together izn., 2 together izn., 2 together izn. 
5 row - purl 
6 row - facial 
7 row - purl 
8 row - like 4 row 
9 row - purl 
10 row - facial 
11 row - purl 
12 row - 3 w., Two persons together. , with an inclination to the right, 3 persons., nakid, persons., nakid, 3 persons., two persons together., with an inclination to the left, 3 ws. 
13 row - purl
Row 14 - 2 int., Two persons together. , with an inclination to the right, 3 persons., nakid, 3 persons., nakid, 3 persons., two persons together., with an inclination to the left, 2 sides. 
15 row - purl 
16 row - 1 out., Two persons together. , with an inclination to the right, 3 persons., nakid, 5 persons., nakid, 3 persons., two together persons., with an inclination to the left, 1 w. 
17 row - purl 
18 row - two persons together. , with an inclination to the right, 3 persons., nakid, 7 persons., nakid, 3 persons., two persons together., with an inclination to the left,. 
19 row - purl 
20 row - two persons together., Tilted to the left, 3 persons, nakid, 2 w., Nakid, 3 persons together., Nakid, 2 w., Nakid, 3 persons., 2 persons together. tilt to the right 
21 row - 5 purl, two faces., three dn., two faces., 5 purl (we knit according to the drawing)
22 row - two persons together., Tilted to the left, 3 persons, nakid, 2 wts., 3 persons., 2 ws., Nakid, 3 persons., 2 persons together, and tilted to the right. 
23 row - how loops lie ( we knit according to the picture) 
24 row - like the 20 row 
25 row - like loops lie (we knit on the picture) 
The height of the second frill is 10 cm. 

4-We connect two obrki together, making at the same time a subtraction to 140 loops. 
, we knit garter stitch 6 cm. We put off and begin to knit the third ruffle 
Rapport 17 loops 
1 row and 2 row - front 
3 row - purl 
4 row - two together, 2 together and 2, together, nakid, persons., nakid, persons., nakid, persons., nakid, persons., nakid, 2 together izn., 2 together izn., 2 together izn. 
5 row - purl 
6 row - facial 
7 row - purl 
8 row - like 4 row 
9 row - purl 
10 row - facial 
11 row - purl 
12 row - like the fourth row 
13 row - purl
14 row - 3 out., Two persons together., With an inclination to the right, 3 persons., Nakid, persons., Nakid, 3 persons., Two persons together., With an inclination to the left, 3 purl. 
15 row - 3 persons., 11 out., 3 persons. 
16 row - 2 out., Two persons together, with a slope to the right, 3 persons., Nakid, persons., Nakid, two persons together., With a slope to the left, nakid, 3 persons., Two persons together, with a slope to the left , 2 purl 
17 row - two faces., 13 external, two faces. 
18 row - 1 out., Two persons together., With a slope to the right, 3 persons., Nakid, 2 persons together., With a slope to the right, nakid, persons., Nakid, two persons together. persons., 2 persons together., with an inclination to the left, izn. 
19 row - 1 person., 15 out., 1 person.
20 row - two persons together., Tilted to the right, 3 persons., Nakid, 2 persons together., Tilted to the right, nakid, 2 persons together., Tilted to the right, nakid, persons., Nakid, two persons together. with an inclination to the left, nakid, 3 persons., 2 together persons., with an inclination to the left. 
21 row - purl 
22 row - 2 together persons., With a slope to the left, 3 persons., Nakid, 2 together persons., With an inclination to the left, nakid, persons., Nakid, 2 together persons., With an inclination to the right, nakid, 2 together persons., with an inclination to the right, nakid, 3 persons., 2 together persons, with an inclination to the right. 
23 row - purl 
24 row - like 22 row 
25 row - purl 
26 row - like 22 row 
27 row - purl 
The height of the third frill is 12 cm 

5-Next, we tie this frill to our product, not forgetting to reduce the loop. 
And so we again have 140 loops, knit a garter stitch 18 cm, until the armhole, then since I knitted round the circle, divide the loop in half and proceed to vyvyazyvaniya armhole, making closing the loop 1 time 3, 1 time 2, 1 time 1 loop, in each second row, then knit straight. At a height of 26 cm from the last frill we do a decrease for the front neck. 
I have 16 loops on my shoulder. 
Similarly, we knit back, only for the neck close loop at a height of 27.5 cm from the frill. 
For the sleeve, it gained 42 loops and 5 times added one loop every 4 cm.
For the neckline, I gathered 97 loops along the edge of the neck, knitted with a 1x1 elastic band 4 cm high. I gathered 108 loops for a white collar and knitted like a white frill 5 cm high. Then I attached it to the elastic band. 

6-The neck is ready. 
For cuffs, she scored 56 loops and knitted like a collar to a height of 4 cm. Then she sewed the cuffs to the sleeves. 

7-Sewed all the product. And here it is ready. 

8-Schemes for frills. 
Here are samples with diagrams, I took one as a basis, but I didn’t continue the upward openwork, I hope they will be useful 
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