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Coat knitting with the use of a complex pattern for knitting is suitable for more experienced craftswomen. As a simplification, you can use the knitting of a complex pattern only on the yoke - from the line of the armhole up. As an example, the model is represented by a trapezoid and tying up the yoke by a relief pattern. The knitting of the presented model occurs in the sequence: 
1. Type 100 loops for the backrest knitting. Knit a garter stitch, reducing in each 2nd row (in the front) on each side by 1 loop (a total reduction of 2 loops is obtained), to the armhole line or to the waist. On the back is better not to vyvyazyvanie relief pattern, so that the child, on occasion, could lie comfortably on his back.
2.To knit the armhole, close 4 loops on each side. Next, make 3 decreases from each side, tying 2 loops together on the front. Gave also make in each front row. Continue knitting up to the shoulder line, but not reaching about 4 cm. 
3. Now knit the neck. To do this, knit about 15 loops for the shoulder, close the middle loops, leaving the same number of knit loops for the second shoulder. Knit each shoulder separately, reducing from the side of the neck by 3 loops in the same way as in tying the armhole. Symmetrically tie the second shoulder and close the loops. 
4. Proceed to tying the shelf - dial 57 hinges on the shelf. 50 loops comes as half from the back, and 7 loops are designed for tying a buttoned strap.
5. Tie a shelf to the armhole (on the model, the pattern is knitted from the waist line), making the subtraction similar to the back, only on one side. In the front row, tie the 7 loops of the strap and begin to knit the pattern, as shown in the picture. At the same time make equal holes for the buttons. Before reaching the shoulder line of 6 cm, begin tying the neck - here you will have to completely close the loops of the strap and then similarly carry out the reduction of the loops. 

• Similarly, tie the second shelf, but already the holes for the buttons do it does not follow.
• Get involved in knitting a sleeve, which in this case is represented by a simple straight web. To knit the sleeve, type 36 loops and continue knitting to the height of the arm's length from the axillary region. Make the same reductions as when tying the back with shelves. Tie the second sleeve in the same way. 

Read more: Knit coats for girls for 1 year with knitting descriptions http://raikovstudio.ru/vyazannoe-palto-spicami-dlya-devochki-1-goda.html#ixzz4ZWkIoa3y 
Moisten the finished parts in water and place them on a towel so that they dry. and took the necessary form. After that, sew a shelf with a back and begin to knit a debugged collar. To do this, pull the loop from the neckline to the circular needles and knit 15-20 rows in front rows. Finish the finished collar and sew the sleeves.

Additionally, the coat can be decorated with all sorts of accessories, but for babies of 1 year this is not recommended. The maximum that is allowed is to additionally glue any application. But given that the coat already uses the decoration in the form of a knitted pattern, this is undesirable. 

Next is a video with a master class on knitting a coat for girls of one year, as well as a selection of models for fancy craftswomen. Patterns for knitting can be found on the Internet, but here too there are several examples for use in work. 

Source : http://raikovstudio.ru/vyazannoe-palto-spicami-dlya-devochki-1-goda.html

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