
Knitting Jacket For Girls

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Size: 4-6-8-10-12 years

Yarn: Fildar Jungle (Acrylic, 100 g/47 m) 7-9-10-11-13 Motkov.

Spokes № 9, 6 buttons, markers.

Knitting density: 10х10cm = 9 loops x 12 rows

Knitted and facial surface.

Job Description:


On the spokes № 9 to dial 33-36-38-40-44 loops and knit a Platelkoj 3 sm.

Continue facial smoothness. At an altitude of 24 cm-26 cm-28 cm-31 cm-33 cm from the beginning of the payment mating (from the beginning of the work) to mark the markers beginning armholes. At an altitude of 36 cm-40 cm-43 cm-47 cm-51 cm from the beginning of work, to form the neck, closing the central 11-12-12-12-14 loops and continue to knit each side separately. At an altitude of 38 cm-42 cm-45 cm-49 cm-53 cm from the beginning of work, close the remaining 11-12-13-14-15 loops for the shoulder. Finish the second side symmetrically.

Right half of the front:

On spokes to dial 19-21-22-23-25 loops and to knit a Platelkoj 3 sm. Continue to knit the first three loops for the strap, the remaining loops knit with a stitch. At the height of 24 cm-26 cm-28 cm-31 cm-33 cm from the beginning of the payment mating (from the beginning of the work) to mark the markers of the beginning of armholes. At the height of 34-37-42-44-47 cm from the beginning of knitting start knitting the neck, closing on the right the first 8-9-9-9-10 loops. At an altitude of 38 cm-42 cm-45 cm-49 cm-53 cm from the beginning of work, close the remaining 11-12-13-14-15 loops for the shoulder.

The left half of the front is knit symmetrically.


On spokes to dial 18-18-20-20-22 loops and to knit a Platelkoj 3 sm. Continue knitting facial smoothness, at the same time making a raise from two sides: in each 6 row 4 times 1 p.-In each 6 series 4 times 1 p. and in each 4 row 2 times 1 p.-In each 6 series 6 times 1 p.-In each 6 row 6 times 1 Loop and in each 4 row 1 time on 1 loop-in in each 6 row 7 times on 1 loop and in each 4 row 1 time on 1 loop. 26-30-32-34-38 loops will be obtained. At the height of 25.5-30-34-37.5-41.5 cm from the beginning of knitting, close all loops.

The second sleeve is tied in the same way.


On the spokes Dial 49-52-54-56-58 loops and knit Platelkoj 3 cm. Continue knitting facial smoothness. At the height of 17.5-20.5-20.5-20.5-22.5 cm from the beginning of knitting close all loops.


Sew shoulders, lateral seams and seams of sleeves. Sew sleeves into armholes.

Fold the hood and sew it, making the seam from the mark A to the Mark B. Sew the hood along the neck for 1.5 cm edge (2 loops of the platinky mating) halves of the front (Mark C).

Make a brush (cut 14 strands of 30 cm), which is sewn to the top of the hood.


Make 5 loops, pushing back the connecting thread of the second and third loops of a platelky binding for two loops from an edge and the first for 7 SM-8 SM-8 SM-6 SM-6 sm from a bottom separated by a distance 7 SM-7.5 SM-9 SM-8 SM-8.5 sm.

Sew the buttons on the other strap.

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