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Choose the size of the needles, depending on what size of blouse you want to receive, and follow the instructions below. Knitting goes from top to bottom (round yoke) in one piece in the forward and reverse direction. 

Dial 55 loops. 
Knit two rows with a “small rice” pattern (Rows 1 and 2: * 1 persons., 1 wear; repeat from * to the end of the row, finish 1 faces.) 
3rd row with a hole for a button: 1 faces., 1 wear ., nakid, 2 together purl, continue to knit pattern "small rice" to the end of the row. 
Knit 3 more rows with a “small rice” pattern. (A total of 6 rows with a finishing pattern for the slat.) 

Row 1: (Wrong side): 1 person., 1 w., 1 person., 4 w., * 1 person., 3 w .; repeat from * to the last 4 loops, finish 1 out., 1 person., 1 out., 1 person ..
Row 2: 1 persons., 1 out., 1 persons., 1 out., * 1 persons. (Nakid, 1 persons.) 2 times, 1 wear .; repeat from * to the last 3 loops, finish 1 person., 1 out., 1 person. (79 loops) 
Row 3: 1 person., 1 person., 1 person., 6 person, * 1 person., 5 out .; repeat from * to the last 4 loops, finish 1 out., 1 person., 1 out., 1 person. 
Series 4: 1 person., 1 person., 1 person., 1 person., * 2 person., mantle , 1 persons., Nakid, 2 persons., 1 wear .; repeat from * to the last 3 loops, finish 1 persons., 1 out., 1 persons. (103 loops) 
Row 5: 1 persons., 1 out., 1 persons., 8 out., * 1 persons., 7 out .; repeat from * to the last 4 loops, finish 1 out., 1 person., 1 out., 1 person. 
Series 6: 1 person., 1 person., 1 person., 1 person., * 7 person., 1 out .; repeat from * to the last 3 loops, finish 1 person., 1 out., 1 person. 
Row 7: Repeat row 5.
Row 8: 1 persons., 1 out., 1 persons., 1 out., * 3 persons., Nakid, 1 person., Nakid, 3 persons., 1 part .; repeat from * to the last 3 loops, finish 1 person., 1 out., 1 person. (127 loop) 
Row 9: 1 person., 1 person., 1 person., 10 person., * 1 person., 9 out .; repeat from * to the last 4 loops, finish 1 out., 1 person., 1 out., 1 person. 
Row 10: (row with a hole for the button) 1 person., 1 out., 1 person., 1 out. , * 9 persons., 1 ex .; repeat from * to the last 13 loops, finish 9 faces., 2 together purl, nakid, 1 w, 1 people. 
Row 11: Repeat row 9. 
Row 12: 1 people., 1 w., 1 people., 1 out., * 4 persons., nakid, 1 persons., nakid, 4 persons., 1 wear .; repeat from * to the last 3 loops, finish 1 person., 1 w, 1 person .. (151 loop)
Row 13: 1 persons., 1 out., 1 persons., 12 out., * 1 persons., 11 out .; repeat from * to the last 4 loops, finish 1 out., 1 person., 1 out., 1 person. 
Row 14: 1 person., 1 person., 1 person., 1 person., * 11 person., 1 out .; repeat from * to the last 3 loops, finish 1 person., 1 out., 1 person. 
Row 15: Repeat row 13. 
Row 16: 1 person., 1 wed., 1 person., * 1 w., mantle, 2 together persons. with an inclination to the left, 7 persons., 2 together front, nakid; repeat from * to the last 4 loops, finish 1 out., 1 persons., 1 out., 1 persons. (151 loops - the number of loops has not changed) 
Row 17: 1 persons., 1 out., 1 persons., 1 out., 1 person., * 9 out., 3 person .; repeat from * to the last 14 loops, finish 9 w., 1 person., 1 w., 1 person., 1 w., 1 person.
A number of 18: 1 persons., 1 out., 1 persons., 2 out., Nakid, 2 persons together. with an inclination to the left, 5 persons., 2 together front, * nakid, 3 from., nakid, 2 together persons. with an inclination to the left, 5 persons., 2 together front; repeat from * to the last 5 loops, finish a nakid, izn.2, 1 persons., 1 izn., 1 persons. 
Row 19: 1 persons., 1 izn., 1 persons., 1 izn., 2 persons. 7 w., * 2 persons., 1 w., 2 persons., 7 w .; repeat from * to the last 6 loops, finish 2 persons., 1 out., 1 persons., 1 out., 1 persons. 
Row 20: 1 persons., 1 out., 1 persons., 3 out., nakid, 2 together persons. with an inclination to the left, 3 persons., 2 together front, * nakid, 2 ex., 1 person., 2 eases., nakid, 2 together persons. with an inclination to the left, 3 persons., 2 together front; repeat from * to the last 6 loops, finish a nakid, 3 w., 1 person., 1 w., 1 person ..
Row 21: 1 persons., 1 out., 1 persons., 2 out., 2 persons., 5 out., * 2 persons., 3 out., 2 persons., 5 out .; repeat from * to the last 7 loops, finish 2 persons., 2 out., 1 persons., 1 out., 1 persons. 
Row 22: 1 persons., 1 out., 1 persons., 1 out., 1 persons ., 2 out., Nakid, 2 persons together. with an inclination to the left, 1 person., 2 together front, * nakid, 2 ex., 3 persons., 2 ex., nakid, 2 together persons. with an inclination to the left, 1 person., 2 together front; repeat from * to the last 7 loops, finish a nakid, 2 w., 1 person., 1 w., 1 person., 1 w., 1 person. 
Row 23: (row with a hole for a button): 1 person. 1 w, cape, 2 w / w, 2 w., 2 persons., 3 w., * 2 persons., 5 ws., 2 persons., 3 w .; repeat from * to the last 8 loops, finish 2 persons., 3 out., 1 person., 1 out., 1 person.
Row 24: 1 persons., 1 out., 1 persons., 1 out., 2 persons., 2 out., Nakid, 3 together face (remove first loop as when knitting face, 2 together face, stretch the resulting loop through removed loop), * nakid, 2 ex., 5 persons., 2 eases., nakid, 3 together face (remove first loop as when knitting face, 2 together face, pull the resulting loop through the first loop removed); repeat from * to the last 8 loops, finish a nakid, 2 ex., 2 persons., 1 ex., 1 persons., 1 ex., 1 persons. 
Row 25: 1 persons., 1 ex., 1 persons. 4 out., 2 persons., 1 out., * 2 persons., 7 out., 2 persons., 1 out; * up to the last 9 loops, finish 2 persons, 4 out., 1 persons., 1 out ., 1 persons .. 
Row 26: 1 persons., 1 out., 1 persons., 1 out., Facial up to the last 4 loops, finish 1 out., 1 persons., 1 out., 1 persons .. 

On the spokes there are still 151 loops.

Row 1: 1 persons., 1 out., 1 persons., 15 out. Translate the following 36 loops to the loop holder, 43 out, transfer the next 36 loops to the loop holder, 15 outwards, 1 persons, 1 out., 1 persons. 
A row 2: 1 persons., 1 out., 1 persons., 1 out., 13 persons., add 1 loop, place a marker, 1 persons., 1 persons. in the next loop on the left needle after the loops on the holder, place a marker, add 1 loop, 41 faces., add 1 loop, place marker, 1 faces., 1 faces. in the next loop on the left needle after the loops on the holder, place the marker, add 1 loop, 13 faces., 1 w., 1 faces., 1 w., 1 faces .. (83 loops on the needles). 
Row 3: 1 person., 1 out., 1 person., Is. before the last 3 loops, finish 1 person., 1 external, 1 person ..
Row 4: 1 persons., 1 out., 1 persons., 1 out., Persons. to the marker, add 1 loop, move the marker to the left needle, 2 persons., move the marker to the left needle, add 1 loop, persons. to the marker, add 1 loop, move the marker to the left needle, 2 persons., move the marker to the left needle, add 1 loop, persons. up to the last 4 loops, finish 1 out., 1 person., 1 out., 1 person. 

Repeat rows 3 and 4 two more times. 

Row 5: 1 person., 1 out., 1 person., Is. up to the last 3 loops, finish 1 person., 1 out., 1 person. 
Row 6: (row with a hole for the button) 1 person., 1 out., 1 person., 1 out., persons. up to the last 4 loops, finish 2 together out, nakid, 1 out, 1 person .. 

Repeat rows 3-6 until the product reaches 21.5, 26.5, (31.5) see from bottom to neck, or desired length .
_Simultaneously_ it is necessary to carry out holes for buttons every 13 rows (5 cm), starting the countdown from the first knitting of 6 rows. 

For the end: 
Link 3 rows of “small rice” pattern. 
To connect a row with a hole for a button. 
Tie the last 2 rows with a “small rice” pattern. 

Close all loops. 

Sleeves, ending: 

Translate the hinges of the right sleeve to the spokes. 
Lay face to yourself, attach the thread. 
1 persons., 2 persons together. tilted to the left, faces. to the last 3 loops, 2 persons together., 1 persons .. 
The next row is all purl. 
Knit 3 rows of “small rice” pattern. 
Close all loops. 

Repeat for left sleeve. 

Sew the seams of the sleeves, hide all the ends, sew on the buttons.

rapport is obtained on 18 loops ......... 

1 row = 2 together, 2 together, 2 together, 1 face + nakid (6 times), 2 together, 2 together, 2 together 

2 row = all purl 

3 row = all facial 

4 row = all purl 

5 row = all purl 

6 row = all facial ............... repeat all from the 1st row 

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