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The pink top of two types (and two colors) yarn conquers with a complex and sophisticated pattern.
The magazine "Verena" № 2/2015

Yarn 1 (100% cotton, 80 m / 50 g) - 200 (300) g of the color of a dusty rose; 
Yarn 2 (100% polyamide, 90 m / 50 g) - 100 (150) g ​​of dusty rose color; 
Yarn 3 (100% polyamide, 90 m / 50 g) - 50 (100) g dark pink color; 
straight needles number 4; a circle. needles number 4 with a length of 40 cm
Plank A
Knit under the scheme A. Rapport = 18 n. Between arrows a and b. Distribute the paragraph according to the instructions. Knit 1 times p. 1-10. 

Attention! 2nd p. = ex. R. present on the scheme, the rest of izn. R. knit by pattern or legend.


Knit on the scheme B. Rapport = 18 p. Between the arrows a and b. Distribute the paragraph according to the instructions. 

When performing increments / reductions, cross braids and broach only if there is a 
sufficient number of p. 

Plot = 1 nakid, 1 person, 2 p., Knit persons together. knit in the same way only if there is enough n. Otherwise, knit it according to the pattern of the faces. or out.

Knit under the scheme C. Start with 4 p. Before the right arrow, then constantly repeat rapport = 6 p. 

Attention! 2nd and 8th p. = ex. R. present on the scheme, the rest of izn. R. knit by pattern or legend. 

To cross spit, only if for this purpose there is a sufficient number of n. Otherwise knit long elongated n. Without crosses. 

The color is marked on the right side with letters: 
a - yarn 2, 
b - yarn 3, 
s - yarn 1. 

19 p. X 26 p. = 10 x 10 cm, connected by a structural pattern; 
19 p. And 22 p. = 10 x 10 cm, connected by long elongated sections. 
Both patterns are connected with needles No. 4.

Dial 51 pp yarn 1. Knit 10 p. strips A and 4 p. long elongated n. Then continue the structural pattern, distributing n. trace. in a way: chrome., 16 sections from arrow d to b, 3 times rapport from arrow a to b, 9 sections from arrow a to c, chrome. After that, knit 1 times rows 1-12 and 1 more times rows 1-4 long elongated sections. 

Attention: the last p. long elongated n. knit circle. needles number 4, then move the item to the other end of the needles and knit 1 row wear. y. yarn 1 to create a clear border between patterns and colors. 

Then knit 30 p. structural pattern of yarn 1 with the distribution described above. Then until the end constantly repeat p. 1-12 long elongated items

At the same time, close for armholes through 36.5 cm from the typesetting edge = the end of the structural pattern on both sides by 4 p., Then in each 2nd p. 2 times 2 points and 7 times 1 point = 51 points. 

For the neckline, close at a height of 15.5 cm (= 34 p.) Long, elongated points average 25 points and first finish the left side. 

From the inside edge for rounding up close in every 2nd p. 1 time 3 points and 1 time 1 point = 9 points. At a neck height of 3.5 cm (= 19 p.) Close the point. 

Finish the other side symmetrically.
Knit like a back, but for the neckline already at a height of 10 cm (= 22 p.) Long elongated sections, close the middle 15 points and first finish the left side. 

From the inside edge for rounding up close in every 2nd p. 2 times 3 points and 3 times 1 point. 

At a height of 5.5 cm, close the remaining 9 points of the shoulder. 

The other side finish symmetrically.
Run the planned seams. A circle. knit yarn 1 dial from the neckline 98 p., knit 
3 circle. R. garter viscous and in footprint. a circle. R. close all paragraphs izn. 

Run side seams. 

For slats armholes dial armholes of 80 p. From the seams and tie up like a neck.

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