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The jacquard jumper of the fitted silhouette with a boat neckline is trimmed with narrow monophonic elastic bands. 
Magazine "Burda. Creazion ”No. 1/2016 


36/38 (40/42)  


Yarn 1 (75% mercerized cotton, 25% polyamide; 50 g / 130 m) - 5 (6) skeins of white; 
yarn 2 (85% cotton, 15% polyamide; 50 g / 150 m) - 4 (5) skeins of blue-violet; Knitting needles № 4,5 and 5; circular needles № 4,5 with a length of 60 cm.



Facial rows - facial loops, purl rows - purl loops. 


Alternately 2 persons., 2 izn. 


Knit the facial smooth on the scheme. Non-working thread to pull on the wrong side of the work. Make sure that the tension of the threads was the same and the knitted fabric was not tightened. 1 cell of the circuit = 1 item x 1 p. 

The numbers on the right indicate the front rows, the numbers on the left are purl rows. To read the front rows from right to left, purl rows - in the opposite direction. The icons indicate thread colors - see Legend. 

In width, start with a loop before the 1st arrow, repeat the rapport of 8 points between the arrows, end with the loop after the 2nd arrow. At a height of 1 times run from the 1st to the 16th p., Then repeat from the 9th to the 16th row. 

Jacquard Goose Foot 


20 items x 23 р. = 10 x 10 cm, connected by jacquard pattern with knitting no. 5. 


If the instruction contains only one number, then it applies to all sizes. 



On the needles No. 4, 5 with yarn 2, dial 90 (98) points and knit 2 cm = 5 p. with a rubber band, starting from the wrong side: start chrome., 1 side, finish 1 side, chrome. 

In the last row, add 1 p. = 91 (99) p. 

Go to the spokes number 5 and continue to work between the edge jacquard pattern. 

In the 21st p. from the gum to lower for fitting on both sides by 1 p., then in the next 8th p. 1 more times for 1 p. and in every 6th p. 2 more times for 1 p. = 83 (91) p.  

Through 11 cm = 26 p. from the 1st row with the cuts make a mark = waistline. 

After 6 cm = 14 p. from the label add 1 p. on both sides.  

Repeat these additions in each 6th p. 3 more times = 91 (99) p. Add added loops to the pattern. 

After 12 cm = 28 p. from the 1st row with increments close on both sides for armholes in each 2nd p. 1 time for 3 p., 2 times for 2 p. And 1 time for 1 p. = 75 (83) p.  

Next, knit straight. 

When the height of the armhole is 15 (16) cm = 36 (38) p., Close the middle 39 p. For the neck and finish both sides separately. 

For rounding the neck close from the inside edge in each 2nd p. 1 time 3 points and 1 time 2 points.  

When the depth of the neck is 2 cm = 6 p., Close the remaining 13 (17) points of the shoulder. 


Knit as back. 


On needles No. 4, 5 with yarn 2, dial 42 points and knit 2 cm = 5 p. gum, starting from the back of a row: start chrome., 1 external, finish 1 external, chrome. 

In the last row add 1 p. = 43 p.  

Go to the needles number 5 and continue to work with the jacquard pattern between the edge ones.

In the 5th p. from the gum, then 7 (3) times in each 6th p. and another 3 (9) times in every 4th p. add on both sides 1 p. = 65 (69) p. Add the added loops to the pattern. 

After 28 cm = 64 p. from the gum close on both sides for okat in each 2nd p. 1 time for 3 p., 1 time for 2 p., 12 times for 1 p., 1 time for 2 p. And 1 time for 3 p.  

Remaining 21 (25) p. Close in one row. 


Run seams. 

On circular needles No. 4, 5 with yarn, dial 92 points along the edge of the neckline and knit in a circle with an elastic band. After 1.5 cm loop close. 

Sew sleeves.


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