Click For Crochet Abbreviations List
“Alpaca” 100% alpaca, 50 g ≈ 167 m
"Kid-Silk" 75% mohair, 25% silk, 25 g ≈ 200 m
Size: S - M - L - XL - XXL - XXXL
150-150-150-150-200-200 g, natural white
50-50-100-100-100-100 g, blue ice
50-50-50-50-50-100 g, wheat
50-50-50-50-50-100 g, pink
50-50-50-50-50-50 g, mustard
50-50-50-50-50-50 g, light pink
50-50-50-50-50-50 g, light blue
DROPS KID SILK von Garnstudio
100-100-100-125-125-150 g, light pink
50-50-50-75-75-75 g, natural white
For monochrome sweater: 250-300-300-350-400-
400 g alpaca and 125-125-125-150-150-175 g Kid-Silk.
Spokes No5 - or other suitable size for
density: 10 x 10 cm = 17 loops x 26 rows
main pattern. Spokes No4.5 for edges.
The pattern consists of four rows:
Row 1 (front): 2 edge, * 1 front, 1 purl *, repeat until 2 loops remain, front, 2
Row 2 (purl): 2 edge garter stitch, according to the drawing (facial facial, purl
purl), 2 edge garter stitch.
Row 3 (front): 2 edge, * 1 purl, 1 front *, repeat until there are 2 loops, purl,
2 edging.
Row 4 (purl): 2 edge garter stitch, according to the drawing (facial facial, purl
purl), 2 edge garter stitch.
The product consists of several parts sewn together afterwards. There are always 2 threads in work, one
Alpacas and the second Kid-Silk. The sequence of stripes is shown in diagrams A.1-A.3.
Description of diagrams front and back. Knit 7-8-8-8-8-9 cm with natural white alpaca threads + Kid-Silk
light pink, then A.1, A.2, 5-6-6-8-8-9 cm alpaca threads natural white + Kid-Silk light pink,
A.1 to the desired length.
Description of sleeve diagrams. Knit A.3, A.2 from top to bottom, A.1 from top to bottom to the desired length.
On needles No4,5, dial 85-91-99-107-117-127 loops with one alpaca thread + 1 Kid-Silk thread, white
natural. Knit 4 rows of garter stitch. Go for knitting needles No5 and knit the main pattern, replacing
colors on the chart. With a length of 43-44-45-46-47-48 cm in the next front row start to knit garter
viscous 7-7-9-10-12-14 loops on both sides. In the third row, considering this, close the first 5-5
7-8-10-12 loops = 75-81-85-91-97-103. Continue to knit observing the pattern and 2 edge loops to the length
52-54-55-57-58-60 cm. Average 27-27-29-29-31-31 loops to stop knitting. Each shoulder knit on
separately. At the beginning of the next 2 rows, which start at the neck, close 1 loop = 22-25-26-
29-31-34 for each shoulder. With a length of 54-56-57-59-60-62 work to postpone, finish the second shoulder.
Collect all loops (left shoulder, along the edge with cuts, middle neck loops, along the edge with
cuts, right shoulder) on the spokes No4.5 = 75-81-85-91-97-103, natural white alpaca threads
Kid-Silk natural white knit 1 face row, purl knit like this: 2 garter stitch loops,
* 1 purl, 1 front * until 3 loops remain, 1 purl, 2 garter stitch loops. Knit such
with a rubber band 5-5-6-6-7-7 cm, total length 59-61-63-65-67-69 cm. Go for knitting needles No5 and 2 rows
facial. Elastically close.
The back fits similarly to the front. Sew the shoulder seams on the outer 22-25-26-29-31-34 hinges.
Sleeves knit from top to bottom
In the direction from right to left, dial 55-57-61-65-67-71 loops from the armhole on the spokes No5. To knit
the main pattern on the charts. With a length of 3-3-4-5-6-7 hang on the marker on both sides. Everything
Further measurements are given from markers. With a length of 2-2-2-3-3-4 cm from the marker, cut 1 loop each (between
pattern and 2 edging). Such a reduction should be made every 5-6-412-31⁄2-31⁄2-21⁄2 cm only 9-8-10-11-11-13 times
37-41-41-43-45-45. With a length of 45-44-43-41-39-37 cm from the marker go to the spokes No4, 5, alpaca threads
natural white + Kid-Silk natural white, cut in the front row 1 loop = 36-40-40-42-44-44.
Next purl row to knit like this: 1 loop edge, * 1 purl, 1 front * so continue until
There will be no loop, 1 loop edge. Knit such an elastic band on further 4 cm. Sleeve Length
approximately 52-51-51-50-49-48 cm (49-48-47-45-43-41 cm from the markers). 2 rows of facial and elastic
to close. The second sleeve fits similarly.
The seams on the sleeves and sides continuously sew. Start with sleeves. Lower 10-12 cm on the sides to leave