
Knitting Dress Free Pattern

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The diagram shows the facial rows. In the purl rows of the loop knit, as the mating looks, that is over the facial loops-facial, over the purl-Purls. Repeat the pattern from the 1st to the 8th row. 
Note: You can use 2 ways to crossovers loops without tied up the canvas. See the comments on the 2nd diagram.

All series are drawn on this diagram. Crossovers are performed in the facial ranks.
1 way: Use elongated loops. On the diagram they are marked by circles and executed in purl rows. In the front rows an additional coil descends, due to this there is a lengthening of the loop.
2 way: Use partial knitting. 3 loops take off on the sun. The part of the spit, shaded with blue color, 
The work is rotated on the IP. The same loops are purl, again turns work on the LS. The loops of the left part are in the 3rd time facing and only then the loops with the sun.

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