

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List


Knit the beginning of the face: 
Knit a ring of 4 vozd. loops or make amigurumi ring. 
1 row - knit 6 tbsp. b / nak in ring 
2 row - in every art. b / nak previous row knit on 2 tbsp. b / nack (= 12 st) 
3 row - knit under the scheme: st. b / nac, 2 tbsp. b / nak in one loop, art. b / cc, etc. until the end of the row (= 18CT) 
4 row - knit on the scheme: 2 tbsp. b / nac, 2 st b / nac in one loop, 2 st. b / cc, etc. before the end of the row (= 24 st) 
5 row - knit st. b / nack in each loop of the previous row (= 24 st) 
6 row - we knit according to the following scheme: 3 st. b / nac, 2 tbsp. b / nak in one loop, 3 tbsp. b / cc, etc. until the end of the row (= 30 st) 
7 row - knit st. b / nak in each loop of the previous row (= 30 st)
8 row - knit on the scheme: 4 tbsp. b / nac, 2 tbsp. b / nak in one loop, 4 tbsp. b / cc, etc. until the end of the row (= 36 st) 
9 -11 rows - knit st. b / nak in each loop of the previous row (= 36 cent.) 

Change the color of the thread. 
12 - 17 rows - knit art. b / nack into each loop of the previous row (= 36th article) 
18th row - we knit according to the following scheme: 5th article. b / nac, 2 tbsp. b / nak in one loop, 5 tbsp. b / cc, etc. until the end of the row (= 42 st) 
19 row - knit st. b / nak in each loop of the previous row (= 42 st) 
20 row - we knit according to the scheme: 5 st. b / nak, skip one loop of the previous row (drop), 5 tbsp. b / cc, etc. until the end of the row (= 36 st) 
21 row - we knit according to the scheme: 4 st. b / nak, skip one loop of the previous row (decrease), 4 tbsp. b / cc, etc. to the end of the series (= 30 st)
22 row - knit on the scheme: 3 tbsp. b / nak, skip one loop of the previous row (decrease), 3 tbsp. b / cc, etc. until the end of the row (= 24 st) 
23 row - knit on the scheme: 2 tbsp. b / nak, skip one loop of the previous row (decrease), 2 tbsp. b / cc, etc. until the end of the row (= 18 st) 
24 row - knit on the scheme: 1 tbsp. b / nak, skip one loop of the previous row (decrease), 1 tbsp. b / cc, etc. until the end of the row (= 12th article) 
Enough, we fill the head with a filler tightly. 
25 row - we do 6 times a decrease. We finish knitting the head. 


Knit ring of 4 air. loops or make amigurumi ring. 
1 row - knit 6 tbsp. b / nak in ring 
2 row - in every art. b / nak previous row knit on 2 tbsp. b / nack (= 12 st)
3 row - knit on the scheme: Art. b / nac, 2 tbsp. b / nak in one loop, art. b / cc, etc. until the end of the row (= 18CT) 
4 row - knit on the scheme: 2 tbsp. b / nac, 2 st b / nac in one loop, 2 st. b / cc, etc. until the end of the row (= 24 st) 
5 row - knit according to the scheme: 3 tbsp. b / nac, 2 tbsp. b / nak in one loop, 3 tbsp. b / cc, etc. until the end of the row (= 30 st) 
6 row - knit on the scheme: 4 tbsp. b / nac, 2 tbsp. b / nak in one loop, 4 tbsp. b / cc, etc. until the end of the row (= 36 st) 
7 row - knit according to the scheme: 5 st. b / nac, 2 tbsp. b / nak in one loop, 5 tbsp. b / cc, etc. until the end of the row (= 42 st) 
8 - 15 rows - knit st. b / nack in each loop of the previous row (= 42 st) 
16 row - we knit according to the scheme: 5 st. b / nak, skip one loop of the previous row (drop), 5 tbsp. b / cc, etc. to the end of the series (= 36 st)
17 - 19 rows - knit art. b / nack in each loop of the previous row (= 36 st) 
20 row - we knit according to the scheme: 4 st. b / nak, skip one loop of the previous row (decrease), 4 tbsp. b / cc, etc. until the end of the row (= 30 st) 
21 row - knit st. b / nack in each loop of the previous row (= 30 st) 
22 row - knit under the scheme: 3 tbsp. b / nak, skip one loop of the previous row (decrease), 3 tbsp. b / cc, etc. until the end of the row (= 24 st) 
23 row - knit on the scheme: 2 tbsp. b / nak, skip one loop of the previous row (decrease), 2 tbsp. b / cc, etc. until the end of the row (= 18 st) 
24 - 40 rows - knit st. b / nack in each loop of the previous row (= 18th article) We 
fix the thread and stuff the body. 

Front legs: 
Knit a ring of 4 vozd. loops or make amigurumi ring.
1 row - knit 6 tbsp. b / nak in ring 
2 row - in every art. b / nak previous row knit on 2 tbsp. b / nack (= 12 st) 
3 row - knit under the scheme: st. b / nac, 2 tbsp. b / nak in one loop, art. b / cc, etc. until the end of the series (= 18CT) 
4 - 6 rows - knit art. b / nack in each loop of the previous row (= 18 st) 
7 row - we knit according to the following scheme: 1 cent. b / nak, skip one loop of the previous row (decrease), 1 tbsp. b / cc, etc. until the end of the row (= 12 st) 
8 row - knit on the scheme: 1 tbsp. b / nak, decrease - 4 times (= 8 st) 
9 - 25 rows - knit art. b / nak in each loop of the previous row (= 8 st) 
Fold the product in half and knit 3 connections. Art. 

Back legs: 

We knit a ring from 4 vozd. loops or make amigurumi ring. 
1 row - knit 6 tbsp. b / nak in ring
2 row - in every art. b / nak previous row knit on 2 tbsp. b / nack (= 12 st) 
3 row - knit under the scheme: st. b / nac, 2 tbsp. b / nak in one loop, art. b / cc, etc. until the end of the row (= 18CT) 
4 row - knit on the scheme: 3 tbsp. b / nak, skip one loop of the previous row (decrease), 3 tbsp. b / cc, etc. until the end of the row (= 24 st) 
5 - 7 rows - knit st. b / nak in each loop of the previous row (= 24 st) 
8 row - we knit according to the scheme: 2 tbsp. b / nak, skip one loop of the previous row (decrease), 2 tbsp. b / cc, etc. until the end of the row (= 18 st) 
9 row - we knit according to the following scheme: 1 st. b / nak, skip one loop of the previous row (decrease), 1 tbsp. b / cc, etc. until the end of the row (= 12 st) 
10 row - knit on the scheme: 1 tbsp. b / cc, decrease - 4 times (= 8 st)
11 - 25 rows - knit art. b / nak in each loop of the previous row (= 8 st) 
Fold the product in half and knit 3 connections. Art. 


Knit a ring of 4 vozd. loops or make amigurumi ring. 
1 row - knit 6 tbsp. b / nak in ring 
2 row - in every art. b / nak previous row knit on 2 tbsp. b / nack (= 12 st) 
3 row - knit under the scheme: st. b / nac, 2 tbsp. b / nak in one loop, art. b / cc, etc. until the end of the series (= 18CT) 
4 - 6 rows - knit art. b / nack in each loop of the previous row (= 18 st) 
7 row - we knit according to the following scheme: 1 cent. b / nak, skip one loop of the previous row (decrease), 1 tbsp. b / cc, etc. until the end of the row (= 12 st) 
8 row - knit on the scheme: 1 tbsp. b / cc, decrease - 4 times (= 8 st)
9 - 15 rows - knit art. b / nack into each loop of the previous row (= 8th article) 
We sew the horns in a circle. 


Knit a ring of 4 vozd. loops or make amigurumi ring. 
1 row - knit 6 tbsp. b / nak in ring 
2 row - knit on the scheme: 1 tbsp. b / nak, increase - 3 times (= 9 st) 
3 row - knit art. b / nack in each loop of the previous row (= 9 st) 
4 row - we knit according to the scheme: 2 tbsp. b / nak, increase - 3 times (= 12 st) 
5 row - knit art. b / nack in each loop of the previous row (= 12 st) 
6 row - knit under the scheme: 3 tbsp. b / nak, increase - 3 times (= 15 st) 
7 row - knit according to the scheme: 4 st. b / nak, increase - 3 times (= 18 st) 
8 row - knit art. b / nak in each loop of the previous row (= 18 st)
9 row - knit on the scheme: 5 tbsp. b / nak, increase - 3 times (= 21 st) 
10 row - knit art. b / nak in each loop of the previous row (= 21 st) 
Fold the ear in half and complete the connection. Art. When sewing sew the lower ends on each other

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