
Crochet Toy Frog

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We knit three identical in size circle CH, two of them - green. The third is red, but the last row is knitted in green. In my frog 6 rows of SN, in the first row 12 SN.

Eyes according to my recipe: 1. We make a thread of the main color and we knit 1 lifting loop + 5 RLS (6 in total), then we knit in a spiral for the back half loop in each column 2 scs-6 times (12 st), then * 1 RLS, 2 RLS in the loop of the base * - repeat 6 times (18 st), then 36 st in a circle without any increase.

Further we subtract - * 1 RLS, the two together * - repeat 6 times. We turn it out, stuff it. Next, 2 scs together - 6 times, leave the thread about 20 cm, tear off - the ball is ready! We attach a white thin thread, in each loop of the ground we sew 2 scs, close the row. * 3 lifting loops, a magnificent column with 2 nakidami, 3 VP attach to the next loop of the base of the RLS - repeat 3 times. Paws! Begin to knit from the thread ring - 12 CH in the ring, the second row - 2 CH in each loop of the base,

fold the part in half and begin to connect the rear half loops with columns without a crochet, tie * 1 RNS, 2 RLS in one loop of the base - to the end of the detail

Next row - * 3 lifting loops, 2 CH, picos, 2 CH, 3 Connect the hinge to the next loop of the base with a connecting post-repeat 3 times. The foot is ready!

You can stitch it!

Source : http://blog.knitting-info.ru/zabava-tver/2010/11/14/%D0%B8%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%86...

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