
Amigurumi Little Doll Free Pattern

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

As we knit stuffed toy filler

Legs (2 parts)

1.6 In the Ring of Amaguumi
2. (increment) x 6 (12 SBN)
3. (1 SBN, Prib) x 6 (18 SBN)
4. (Prib, 8 SBN) x 2 (20 SBN)
5-13.20 SBN (the second leg to knit similarly, to connect with the first, only 40 SBN)

Knit Body

14.40 SBN
15.12 SBN, UB, 15 SBN, UB, 9 SBN (38 SBN)
16.11 SBN, UB, 15 SBN, UB, 8 SBN (36 SBN)
17.8 SBN, UB, 15 SBN, UB, 9 SBN (34 SBN)
18.8 SBN, UB, 14 SBN, UB, 7 SBN (32 SBN)
19.8 SBN, UB, 13 SBN, UB, 7 SBN, (30 SBN)
20.8 SBN, UB, 13 SBN, UB, 5 SBN (28 SBN)
21.7 SBN, UB, 11 SBN, UB, 6 SBN (26 SBN)
22.7 SBN, UB, 10 SBN, UB, 5 SBN (24 SBN)
23.6 SBN, UB, 9 SBN, UB, 5 SBN (22 SBN)
24.6 SBN, UB, 8 SBN, UB, 4 SBN (20 SBN)
25.5 SBN, UB, 7 SBN, UB, 4 SBN (18 SBN)

Knit Head

26. (2 SBN, Prib) x 6 (24 SBN)
27. (3 SBN, Prib) x 6 (30 SBN)
28. (4 SBN, Prib) x 6 (36)
29. (5 SBN, Prib) x 6 (42 in.)
30. (6 SBN, Prib) x 6 (48 in.)
31. (7 SBN, Prib) x 6 (54 in.)
32 (8 SBN, Prib) x 6 (60 SBN)
33 (9 SBN, Prib) x 6 (66 in)
34 – 44. 66
45 (9 SBN, UB) x 6 (60 SBN)
46 (8 SBN, UB) x 6 (54 in)
47 (7 SBN, UB) x 6 (48 off)
48 (6 SBN, UB) x 6 (42 off)
49 (5 SBN, UB) x 6 (36 in)
50. (4 SBN, UB) x 6 (30 SBN)
51 (3 SBN, UB) x 6 (24 SBN)
52 (2 SBN, UB) x 6 (18 SBN)
53. (1 SBN, UB) x 6 (12 SBN)
54. (UB) x 6 (6 SBN)

Pull the hole, fasten and trim the thread

Hands (2 details)

1.6 In-ring
2. Prib x 6 (12)
3. (1 SBN, Prib) x 6 (18)
4-7 18
8. (1 SBN, UB) x 6 (12)
9-14 12 Sat
15. (UB) x 6 (6 SBN)

Close the loop, sew the handles.
Photo taken for example

Source : https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4292726/post412039697/

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