

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

vp - Air loop; 
Comp. - connecting column; 
st.b / n. - column without nakida; 
Art.Sn. - double crochet; 
shell. - (2nd century, 2nd century, 2nd century) in the next loop or under ce 
TP (Triple Pico) - (5v.p., connections, 7v.p., connections, 5v.p, connections) in the top of the last knit string

Big Christmas tree: First, a cone-shaped fit. 
It is necessary to knit by inserting a hook behind the back walls of the loops !!! as shown in this figure.


1st row: 4e.p., 20 tablespoons. in the fourth loop from the hook, join with the help of com. in the 3rd loop of four vp (21 st.Sn.) 
2nd row: 3v.p., Art.Sn. in each loop in a circle, connect. 
3rd row: 3rd ce, art. in each of the next two loops (2st ch. in the next loop, senior ch. in the next loop) in a circle, join (30 senior ch.). 
4th row: 3rd ce, art. in each loop, connect. 
5th row: 3rd ce, art. in each of the next two loops in the next loop, (senior sn. in the next loop, 2nd stage ch. into the next loop) in a circle, join (44 senior ch.) 
6–9th row: 3rd c., senior st. in each loop, connect. 
10th row:Grade 3, art. in the same loop, in the next st ( in each of the next two loops in next st) around, join (60 
11th row: 3v.p., in each loop, connect. 
12th row: 3rd ce, art. in each of the next two loops (2nd century ch. into the next loop, senior ch. into the next six loops) in a circle, join (68 senior ch.). 
13th row: 3rd ce, art. in each loop, connect. 
14th row: 3rd century, 2nd century. in the next loop, (senior sn. in the next five loops, 2nd century ch. into the next loop) in a circle, join. 
15-18th row: 3rd ce, art. in every loop. Thread to break.

After that, on a cone-shaped base, twigs are imposed.

Sprigs: Now you need to knit by inserting a hook under the front wall of the loop and holding the cone with the crown straight towards you!

1st row: (knit for the front walls of the loops of the first row of the cone), join with the help of connection. to any loop, (3v.p., senior sn, 2vp, to the same loop, 1v. p. ., skip the next two loops) in a circle, join using a connection. at the top of the column from 3v. p.

2nd row: connect in the next loop, (Comp., 3v.p.,, TP, under the arch of two ce, 1v.p. under ce.p., * (, TP, under the arch of the ce the next "bush", 1st cc, art.b / n., under the following cn, 1st cc; repeat from *, connect, thread break.

Of these two rows is the harness, which forms the twigs. Repeat the harness, tying the front walls of the loops 4 rows of cones, only in the first row of the harness to miss not two but three loops. 
Then tie the rows 7,10,13 and 16 in the same way.

The average Christmas tree: The cone-shaped base consists of 15 rows. Twine rows of 1,4,7 and 13.

Little Christmas Tree: The cone-shaped base consists of 12 rows. Tie twigs rows 1,4,7 and 10.

Completion of work: With the help of available tools, to make a form in the form of a cone. For example, you can cut strips from plastic bags and evenly wrap them around some sticks.

Christmas tree to treat means for starching tissue and put on the form. Sprigs give shape, as they dry.


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