
Newborn Set Free Pattern

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Blouse: Dial 81 loop Knit Elastic band 1x 1 2 cm 1 row chain then add in 1m, 3m 1st row: Every 3 Peteli knit of 1-3 3rd row: Through 5 loops knit out 1-3 then crochet 3 row chain Then again knit like the 1st and 3rd rows but only adding to do through 7 and 9  Loops should get 216 loops, and again the chain from above on a lateral lath do not forget to tie a hole for buttons. Now these Planochki overlay each other and knit further on the circular spokes of the main pattern. Figure Shell. Loops distribute thus: on sleeves on 48 loops on a back and a front part on 60 loops. Pants on a newborn: to dial on circular spokes 90 loops, to knit obverse on a circle 6 р., knitting a tooth on which then Podgibaju. Cloves: 2 together persons, yarn, etc. then again 6 p. Persons. And then bend on the bend and sew for the gum. It turned out under the Reziku, which you then pull. Now proceed to the DOS. Picture, but add only in the 1m row after the gum evenly 30 loops and tie up to the width, then divide the loops in half and tie Shtaninki in turn. But now the nuance: when you start knitting the 1st pants First Knit 2-2.5 cm not in a circle, and back and forth. And only then tie again in a circle to a bottom and before to proceed to rezinke1h1 below-evenly turn loops to 40-46 (from a size) and as to tie 2nd a trousers. You will get between the legs square hole size 3x3 or a little more. You then dial from one side to the spoke and knit Prjamougolnichek, capturing the 1p. On the edges.


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