

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

Dimensions 15 cm

Still have time before the New Year to bind yourself such a bear - a Christmas tree)) Head v.p - the air loop sbn -stolbik without a crochet pr - in one crochet knit 2sb ub - 2 sbn tie together 1. of 2 cp - 6 cbn 2. (pr) * 6 times = 12cb 3. (1 cbn, pr) * 6 times = 18 cbn 4. (2 scf, pr) * 6 times = 24 cbn 5. (3sbn, pr) * 6 times = 30 cbn 6 . (4 RLS, etc.) * 6 = 36 times sc 

7 - 11 36 сбн

12. (4 sb, yb) * 6 times = 30 cbn 
13. (3 scales, уб) * 6 times = 24 сбн 
14. (2 сбн, уб) * 6 times = 18 сбн 
15. (1 сбн, уб) * 6 times = 12 сбн 
We are filling (tight)

16 - 17 ranks 12 cbn (neck) 
18. (1 cbn, pr) * 6 times = 18 cbn 
19. 18 cf. 
20. (2 sc., Pr) * 6 times = 24 cbn 
21. 24 cbn 
22. (3 sbn , pr) * 6 times = 30 sb

23 - 25 30 sc 
26 (3 sc, K) * 6 = 24 times 
27. (2 sc, K) * 6 = 18 times sc 
28. (1 sc, K) * 6 = 12 times sc 
29. (K ) * 6 times = 6 сбн 
We are filling (tight)

Strip the thread, fix it and cut it off. 
8 in, 6 sb, 3 sb in the last, inverted, 5 sb, (pr) * 2 times, 5 sb, pr, 1 sb, pr, 5 sb, 
pr, 2 sb, pr, 6 sb = 21 sb

2 rows knit 21 sb (the first row behind the back loop, the second - behind the front 
8 sb, (yb) * 2 times, 1 sb, (yb) * 2 times, 5 sb, yb, 5 sb 
( yb ) * 2 times, 4 сбн, уб = 12 сбн

The second leg is knitted in the same way as 
1. from 2 vp - 6 sb 
2. (pr) * 2 times = 12 sb 
3-4. 12 сбн 
5. ( уб ) * 6 times = 6 сбн 
6 - 10. 6 сбн

We fix the thread and cut off the 
second knit in the same way as 

We sew knobs, legs, ears and shape the muzzle and dress for your taste. 
Attention, I knitted the head and body with the crochet 2,5, and the legs, pens and ears 1.5
But you knit as you are used to. I have a dress made of felt, a spout of felt, a sole and palms also made of felt. Eyes - beads if there are questions, write. Lucky you knitting! 

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