Click For Crochet Abbreviations List
1. Adelia Ivia yarn No. 119 blu purple - 2 hanks
2. Adelia Ivia yarn No. 125 St. violet - 1 hank
3. Filling filler sintuh - 1 package
4. Eyes - MER-18 Round eyes with running pupils d 18 mm - 2 pcs.
5. Satin ribbon 25mm (1 ")" Gamma ". №046 purple - 0.5 m.
1. Hook №4 (4mm.)
2. Hook №2.5 (2.5mm.)
2. Needle for stapling No.? (Big and long).
3. Scissors.
4. Glue gun and glue cartridge.
5. Lighter (to set fire to the edges of satin ribbons).
Production time: 18-20 hours
Level of difficulty: C (hard).
Abbreviations used in the text:
ce - air loop
s.b. - column without nakid
psb.n. - semi-column without nakida, connecting semi-column
pov. - turn of work by 180 degrees.
Dragon head 1 part.
Hook number 4.
0.) 7th century
1.) Starting from the 2nd loop from the hook
2s.b. into one loop, 4b.n.,
(2b.b.n. into the next loop) 2 times,
4b.b., 2n.b.n. into the next loop (= 16)
2.) (2b.b.n. into the next loop) 2 times, 4 sb.n.,
(2s.b.n. into the following loop) 4 times, 4 sb .n.
(2bs.n.n. in the next loop) 2 times (= 24)
3.) 1s.n.b., ( to the next loop) 2 times,, (2s .bn. in the next loop) 2 times,
2s.b., for the rear loops (!) 10 sb.n., 1s.b.n. (= 28)
4.) - 6.) 28 ps. (28)
7.) 3bs.n., (2b.n.n. in the next loop) 2 times,
8b.n.n., (2s.B.n. in the next loop) 2 times,
13s. b.n. (= 32)
8.) 4b.b., 2s.b.b. in the next loop,
1b.sq., 2s.b.sq. in the next loop,
8b.b.n., 2s.b.n. in the next loop,
1b.sq., 2s.b.sq. in the next loop,
4b.b., 10ps.b.n. (= 36)
9.) 26b.b., 10p.s.b.n. (= 36)
10.) 6b.b., 2s.b.b. in the next loop,
1b.n., 2s.b.n. in the next loop,
8b.b.n., 2s.b.n. in the next loop,
1s.c., 2.c.. next loop,
16 ps (= 40)
11.) 40.b. (= 40)
12.) 8bs.n., 2s.b.n. in the next loop,
1s.c., 2.c.. in the next loop,
8b.b.n., 2s.b.n. in the next loop,
1s.c., 2.c.. to the next loop,
18 ps (= 44)
13.) 10bs.n., 2s.b.n. in the next loop,
1b.sq., 2s.b.sq. in the next loop,
8b.b.n., 2s.b.n. in the next loop,
1b.sq., 2s.b.sq. to the next loop,
20b.s. (= 48)
14.) - 19.) (= 48)
Finish with ps, fasten the thread and cut it off.
Dragon head 2 part.
Hook number 4.
0.) 4v.p. - connect into a ring.
1.) 8s.b. (= 8)
2.) (2s.b.n. in the next loop) 8 times (= 16)
3.) (1s.b.n., 2s.b.n.n. in the next loop) 8 times (= 24 )
4.) (2s.b.n., 2s.b.n. in the next loop) 8 times (= 32)
5.) (3s.b.n., 2s.b.n. in the next loop) 8 times (= 40)
6.) (4s.b.n., 2s.b.n. in the next loop) 8 times (= 48)
7.) - 8.) 48.b.n. (= 48)
Finish with ps, fasten the thread and cut off, leaving a long end for sewing.
Sew on the 1st part, simultaneously filling it with padding.
Glue or sew eyes on the head.
Hook number 4.
0.) - 6.) Knit like a head, part 2. (= 48)
7.) 48. b.B. (= 48)
8.) (5bs.n.n., in the next loop) 8 times (= 56)
9.) - 15.) 56s.b.n. (= 56)
16.) (5bs.n., knit together 2 loops with the help of 1.b.n.) 8 times (= 48)
17.) - 20.) 48.b. (= 48)
21.) (4bs.n., knit together 2 loops with the help of 1b.n.) 8 times (= 40)
22.) - 24.) 40b.n. (= 40)
25.) (3bs.n., knit together 2 loops using 1s.b.n.) 8 times (= 32)
26.) - 28.) 32.b. (= 32)
29.) (2bs.n., knit together 2 loops with the help of 1b.n.) 8 times (= 24)
30.) - 31.) 24b.n. (= 24)
Finish with ps, fasten the thread and cut off, leaving a long end for sewing.
Stuff and sew to the head.
Hook number 4.
0.) 2v.p.
1.) 4b.s. in the 2nd loop from the hook (from the end) (= 4)
2.) (1s.b. n., 2s.b. n.n. into the next loop) 2 times (= 6)
3.) (1s. b.n. ., 2bs.n. in the next loop) 3 times (= 9)
4.) (2s.b.n.n., 2s.b.n. into the next loop) 3 times (= 12)
5.) 12s.b. n (= 12)
6.) (2s.b.n., 2s.b.n.n. in the next loop) 4 times (= 16)
7.) - 8.) 16.b.n. (= 16)
9.) (3bs.n.n., 2s.b.n.n. in the next loop) 4 times (= 20)
10.) - 12.) (= 20)
13.) (4b.n.n., 2s.b.n.n. in the next loop) 4 times (= 24)
14.) - 17.) (= 24)
18.) (5bs.n.n., 2s.b.n.n. in the next loop) 4 times (= 28)
19.) - 23.) (= 28)
24.) (6s.b.n., 2s.b.n. in the next loop) 4 times (= 32)
25.) - 28.) 32.b.n. (= 32)
29.) (7.B.N., 2S.B.N. In the next loop) 4 times (= 36)
30.) - 33.) 36.B. (= 36)
34.) (8bs.n.n., 2s.b.n.n. in the next loop) 4 times (= 40)
35.) - 38.) (= 40)
39.) (9s.B.N., 2s.Bs.N.N. in the next loop) 4 times (= 44)
40.) - 43.) (= 44)
44.) (10bs.n.n., 2s.b.n.n. in the next loop) 4 times (= 48)
45.) - 49.) (= 48)
50.) (11s.B.N., 2s.Bs.N.N. in the next loop) 4 times (= 52)
51.) - 55.) 52s.sub.n. (= 52)
56.) Next, we knit not in a circle: 26 ps, 1pp, 1 ps.
57.) Starting from the 24th loop from the end of the previous row: (= 22)
58.) Starting from the 3rd loop from the beginning of the previous row: (= 18)
59.) Starting from the 3rd loop from the beginning of the previous row: (= 14)
60.) Starting from the 3rd loop from the beginning of the previous row: (= 10)
61.) Starting from the 3rd loop from the beginning of the previous row: (= 6)
62.) Starting from the 1st loop from the beginning of the previous row: (= 52)
Finish with ps, fasten the thread and cut off, leaving a long end for sewing.
Sew tail to the body, incidentally stuffing it with padding.
Legs (2 parts).
Hook number 4.
0.) 13th century
1.) 2s.b. in the 2nd loop from the hook (from the end),
10b.n., 4s.b.n. in the next loop,
10b.b., 2s.b.n. into the next loop (= 28)
2.) (2b.n.n. into the next loop) 2 times, 10s.b.n.,
(2s.b.n. into the next loop) 4 times, 10s.b.n. .,
(2bs.n. in the next loop) 2 times. (= 36)
3.), (2s.b.n. in the next loop) 2 times,
12s.b.n., (2s.b.n. in the next loop) 2 times,
2s .b., (2s.b.n. in the next loop) 2 times,
12s.n.n.n., (2s.b.n. in the next loop) 2 times,
1s.b.n. (= 44) Secure and tear the thread.
4.) Starting from the 16th loop from the end (!)
Of the previous row: 12bs.n., 2s.b.n. in the next loop,
1b.sq., 2s.b.sq. in the next loop,
2bs.n., 2s.b.n. in the next loop,
1b.sq., 2s.b.sq. in the next loop,
12b.s. (= 36) Fasten and tear the thread.
5.) Starting from the 34th loop from the end (!)
Of the previous row: 11s.B.N., 2S.B.N. in the next loop,
2b.sq., 2s.b.sq. in the next loop,
2b.sq., 2s.b.sq. in the next loop,
2b.sq., 2s.b.sq. in the next loop,
11s.b. (= 36) Fasten and tear the thread.
6.) Starting from the 3rd loop from the beginning (!)
Of the previous row: 10 bh, 2b. in the next loop,
3bs.n., 2s.b.n. in the next loop,
2b.sq., 2s.b.sq. in the next loop,
3bs.n., 2s.b.n. in the next loop,
10b.s. (= 36) Fasten and tear the thread.
7.) Starting from the 4th loop from the beginning (!)
Of the previous row: 9 bh, 2b. in the next loop,
2b.sq., 2s.b.sq. in the next loop,
4b.s. B., 2s.b.n. in the next loop,
2b.sq., 2s.b.sq. in the next loop, (= 34) Secure and tear the thread.
8.) Starting from the 6th loop of the 3rd (!) Series,
from the beginning of the 4th row:
62 Ph.D. (= 62)
9.) Behind the rear walls: (= 62)
10.) - 15.) 62. B. n. (= 62)
16.) 15bs.n.,
(1s.b.n., knit together 2 loops with the help of 1s.b.n.)
10 times, (= 50)
17.) 1s.B., knit together 2 loops with 1.B.N.,
(1s.B.N., knit together 2 loops with the help.S.B. )
6 times, 13b.m., knit 2 loops together using 1b.n.,
1s.b. (= 42)
18.) Tie together 2 loops with the help of 1b.n.,
10s.b.n., (1s.b. n., Knit together 2 loops with the help of 1s.b.n.)
6 times , 10bs.n., tie together 2 loops with the help of 1b.n.
(= 34)
19.) 1b. n.n., knit together 2 loops with the help of 1b. n.n.,, (1s.b. n.n., knit together 2 loops with the help of 1c. b.n.)
6 times, 6b.n., knit together 2 loops with the help of 1b.n.,
1s.b.n. (= 30)
20.) 12bs.n., (, knit together 2 loops with the help of 1b.n.n.)
2 times, 12b.n.n. (= 28)
21.) 11b.n., (1s.b.n., knit together 2 loops with the help of 1.b.n.),
2 times, 11.b.n. (= 26)
22.) - 30.) 26 ps. (= 26)
31.) (1s.b.n.,
(4s.b.n., knit together 2 loops with the help of 1s.b.n.) 2 times)
2 times (= 22)
32.) (1s .b.n.,
(3s.b.n., knit together 2 loops with the help of 1s.b.n.n.) 2 times)
2 times (= 18)
33.) (1s.B.n.,
(2s. b.n., knit together 2 loops using 1s.b. n.) 2 times)
2 times (= 14)
34.) (1s.b.,
(1bs.n., tie 2 loops together using 1b.n.) 2 times)
2 times (= 10)
35.) (Knit 2 loops together using 1s.n.n.) 5 times ( = 5)
Finish with ps, fasten the thread and cut it off.
After the second part is ready, take a long thread of the corresponding color
and insert it from the inside of the right leg (left for us, if you hold the toy facing us).
Introduce the needle into the center of the row and withdraw in the same place where it was introduced.
Next, insert the needle into the right side of the torso (in the middle of the side) (left for us, if you hold the toy facing us).
Pass the needle inside the trunk out on the opposite side:
from the left side of the body (in the middle of the side) (right for us, if you keep the toy facing us).
Now insert the needle from the inside of the left leg (right for us, if you hold the toy facing us).
Introduce the needle into the center of the row and withdraw in the same place where it was introduced.
Introduce the needle into the place in the body, from where it came out and withdraw from the opposite side, in the same place
where it was first introduced.
Fasten the thread and tear off, hiding the end of the thread in the body of the toy.
If desired, and for greater reliability, you can attach the legs to the body several times.
Embroider the toes.
Hands (2 parts).
Hook number 4.
0.) 9v.p.
1.) 2s.b. in the 2nd loop from the hook (from the end),
6bs.n., 4s.b.n. into the next loop,
6b.sq.n., 2s.b.sq. into the next loop. (= 20)
2.) 1b.b., 2s.b.n. into the next loop,
6b.sq.n., 2s.b.sq. in the next loop,
2b.sq., 2s.b.sq. into the next loop,
6b.sq.n., 2s.b.sq. in the next loop,
1s.b. (= 24)
3.) - 5.) 24s.b. (= 24)
6.) (Knit together 2 loops with the help of, 4s.b.n.)
4 times. (= 20)
7.) - 10.) 20b.s.s. (= 20)
11.) (Knit together 2 loops with the help of, 3s.b.n.)
4 times. (= 16)
12.) - 15.) (= 16)
16.) (To knit together 2 loops with the help of, 2s.b.n.)
4 times. (= 12)
17.) - 18.) 12s.b.
To stuff.
19.) (Knit together 2 loops with the help of 1 b. N., 1. B. N.)
4 times. (= 8)
20.) (Knit together 2 loops with the help of 1b. N.)
4 times. (= 4)
21.) (Tie 2 loops together using 1b. N.)
2 times (= 2)
Secure the thread and tear off.
Sew to the body as well as the legs.
Embroider fingers on hands.
The wing is right.
Hook №2,5.
0.) 37th century
1.) In the 2nd loop from the hook: 36 ps. (= 36)
2.) 1v.p., turn, 36. b.n. (= 36)
3.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. in the next loop, (= 37)
4.) 1st c.t., turn, (= 37)
5.) 1v.p., turn, behind the rear walls:
2s.b. in the next loop, 36 ps. (= 38)
6.) 1e.p., turn, (= 38)
7.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. in the next loop,
37 ps (= 39)
8.) 1st c.t., turn, (= 39)
9.) 1v.p., turn, behind the rear walls:
2s.b. in the next loop, 38 ps (= 40)
10.) 1e.p., turn, 40b.n. (= 40)
11.) 1e.p., turn, 2s.b.n. in the next loop,
39b.s. (= 41)
12.) 1e.p., turn, 41s.b. (= 41)
13.) 1v.p., turn, behind the rear walls:
2s.b. in the next loop, 40.b. (= 42)
14.) 1st c. Turn, (= 42)
15.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. in the next loop, (= 43)
16.) 1v.p., turn, 43s.b. (= 43)
17.) 1v.p., turn, behind the rear walls:
2s.b. in the next loop, 42 ps. (= 44)
18.) 1e.p., turn, (= 44)
19.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. to the next loop,
43b.s. (= 45)
20.) 1st unit, turn, (= 45)
21.) 1v.p., turn, behind the rear walls:
2s.b. to the next loop, 44b.s. (= 46)
22.) 1st c.t., turn, (= 46)
23.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. in the next loop, (= 47)
24.) 1st c.t., turn, (= 47)
25.) 1v.p., turn, behind the rear walls:
2s.b. in the next loop, 46 ps. (= 48)
26.) 1st unit, turn, 48 ps. (= 48)
27.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. in the next loop,
47 ps. (= 49)
28.) 1st unit, turn, 49s.b. (= 49)
29.) 1v.p., turn, behind the rear walls:
2s.b. in the next loop, 48b.b. (= 50)
30.) 1e.p., turn, 50s.b. (= 50)
31.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. in the next loop, (= 51)
32.) 1st c. Turn, 51 c.B. (= 51)
33.) 1v.p., turn, behind the rear walls:
2s.b. in the next loop, 50b.b. (= 52)
34.) 1v.p., turn, 52s.b.n. (= 52)
35.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. in the next loop,
51b.s. (= 53)
36.) 1v.p., turn,, combining several rows at once,
knit 6p.s.b. between the rows, 36p.s.b.
Secure and tear the thread.
Wing left.
Hook №2,5.
0.) 37th century
1.) In the 2nd loop from the hook: 36 ps. (= 36)
2.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. in the next loop, (= 37)
3.) 1e.p., turn, (= 37)
4.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. in the next loop,
36 ps. (= 38)
5.) 1v.p., turn,
behind the rear walls: (= 38)
6.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. in the next loop,
37 ps (= 39)
7.) 1st c., Turn, (= 39)
8.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. in the next loop,
38 ps (= 40)
9.) 1v.p., turn,
for the rear walls: 40.b. (= 40)
10.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. in the next loop,
39b.s. (= 41)
11.) 1e.p., turn, 41s.b. (= 41)
12.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. in the next loop,
40.b. (= 42)
13.) 1v.p., turn,
behind the rear walls: (= 42)
14.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. in the next loop, (= 43)
15.) 1st c.t., turn, 43s.b. (= 43)
16.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. in the next loop,
42 ps. (= 44)
17.) 1e.v., turn,
behind the rear walls: 44 bh. (= 44)
18.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. to the next loop,
43b.s. (= 45)
19.) 1v.p., turn, 45s.b. (= 45)
20.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. to the next loop,
44b.s. (= 46)
21.) 1v.p., turn,
behind the rear walls: 46. b.B. (= 46)
22.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. in the next loop, (= 47)
23.) 1st c.t., turn, (= 47)
24.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. in the next loop,
46 ps. (= 48)
25.) 1v.p., turn,
behind the rear walls: (= 48)
26.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. in the next loop,
47 ps. (= 49)
27.) 1st c., Turn, 49 p.b. (= 49)
28.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. in the next loop,
48b.b. (= 50)
29.) 1v.p., turn,
behind the rear walls: 50s.b. (= 50)
30.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. in the next loop, (= 51)
31.) 1st c. Turn, 51 c.B. (= 51)
32.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. in the next loop,
50b.b. (= 52)
33.) 1v.p., turn,
behind the rear walls: 52s.b. (= 52)
34.) 1v.p., turn, 2s.b. n. in the next loop,
51b.s. (= 53)
35.) 1v.p., turn, 53s.B. (= 53)
36.) 1v.p., turn,
53p.s.b.n., combining several rows at once,
knit 6p.s..B.n. between the rows, 36p.s.b.
Secure and tear the thread.
Both wings sew to the back of the toy.
Ears (4 parts: 2 internal and 2 external).
Hook number 4.
0.) 2v.p.
1.) In the 2nd loop from the hook: 8b.n. (= 8)
2.) (2s.b.n. in the next loop) 8 times (= 16)
3.) (1s.b.n., 2s.b.n.n. in the next loop) 8 times (= 24 )
Further knit not in a circle:
1 *.) 8s.b.n. (= 8)
2 *.) 1v.p., turn,
2s.b. n. in the next loop, 4b.s. B.,
2s.b.n. in the next loop (= 6)
3 *.) 1v.p., turn,
2s.b. in the next loop, 2b.sq.,
2s.b.sq. in the next loop (= 4)
4 *.) 1vp, turn,
(2b.n.n. in the next loop)
2 times (= 2)
First you need to link two internal parts,
and then - two external. Each external part must be tied
to the internal part with the help of one row of the sbn
along the entire perimeter of both parts.
When both ears are ready, they need to sew to the head.
Nostrils (2 parts).
Hook №2,5.
0.) 2v.p.
1.) In the 2nd loop from the hook: 8b.n. (= 8)
Secure and tear the thread.
When both parts are ready,
glue them to the head with a
glue gun.
Pads on hand (2 parts).
Hook №2,5.
0.) 2v.p.
1.) In the 2nd loop from the hook: 8b.n. (= 8)
2.) (2s.b.n. in the next loop) 8 times (= 16)
3.) (1s.b.n., 2s.b.n.n. in the next loop) 8 times (= 24 )
Secure and tear the thread.
When both parts are ready,
glue them to your hands with a
glue gun.
Pads on the legs (2 parts).
Hook №2,5.
0.) 2v.p.
1.) In the 2nd loop from the hook: 8b.n. (= 8)
2.) (2s.b.n. in the next loop) 8 times (= 16)
3.) (1s.b.n., 2s.b.n.n. in the next loop) 8 times (= 24 )
4.) (2s.b.n., 2s.b.n. in the next loop) 8 times (= 32)
Fasten and break the thread.
When both parts are ready,
glue them to the feet with a
glue gun.
Hook №2,5.
0.) 4v.p.
1.) In the 2nd hook
loop : 2s.b. in the next loop, 1s.b.
4b.s. in the next loop, 1s.c.,
2.c.. into the next loop (= 10)
2.) (2b.n.n. into the next loop) 2
1s.b.n. ., (2s.b.n. the next loop), 2 times (= 18)
3.) 1s.b.n. (2s.b.n. next loop) 2 times,
3s.b.n., (2s.b.n. in the next loop) 2 times,
2s.b.n., (2s.b.n. in the next loop) 2 times,
3s.b.n. the next loop) 2 times,
1s.b. (= 26)
4.) 2bs.n., 2s.b.n. in the next loop,
1b.sq., 2s.b.sq. in the next loop,
3bs.n., 2s.b.n. in the next loop,
1b.sq., 2s.b.sq. in the next loop,
4b.n., 2s.b.n. in the next loop,
1b.sq., 2s.b.sq. in the next loop,
3bs.n., 2s.b.n. in the next loop,
1b.sq., 2s.b.sq. in the next loop,
2s.b. (= 34) Secure and tear the thread.
5.) In the 10th loop from the end (!) Of the
previous row:
6 bh, (2 bh to the next loop) 2 times,
4 bh, (2 b. in the next loop) 2 times,
6s.b. (= 24) Secure and tear the thread.
6.) In the 3rd loop of the previous row:
6b.n., 2s.b.n. into the next loop,
6b.sq.n., 2s.b.sq. in the next loop,
6s.b. (= 22) Secure and tear the thread.
7.) In the 3rd loop of the previous row:
5bs.n., 2s.b.n. into the next loop,
6b.sq.n., 2s.b.sq. in the next loop, (= 20) Secure and tear the thread.
Glue the toys to the body
with a glue gun.
Hook number 4.
Attach the thread to the head in the center between the eyes of the toy
and knit a line from the doctor of biological sciences in the direction of one of the ears.
On the border of the head knit 16v.p.
Then, starting with the 2nd loop from the hook, knit 15pcs.b. +
line from psb.n. to end.
Without breaking the thread, tie the second barb to the other ear in the same way
as the first. After that, fasten and tear the thread.
The toy is ready! You can decorate it by tying a bright satin bow around your neck.