
Amigurumi Doll Pattern

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List


VP-Air Loop

PRS-Column without a throw

D-Raise (in one loop 2 columns)

UB-Decrease (2 loops to knit together)

PRSPs-Needle with Crochets

SS-Connection column (or needle without a throw)

Step 1. Feet.

Yarn of three colors (black, white, nude)

1r. Black yarn (Share-ch) to dial 5v. P., to knit 3SBN, starting with the second from the hook Pet., 3SBN in the last p., turn and knit on the back of the chain, 2SBN, etc. Further knit in a spiral.

Say C.P. Ave, 3SBN, 2PR, 3SBN, PR

3r. Connect white yarn. (bps) 14SBN spiral

4rs. BPS Ave, 5sbn, D, 7SBN

5-6 R. C.P.-16SBN Spiral

7-8 R. BPS-16SBN in a spiral. + Tie further 2 PRs in the spiral to align the center

9r. C.P. 10SBN, 2PR, 4SBN

10r. C.P. 3SBN, UB (heel), 7SBN, D, 5SBN

11r. bps 1SBN, ub, 1SBN, UB, 3SBN, PR, 4SBN, PR, 3SBN

12r. bps 2SBN, ub, 14SBN

13r. C.P. 1SBN, 3PSSN, 3SBN, 8SS, 2SBN

14. C.P. 2SBN, UB, 13SBN

15r. bps 16SBN + 2sbn for agglomeration (just continue the series for another 2 PRS)))

16r, bps 16SBN

17. C.P. 16SBN + 2SBN

18r. H. P 16SBN

19-20 R. bps 16SBN

21-22 R. C.P. 16SBN + 2SBN

23r. BPS Ave, 15sbn

24r. bps 17SBN, thread break (white)

25-26 R. C.P. 17SBN, thread to break (black) to join the flesh color

27r. knit behind the back wall of the loop 9SBN, D (knee) 7SBN

28-45 p PRS in a spiral bodily color.

The second leg knit Annalogichno.

Change of color found on the PP way from Dashulkin most acceptable (next doll knitting So)))


So that when knitting on a spiral it was not possible to see the junction of two different colors, here is what to try. So, crochet on a spiral, have tied a row with one color (color 1), start to knit the next row and you need to tie it with the color two (2), so here, this series you start with Will connect. The column with the old color, then change the thread and again in the same column of the previous row make another one will connect. The column in another color (do not forget it in the next row to skip, and then one loop will be more) and crochet on another color... At many at this way change of a thread is not visible at all, it is still very from density of knitting depends, in general, it is necessary to try. "
Author of the message Dashulkin

Hands (description given for right hand, left knit mirrored)

Do not forget to stuff the details as you knit!

For fingers to dial 2VP, to knit 6SBN in the second from a hook p.

Further to bind on a spiral for one finger 12sbn, for three on 18SBN.

Connecting Fingers

1. Around the first finger to knit 3sbn, attach the 2nd, to untie the 2SBN, attach the 3rd, PROVJAZAT5SBN, go to the 2nd. To untie the 2SBN, go to the 1st, to untie the 2SBN,

2-3 R. PRs Spiral (14)

Then you can just tie up to the 13th row in a spiral (14SBN) and sew a big finger.

I knitting so

4r. to 5SBN, sledujushhie3p to knit together with the loops of the thumb, 6SBN

5p 5SBN, 3SBN (left hinges of a finger) 7SBN (15)

6r. 15SBN,

7r. 4SBN, UB, 9SBN

8-13 R. PRs Spiral (14)
14r. Ave, 6SBN, D, 6SBN

15-19 R. PRs Spiral (15)

20.2ub, 3SBN, 4soed st (needle), 5SBN

21r. 5SBN, 1SBN for the front polupetlju, 2PR, for the front. pp., 1SBN for the front pp, 3SBN

22-23 R. PRs Spiral

24r. 2PSSN, 14SBN

25r. 1SBN, D, 6SBN, D, 7SBN

26-34 R. PRs Spiral (18)

35 R. 1SBN, UB

36 R. UB.

Knit Torso

Source : https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/saraeva_ekaterina/post407070640/

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