
Gazelle Amigurumi Crochet

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

We will need yarn: 
• Basic color - less than 50 gr; 
• Colors-companion - about 20-30 gr; 
• Third color - very little; 
• Additional color - too little. 
• Also need a little bit of white, green, dark green and black colors. 
• Favorite hook; 
• Packing; 
• Needle for stapling. 
Additional materials: 
8 beads of black color and 1 oblong bead of any color. 
Fine black thread for embroidery. 
Tip: the  first 2 colors preferably take a warm shade, and the third - a cool shade. 

When knitting yarn by the meter 100 g / 400 m (I knitting acrylic YarnArt SUPER PERLE) and hook № 1,5  IS turns about 19 cm.

VP - air loop; 
СС - connecting column; 
Sbn - a column without a crochet; 
ПССН - полустолбик with накидом; 
SSN - a column with a crochet; 
СС2Н - a column with 2 nakidami; 
Pr - increase: 2 sb on one loop of the base; 
pri PRSP - increase: 2 PRSPs on one loop of the base; 
приб ССН - an increase: 2 ССН on one loop of the base; 
Ub - reduction: 2 sbn to tie together; 
pico - closed ring of air loops. A simple chain of 3 VPs is knitted, then the loop on the hook connects the SS to the first air loop of the chain.

Source : https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/3909543/post322490857/

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