
Crochet Lace Blouse and Pattern

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The size: 44.


Materials: 500 g of beige yarn (100% acrylic, 410 m / 100 g), circular knitting needles No. 3.


Eraser 1 to 1:


facial rows - alternately 1 face loop, 1 purl loop.

Wrinkle the rows in the figure.


The main pattern: knit by the scheme 1.


The diagram shows the front rows, the purl rows are knitted according to the pattern. In height, repeat from the 1st to the 8th row.


Openwork insert: knit by the scheme 2.


The diagram shows the front rows, the purl rows are knitted according to the pattern.


In height, repeat from the 1st to the 16th series.




Collect 98 items and knit 2 cm with elastic band 1 by 1. Continue knitting with the main pattern according to scheme 1, at the same time distribute the openwork insert according to scheme 2 at the middle. At the height of 42 cm from the dial-up for forming an armhole on both sides in each face row, close 1 times 5 pts, 1 time 3 pips, 3 times 1 pt. At a height of 63 cm from the set of the loop, close the loop.




Knit like a back, but with a deeper neckline. To do this, at an altitude of 50 cm from the set, close the middle 20 pts and continue to knit both sides separately. To round off the cutout of the neck on both sides in each face row, close 1 time in 3 pts, 4 times in 1 pt. At a height of 63 cm from the set of the loop, close the hinges.




Dial 62 items and knit 2 cm with elastic band 1 by 1. Continue knitting pattern 1, distributing the openwork insert in the middle of the sleeve.

To expand the sleeve on both sides in each 4th facial row add 5 times to 1 p. At a height of 19 cm from the set of rows for the formation of pellets, the sleeves on both sides in each face row are closed 1 time in 4 pcs, 2 times in 2 etc., 24 times 1 p. At an altitude of 29 cm from the dial-up loop, close the loop.




Carry out shoulder and side seams. Sew and sew the sleeves. On the outer edge of the cutout of the neck from the edge loops of the cutout of the neck, dial the loops and knit 2 cm with an elastic band 1 by 1.

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