
How to Make Frog Amigurumi

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1. 6 сн in the ring
2. Pribx6 (12)
3. (1, prib) x6 (18)
4. (2, prib) x6 (24)
5. (3, prib) x6 (30)
6. (4, prib) x6 (36)
7. (5, prib) x6 (42)
8. (6, prib) x6 (48)
9. (7, prib) x6 (54)
10. (8, prib) x6 (60)
11-15. (60)
16. (8, y6) x6 (54)
17. (7, yb) x6 (48)
18. (6, yb) x6 (42)
19. (5, yb) x6 (36)
20. (4, yb) x6 (30)
1. 6 сн in the ring
2. Pribx6 (12)
3. (1, prib) x6 (18)
4. (2, prib) x6 (24)
5. (3, prib) x6 (30)
6. (4, prib) x6 (36)
7. (5, prib) x6 (42)
8. (6, prib) x6 (48)
9. (7, prib) x6 (54)
10. Behind the back half-
lu (54)
Change color
11-18. (54)
19. (7, y6) x6 (48)
20. (6, yb) x6 (42)
21. (5, yb) x6 (36)
22. (4, yb) x6 (30)
White part
1. 6 сн in the ring
2. Pribx6 (12)
3. (1, prib) x6 (18)
4-10. (18)
Green part
1. Dial 5 in, in the 2-
from the hook
increase, yes-
More than 2 sb, prib, on
other side-4
sb. (10)
2. 2 arr, 4 sbn, 4
sbn, 3 prib, 5 sbn,
turn, turn (16)
3. 6 sb, prib, 1 sbn,
prib, 7 сбн, вп, по-
return (18)
4. 7 sb, (prib, 1 sbn)
х3, 4 сбн, вп, по-
return (21)
5-8. 21 sb, bp, pover-
In the ring amigurumi
to tie 2 in, 11 ssn,
connect with
ss. Bind to others
color connective-
th column.
Front foot
We knit 4 fingers. On an even
we do not break off vertically
a thread
1. 6 sb in the ring
2. Prib x6 (12)
3-4. (12)
5. уб х6 (6)
6-9. (12)
10. Connect all the fingers
tsy, tying up 3 sbn
on the second, third
finger. On the fourth
finger tie all 6
sb, then the remaining 3
on the third and the second
finger and all 6 cd on
first (24)
11-12. (24)
13. (2 sb, yb) x6 (18)
14. (18)
Change color
15-18. (18)
19. (1 сбн, уб) х6 (12)
20-31. (12)
Rear foot
We knit also as before-
nyuyu paw without changing
color, up to the 18th row.
19. (4 сбн, уб) х3 (15)
20-29. (15)
Change color
30-49. (15)


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