
Long Cardigan Free Pattern

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36/38 (40/42 in)

You will need to
Yarn (46% Wool, 46% viscose, 8% polyamide; 210 m/50 g)-250 (300) Indigo color, 200 (200) G denim-blue and 150 (150) g dark blue; Hook № 3.5; Five buttons.

Patterns and diagrams

Finishing pattern (= pattern of laths)
Knit Art. b/N. To move from row to row perform 1 VP rise instead of 1st St. b/N.

Basic Pattern 1
Crochet № 3.5 Knit art. c/N. To move from row to row perform 3 VP lifting instead of 1st art. c/N.

Basic Pattern 2
Crochet № 3.5 Knit on the scheme. Run 1 time from 1st to 5th p., then repeat 4th and 5th p.

Sequence of strips (for shelves and backrest)
12 p. Dark blue,
30 r. Indigo Color,
To the end knit a denim-blue thread.

Sequence of strips (for sleeves)
10 p. Dark blue,
20 R. Indigo Color,
To the end knit a denim-blue thread.

2 art. S/N, off 3 art. c/n Get together = Lower 1st. S/N, off 2 art. c/N.

Density of Knitting
17 Art. S/n x 10 R. = 10 x 10 cm, connected by the main pattern 1;
1.5 of the Rapport (= 30 p. Initial chain) x 7.5 p. = 10 x 10 cm, is associated with the main pattern 2. Patterns are made crochet № 3.5.

To a pass of a shelf and a backrest knit a uniform cloth.

Doing the work
Crochet № 3.5 dark blue Thread to perform the initial chain of 361 (401) v P + 1 VP Lifting and Knit 1 p. St. b/N (= 1st P. diagrams).

Then Knit the main pattern 2, changing the color of the thread in the specified sequence and distributing the loops as follows: Start with 10 p. Before the Rapport, 17 (19) times to perform the Rapport, finish 11 p. After the Raport.

After 58 cm from the initial chain = 43 p. Continue to work the denim-blue thread and perform the scheme 1 transition to the main node 1.

Having Finished the scheme 1 (left 5 art. S/n + 17 (19) times to 9 St. C/n + 6 art. S/n = Total 164 (182) St. S/N), continue knitting basic pattern 1.

After 65 cm from the initial chain start to form the cut bevel and for this to reduce from both sides in each row 15 times to 1 p.

At the same time 70 cm from the initial chain (left 156 (174) St. C/N) loops divided, noting 37 (41) p. For the Right shelf, 82 (92) p. For the Backrest and 37 (41) p. For the left shelf.

Continue the work first on the hinges of the right (in the sock) shelves, continuing from the right edge of the Ubavka for bevel cut.

From the left edge to leave for Armlet unknitted at first 3 p., then in each next row another 5 (6) times on 1 p. = after decreases ostel18 (21) p.

After 90 (91) cm from the initial chain work finish.

Continue to work on the hinges left (in the sock) shelves, with the right edge left for the Armlet first 3 p. unknitted, then in each next row 5 (6) times to 1 p.

At the Same time from the left edge to continue the decrease for bevel cut = after decreases left 18 (21) p.

After 90 (91) cm from the initial chain work finish.

Continue to work on the back loops.

For armlet leave on both parties unknitted at first on 3 p., then in each next row another 5 (6) times on 1 p. = 66 (74) p.

After 90 (91) cm from the initial chain of work to finish, while in the last row of 18 (21) of the backrest, forming the shoulder edges, connect with the shoulder edges of the shelves with the help of a nozzle. Art. On both sides.

Crochet № 3.5 dark blue Thread to perform the initial chain of 81 V P + 1 VP Lifting and Knit 1 p. St. b/N. Work to continue the basic pattern 2, changing the color of the thread in the specified sequence and distributing the loops as follows: Start with 10 p. Before the Rapport, 3 times to perform rapport, finish 11 p. After Raport.

For Skosov to add on both sides in each next 6 (4)-M p. 5 (7) times on 1 art. S/n = 91 (95) N.

After 40 cm from the initial chain = 30 p. Work continue the denim-blue thread and perform the scheme 1 transition to the main pattern 1, while in the 1st and 5th p. On both sides to add 1 art. c/N, and in the 5th p. According to the scheme additionally in each rapport in the middle of 2 art. S/n, executed on one loop of the base of the previous row, to knit on 1 art. c/N. Finishing the scheme (left 12 (14) St. C/n + 3 times to 11 St. C/n + 13 (15) St. C/n = Total 58 (62) St. S/N), continue the work of the main pattern 1.

After 45 cm from the initial chain to start to form the Okat: At the beginning of a row of 3 p. To bind the nozzle. At the end of the series 3 p. Leave unknitted. In each next row similarly to reduce 11 times on 1 p. and 4 times on 2 p. = 14 (18) art. c/N.

After 60 cm from the initial chain of work to finish.

Put the Parts on the pattern, moisten and leave to dry. Sew sleeves. Run the seams of the sleeves.

The Front edges of the shelves and the edge of the neck tie the denim-blue thread of the art. b/n = plank width 2.5 cm. At the Same time at the width of the strapping 1 cm on the bar of the right shelf to execute 5 holes for buttons: 1-E hole to arrange 2 cm below the arm, the rest-with an interval of 10 cm.

Sew the buttons.

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