
Cardigan with embroidery free pattern

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yarn 1 (50% yak wool, wool 50%; 130 m / z 50) - 300 g of black, 100 g of a reddish-brown and 50 g ecru-colored; 
Yarn 2 (41% cotton; 33% mohair, 14% wool, 11% polyamide, 1% elastane; 160 m / 50 g) - 150 g of earth color; Knitting needles № 4,5; circular needles № 4,5; hook number 3; 7 brown buttons with a diameter of 30 mm. 


number of loops is even. 

Persons rows: alternately 1 out., 1 persons. 

Out rows: face loops knit purl, purl loops - face. 

Facial rows - facial hinges, purl rows - purl loops. 

Each color patch knit from a separate coil. To prevent holes in the knitted fabric, cross the threads when changing colors on the wrong side of the work. Knit on acc. schemes. The diagrams are given the front and purl rows, including chrome. loops. 

Pattern A 
Knit according to the scheme 1 with the front satin stitch and garter stitch (= planks). 

Pattern B 
Knit according to the scheme 2 with the front satin stitch and garter stitch (= planks). 

Pattern C 
Knit according to the scheme 3 with the front satin stitch and garter stitch (= planks). 

The counting of rows in schemes 2 and 3 begins from the lower bar (1st row = 1st row after the bar). The embroidery motifs, laid out in schemes 2 and 3, are knitted when knitted, additionally performed on a finished knitted fabric. 

94 p. black and 30 p. colors of the earth = only 124 rows. 

36 p. black, 
38 p. earth colors, 
50 p. auburn = total 124 series. 

ST. B / N 

Crochet in a circle. Each row starts with 1 in. to lift up instead of 1st st. b / n., finish 1 com. in ce lifting. 

18.5 p. X 25.5 r. = 10 x 10 cm, connected by the front surface on the needles No. 4, 5. 


Dial a 90 pt black thread and knit for the lower strap 2 cm = 5 p. pearl pattern, starting with izn. row. Next, knit facial satin. 

Through 31.5 cm = 80 p. from the bottom bracket, continue the work with pattern A in the intarsia technique

Through 52.5 cm = 134 p. from the lower bar close on both sides for the armholes, first 1 time in 3 points, then in each 2nd p. 1 more times for 2 p. and 5 times for 1 p. = 70 p. 

Through 71.5 cm = 182 p. from the bottom of the bar, close the neck for the middle 16 points and finish both sides separately. 

For rounding the neck close from the inside edge in each 2nd p. 1 time 3 points and 2 times 2 points. 

Simultaneously through 72 cm = 184 p. from the bottom rail close from the outer edge for the shoulder bevel in each 2nd p. first 1 time 5 points, then in every 2nd p. 2 more times 5 points. 

Through 74, 5 cm = 190 p. from the bottom plate close the remaining 5 p. of the shoulder. 

The second side finish symmetrically. 

Dial 48 pt with black thread and knit the bottom bar as described for the back.

Continue the work in pattern B, distributing the loops in the following sequence: chrome., 43 p. smooth surface of pattern B, 4 p. pearl pattern (= front plate). 

From the right edge, perform the armhole, as on the back = 38 p. 

Through 69 cm = 176 p. from the lower bar close from the left edge for the neck, first 1 time 8 s, then in each 2nd p. 1 more times 3 points, 2 times 2 points and 3 times 1 point. From the right edge, perform the shoulder bevel, as on the back, and close the last 5 points of the shoulder at the same height. 

Knit symmetrically left shelf, but with pattern C and with holes for buttons.

For the 1st hole through 22 p. from the bottom slats close in faces. 4th and 5th paragraphs from the beginning of the series, next time. row instead of closed to gain new loops. The following 6 holes distribute at intervals of 22 p. and do likewise. 

LEFT SLEEVE Gather with a 
thread the colors of the earth 46 p. And knit for a slat 10 cm = 25 p. pearl pattern. 

To continue the work with the front satin stitch, changing the color of the thread in the sequence of strips A. 

At the same time, starting from the strip, add on both sides for bevels 7 times in each 10th p. 1 p. = 60 p. 

through 34.5 cm = 88 p. from the bar close on both sides for okat, first 1 time for 3 p., then in each 2nd p. 1 more times for 2 p., 14 times for 1 p. 1 time for 2 p. and 1 time for 3 p. 

In 48.5 cm = 124 p. from the bar to close the remaining 12 p.

Knit like a left sleeve, but changing the color of the thread in the sequence B. 

For a string of reddish-brown yarn knit in a circle: 

1st row: 6 tbsp. b / n; 

2nd row: double each loop (= in 2 loops, make 2 items b / n) = 12 p. Complete the work. 

For the yarn ring made of red-brown yarn, perform the 1st and 2nd rows as described for the small “box”. 

3rd row: double each loop = 18 p. Finish the job. 

Large and small "boxes" arranged on the shelves according to the schemes and sew. Stems and inflorescences embroider acc. thread ecru color and reddish-brown thread stalked seam and seam "loop interlocked". Run shoulder seams. 

For bei dial on the circular needles along the edge of the neckline with a thread of earth color 74 p. And knit garter stitch. After 5 cm of the loop, close the pattern. 

Sew sleeves. Run side seams and sleeve seams. Sew buttons.

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