
Neck Decollete Blouse Free Pattern

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Probably in all knitting groups has flashed this pullover, and not once)). The scheme is attached to it. It is possible to knit and on it, but it will be already another pullover. Consider the pattern in detail difficult because of the poor quality of the photo, but you can choose from two options.
Pattern 1, even number of loops + 1
1row-1persons, 1 N and so up to the end of the series, The Last loop faces 
2 row-like looking viscous 
3 row-1 persons, izn remove with the scale (as in the English elastic band), and so to the end of the series, The Last loop faces 
4 row-as looks viscous, thus a loop with a scale to touch together a face
Repeat from the 1st row

Pattern 2, even number of loops + 1
1 row-1 persons, izn remove with the scale (as in the English elastic band), and so to the end of the series, The Last loop faces 
2 Series-As the mating looks, with the loop with the scale to touch together the front
3 row-like looking viscous 
4 row-1 Izn, faces to remove with the scale, and so through the end of the range, the last loop is 
5 Series-as looks viscous, with a loop with a scale to hang together reverse
6 row-like looking viscous 
Repeat from the 1st row.


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