
Knitting Boots Flight of Fantasy

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Complexity: Above average
Working time: 40 hours

Hello Dear Masters and Masters. I'm new here, and to get acquainted, I decided to show my Master class on knitting autumn boots. I do boots long, knitting from summer to winter options also like to give a new life old Shoes tying and decorating with flowers sandals and shoes. I get great pleasure from knitting boots. I hope my experience will inspire you and you will try to connect such boots. Now knitted shoes are in vogue, and it is not difficult to care for it. The boots are erased and remain in first form. Try, there will be questions, answer.

We will need:


Yarn 2 Skein 100 gr

Needles and Hook 2.5


Gypsy Needle

Cardboard for Pomponov.

Step 1: Trim the buckle and the tongue in the shoes.

2 step. Make punctures with shilom along the whole soles of the shoes for a distance of about 1 cm. On these puncture do simple stitches. The most difficult to sew on the sock, because it is done blindly and it is very difficult to find the right hole. In the future, the bottom is sewn to these stitches Part of the knitted boot.

3 step. Now proceed to knitting the bottom part of the boot, which is knit stocking viscous, all loops face. I start with the sock, while all the time applying to the shoes, making the necessary ubavki and additions.

4 step. Knit base Sew to the stitches, which was made in 2 step. After knitting a drawstring caterpillar, it sew on the edge, in order to hide the seam connection of the base with stitches. All the lower part of the boot is ready.

5 step. Proceed to the knitting of the ankle, knit the selected pattern as a normal sock, starting with the gum, thus making 2 holes to enter the lace with Pompnami. I do not give the scheme of the Golenishche, let it be your imagination. Knit the ankle to the desired length of boots.

6 step. We bring to the heel, then 2 spokes with loops close and knit on the first spoke of the soap front.

7 step. The knitted top is pressed to the bottom part. All the boots are ready.

With the lowered riding boots look good with jeans.

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