

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

Necessary material and tools:
red - Kirov Iris (1/4 coil) 
pink - Kirov iris (1 coil) 
White - (1 skein) 
hooks number 2 and 1 
PVA glue or any other adhesive transparent.

Knit booties:


Link 20 ce (knit in 2 threads).

1. a row
You have a chain of 20 inc. 
(the numbering from the beginning of knitting, that is, where the tail is left is the first loop, and where you currently have the hook is the loop 
* Connect 1 point of the string * From the 19th to the 11th loop - knit 1 st. Of b / n., Total 9 columns b / n. 
* From the 10th to the 2nd air loop of the chain - knit 1 st. From / n., Total of 9 columns from / n.

In the first loop to tie 7 tbsp. s / n 
Link 9 Art. s / n (one in each loop) 
Next, link 9 Art. b / n (one in each loop) 
In the last loop to link 6 tbsp. b / n 
Finish a row with a connecting loop.

2. row
3 air hinges for lifting 
19 tbsp. s / n one in each loop. 
In the next 5 loops knit 2 tbsp. s / n

Link 20 Art. s / n one in each loop 
In the next 5 loops knit 2 tbsp. s / n 
Finish the row with a connecting loop.

3. row
3 air loops for lifting 
19 tbsp. s / n one in each loop 
Next, knit: 
2 tbsp. s / n in one loop, 1 tbsp. s / n, 2 tbsp. s / n in one loop, 1 tbsp. s / n, 2 tbsp. s / n in one loop, 2 tbsp. s / n in one loop, 1 tbsp. s / n, 2 tbsp. s / n in one loop, 1 tbsp. s / n, 2 tbsp. s / n in one loop.

Link 20 Art. s / n one in each loop 
Next, knit: 
2 tbsp. s / n in one loop, 1 tbsp. s / n, 2 tbsp. s / n in one loop, 1 tbsp. s / n, 2 tbsp. s / n in one loop, 2 tbsp. s / n in one loop, 1 tbsp. s / n, 2 tbsp. s / n in one loop, 1 tbsp. s / n, 2 tbsp. s / n in one loop. 
Finish the row with a connecting loop.

4. row
3 air loops for lifting the 
entire 4 row knit art. s / n one in each loop (Total 20 + 16 + 20 + 16 = 72 loops). 
Finish the row with a connecting loop.

Art. s / n in the 4th row to knit behind the back wall of the row.

5. row
3 air loops for lifting the 
entire 5 row knit art. s / n one in each loop 
End the row with a connecting loop. 
6. Row
1 air loop for lifting the 
entire 6 row knit art. b / n one in each loop 
End the row with the help of a connecting loop To 
knit the last loop of the 6th row with red thread (do not break the white thread).

7. Row (knit with red thread) 
1 air loop for lifting. 
All 7 row knit art. b / n one in each loop 
End the row with a connecting loop to 
knit the last loop of the 7th row with a thread of white color (tear off the red thread).

8. row (knit with white thread) 
1 air loop for lifting the 
whole 8 row knit st. b / n one in each loop 
End the row with a connecting loop 
Cut the thread.

On the bootie, the beginning of the 9th row is marked with a needle. To do this, fold the bootie along the length (place of the fold is the center), count 7 loops from the center, start knitting in the 8 loop. 
In the diagram, the beginning of the 9th row is marked * 
The ninth row is knit with a pink thread.

9. row
Tie 3 air loops for lifting. 
Knit 58 st. s / n one in each loop 
The remaining 14 loops are not knitted. 
10. row
Expand work. Link one vp for lifting. The whole series of knit art. b / n

11. row (start) 
Expand work. Link 4 vp, in the fourth loop to bind art. s / n 
Continue to knit one article. s / n in every loop.

11. row (end) 
At the end of the 11th row, do 
not tie up the 3 columns. Instead, tie one column with two nakida in the last loop.

12. row
Expand work. Link one vp for lifting. The whole series of knit art. b / n

13. Row, 15. Row, 17. Row, 19. Row
Knit like 11 row. 
14. A row, 16. A row, 18. A row
Knit like a 12 row.

Flower: (scheme) 
1 row
5 v. close the circle 
Link 18 Art. s / n

2 row
Knit 18 columns b / n. one for each art. s / n Foundation of Art. s / n marked with a needle

Ready Circle

Fasten the thread on the wrong side. 
Make a loop, after which the thread should be on the wrong side.

Fasten the eyelet

Embroider 3 petals with red thread

Embroider 3 petals with pink thread

Sewing flowers on booties 
Flowers should be on different sides of booties, that is, there is a difference between the right and left booties.


Tongue - Scheme

Swap 4 ce

1 row
In the first loop, tie 6 tbsp. s / n (total 7 columns)

2 row
Expand work 
3 vp for lifting 
In each loop knit on 2 st.S / n.

Next, link 10 Art. b / n from the end of the second row to the beginning of the second row 
Break the thread

3 row
Knit with pink thread (do not unfold the work) 
3 v.p. for lifting 
Link 9 Art. s / n (in each article w / n. of the previous row one by one) 
4 row
Expand work. 1 vp for lifting. Link 9 Art. b / n

5th row, 7th row, 9th row, 11th row, 13th row
Knit like 3rd row. 
6 row, 8 row, 10 row, 12 row
Knit like 4 row.

Sewing on the tongue:

Turn the work inside out. 
Put the tongue face down into the 
bootee. Sew the tongue with white thread.

Work turn back on the front side.

Processing soles:

To tie the sole (top of the 3rd row) in a circle with dead loops

Work at the same time should be kept soles up

Processing holes for laces:

Fasten the thread from the wrong side. 
Sheathe the hole with a looped seam.

Treat all holes in the same way.


Laces knit in one thread 
Link a chain of 190 vp 
Knit all the stitches of art. b / n one in each loop

So that both ends of the laces are identical, tie a thread to the end of the lace.

Tie the ends of the thread between the knots.

Embed shoelaces in booties. 
Handle the ends of the laces. 
To do this, blot the thread with glue with PVA glue, twist and dry (during drying, hold the cord with your fingers, otherwise the threads unwind before they can dry). Trim all threads to the same length.

Well, the whole product is ready !!!

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