

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List


Vita Cotton (Soft Cotton) yarn in various colors;
filler hollofaber, synthetic winterizer;
hook 1.75;
needle for sewing parts.

VP - air loop;
SBN - single crochet;
P - increase (two are knitted from one column);
Y is a subtraction (two columns are tied together).
Details are spiraled unless otherwise noted.

You can knit from any yarn. The main thing is to choose the right size of the hook, so that the holes through the knitted fabric are not visible. To do this, take a smaller hook than that indicated on the label of the yarn.

Mark the beginning of each row with a marker, pin or thread in a contrasting color.


Body: pink color 

1 row 6 sbn in a circle

2 row (P) * 6 (12)

3 row (1 sat, П) * 6 (18)

Change the color to green: 

4th row (2 sat, П) * 6 (24)

5 row 24 sat (24)

Change color to yellow:

6 row (3 sat, П) * 6 (30)

7 row 30 sat (30)

8 row (4 sbn, P) * 6 (36)

9 row - 15 row (7 rows) 36 sat (36)

16 row (4 sbn, y) * 6 (30)

17 row - 19 row (3 rows) 30 sat (30)

20 row (3 sat, U) * 6 (24)

21 Row - 23 Row 24 SBn (24) 

24 row (2 sbn, y) * 6 (18)

25 row - 26 row (2nd row) 18 sat (18)

27 row (1 sat, U) * 6 (12)

28 row (C) * 6 (6)

Add filler, close the remaining loops, hide thread:


1 row 5 sbn in a circle

2 row (P) * 5 (10)

3 row - 6 row (4 rows) 10 sat (10)

7 row (U) * 5 (5)

8 row - 9 row 5 sat (5)

10 row (P) * 5 (10)

11th row - 14th row (4 rows) 10 sat (10)

15 row (U) * 5 (5)

Close the remaining hinges, hide the thread.

Portholes (windows) (4 parts):

8 sat in a circle. Leave sewing thread:

Wing (2 parts):

1 row 6 sbn in a circle

2 row (P) * 6 (12)

3 row (1 sat, П) * 6 (18)

4 row - 11 row (8 rows) 18 sat (18)

Leave thread for sewing.


Great detail:

1 row 6 sbn in a circle

2 row (2 sat, П) * 2 (8)

3 row (3 sat, П) * 2 (10)

4th row - 5th row (2 rows) 10 sat (10)

Leave thread for sewing.

2 small details:

1 row 6 sbn in a circle

2 row - 3 row (2 rows) 6 sat (6)

Leave thread for sewing.


The wings should be placed at the equal distance from each other, sewed with a secret stitch. Portholes - over the wings. We try on the tail and sew. The propeller is located in the center. 
Source : Source

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