
Amigurumi Doll with Yellow Hair Free Pattern

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Hair Color 
R1:6 PRs in the Magic Ring (6) 
R2: * Raise * (12) 
R3: * 1SBN, Raise * (18) 
R4: * 2SBN, Raise * (24) 
R5: * 3SBN, Raise * (30) 
R6: * 4SBN, Raise * (36) 
R7: * 5SBN, Raise * (42) 
The next row begins with a change of color. PRS without braces make hair colors, prs in {} Make skin colors. 
R8:6SBN, increase, 6SBN, {increase, 6SBN, raise, 6SBN, increase}, 6SBN, raise, 6SBN, increase (48)
R9:7SBN, increase, 6 prs {1SBN, increase, 7SBN, raise, 7SBN, increase}, 7SBN, raise, 7SBN, increase (54) 
R10:15SBN, {21SBN}, 18SBN (54) 
R11-12:15SBN, {22SBN}, 17SBN (54) 
R13-14:15SBN, {23SBN}, 16SBN (54) 
R15-16:15SBN, {24SBN}, 15SBN (54) 
R17-18:15SBN, {25SBN}, 14SBN (54) 
R19-20:15SBN, {26SBN}, 13SBN (54) 
R21-22:15SBN, {27SBN}, 12SBN (54) 
R23:15SBN, {28SBN}, 11SBN (54) 
R24:7SBN, Decrease, 6SBN, {1sbn, decrease, 7SBN, decrease, 7SBN, decrease, 7SBN}, decrease, 7SBN, decrease (48) 
R25: [2SBN, Decrease] x3, 2SBN, {[Decrease, 2SBN] x6, knit 2 loops in odnu1}, [2SBN, decrease] X2 (36) 
Add safe eyes between rows 18 and 19, at a distance of 12 loops from each other. We start to punch. 
R26: [1SBN, Decrease] x3, 1SBN, {knit 2 loops in odnu1, [1SBN, Decrease] x82} (24) Continue only the color of the skin. 
R27: PRs in a circle (24) 
R28: * 2SBN, Decrease * (18) 
R29: * 1SBN, Decrease * (12) 
R30: * Decrease * (6) 
Connect the connecting column and fasten and cut. 

Skin color. 
R1:4 PRs in the Magic Ring (4) 
R2: * Raise * (8) 
R3: * 1SBN, Raise * (12) 
R4: PRs in a circle (12) Change to color C 
R5: PRs in a circle (12) Change to color a 
R6: PRs in a circle (12) start to beat; 
R7: * 4SBN, Decrease * (10) 
R8-11: PRs in a circle (10) R
12: * 3SBN, Decrease * (8) 
R13-23: PRs in a circle (8) 
Connecting column. Fasten and cut. Leave the long end for sewing. 

Color A 
R1:6 PRs in the Magic Ring (6) 
R2: * Raise * (12) 
R3: * 1SBN, Raise * (18) 
R4: * 2SBN, Raise * (24) 
R5: PRs in a circle just behind the back of the Loop (24) 
R6:10SBN, 2ubavka, 10SBN (22) 
R7:9SBN, 2ubavka, 9SBN (20) 
R8:8SBN, 2ubavka, 8SBN (18) start to score;
R9-17: PRs in a circle (18) Change to skin color 
R18-27: PRs in a circle (18) 
Connect the connecting column and fasten and cut. 

Hips and skirt.
Color C 
We continue to knit from the legs, connecting them in a single row. Join R1-3: PRs in a circle (30) 
R4: * 3SBN, Decrease * (24) Do skirt before proceeding to the body. Make the SS in the next loop, EAP 1 and turn back. We work backwards. 
R5: * 3SBN, raise * only for the back of the Loop (30) 
R6: PRs in a circle (30) 
R7: * 5SBN, Raise * (35) 
R8-9: PRs in a circle (35) 
R10: * 6SBN, Raise * (40) 
R11-12: PRs in a circle (40) 
R13: * SS in the first loop, [needle with Crochets, DC] in 2nd stitch, [DC, Needle with crochets] in 3ju Loop, SS in 4uju Loop * (60) 
Connect the connecting column and fasten and cut. 

Attach the color yarn B to the already 4omued range of hips (the one we provjazyvali only behind the back of the Loop)
R5: PRs in a circle (24) 
R6: * 1SBN, Decrease * (16) 
R7-9: PRs in a circle (16) 
R10: * 1SBN, Raise * (24) 
R11-13: PRs in a circle (24) 
R14: * 2SBN, Decrease * (18) 
R15: PRs in a circle (18) 
R16: * 1SBN, Decrease * (12) 
R17-18: PRs in a circle (12) Change to color C 
R19: PRs in a circle (12) Change to skin color 
R20: PRs in a circle (12) 
Connect the connecting column and fasten and cut. Leave the long end for sewing. 

Skin color 
R1:3 PRs in the Magic Ring, EAP 1, turn (3) 
R2: * Raise * 3 times, VP 1, turn (6) 
R3: * 1SBN, Raise * 3 times (9) Connect the connecting column and fasten and cut.
Leave the long end for sewing.


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