
Amigurumi Pony Free Pattern

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The Toy horse-Pony offers us to tie the mistress of the Samurai. The horse is tied with 100% acrylic.

The horse is connected from 100% acrylic: 50gr of basic color, a little black and light pink thread

Hook 1.25 size horse-15 cm

Head.  We begin to knit a light pink thread

0 Series Dial 2 VP and reach 6 in a circle (6)

1 Row PR * 6 (12)

2 P 1 SBN, PR * 6 (18)

3 P 2 SBN, PR * 6 (24)

4 P 3 SBN, PR * 6 (30)

5-7 series unchanged (30)

Go to Main color

8-9 series unchanged (30)

10 P 3 SBN, UB * 6 (24)

11-13 R (24 loops)

14 P 2 SBN, UB * 6 (18)

15-17 P (18 loops)

18 R 1 SBN, UB * 6 (12) 

19R UB * 6 remaining loops to pull the working thread. Hide the thread. Fill your head with a synth

Body-Basic color

0 P Dial 2 VP and Projazit 6 SBN (6)

1 P D * (12)

2 P 1 SBN, PR * 6 (18)

3 P 2 PR * 6 (24)

4 P 3 PR * 6 (30)

5 P 4 PR * 6 (36)

6-9 P 36

10 p 4 SBN, UB * 6 (30)

11-16 P 30

17 P 4 SBN, PR * 6 (36)

18 P 5 SBN, PR * 6 (42)

19-22 P 42

23 P 5 SBN, UB * 6 (36)

24 p 4 SBN, UB * 6 (30)

25 p 3 SBN, UB * 6 (24)

26 P 2 SBN, UB * 6 (18)

27 P 1 SBN, UB * 6 (12) Fill in the detail and continue knitting

28 R UB * 6 thread to hide.

Leg (4pcs) thread of black or brown color

0row dial 2VP and reach 6SBN, further in a circle

1 P D * 6 (12)

2 P 1 SBN, PR * 6 (18)

3 P 2 SBN, PR * 6 (24)

4 p 24 on the back half of the loop

5 p 24 to change the thread to the main color

6-8 P 24

9 P 2 SBN, UB * 6 (18)

10-12 P 18

13 P 1 SBN, UB * 6 (12)

14-20 p 12 Thread fasten, leave for stitching 

Ear basic Color

0 Series Dial 2 VP and reach 5 SBN

1 P D * 5 (10)

2-5 P 10

6 P 3 SBN; PR * 2; 3 SBN; d * 2 (14)

7-8 R 14SBN, SS.      Fasten the thread, leave the end for the stitching.

Neck basic Color 

1 Row Dial 18 VP and lock in the ring, then knit in a circle.

2-3 P 18

4 P 2 SBN, PR * 6 (24)

5-9 p 24, SS thread fasten, leave for stitching.


To the head sew ears and eyes-beads.   The eyes can be embroidered with a black thread. The mouth and nostrils are embroidered with a black thread. In the area of the nostrils can be a little duck. Sew the neck with a narrow part to the head, fill with a synth and sew to the torso. Sew the legs. For the mane cut into the 20cm yarn (any), fasten on the head and neck. For the tail of 10-12 cm, make a brush and sew to the torso.

Decorate the Horse! Flowers, circles, rhinestones-will be a pony.

Source : https://stranamasterov.ru/node/556857?tid=451

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