

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

We will need: 
1. Yarn (1 hank) of the main color (I have it brown) 
2. In a small amount, white or milky yarn for the muzzle, tummy and ears; 
3. Red yarn for clothes (half-wrap), some white shiny yarn for finishing; 
4. Remains of black and dark brown yarn; 
5. Hook at your discretion (I have this number 2.5); 
6. Filler (holofiber or synthetic winterizer); 
7. Eyes 15-20 mm (buttons or semi-beads can be used); 
8. False cilia (optional); 
9. Wire for the tail and adhesive tape for the winding of this wire; 
10. Glue (I have this glue for the thermogun); 
11. Wooden skewer (to push the filler);
12. Holder for the head - (I have 3 tubes for a cocktail (you can use a pencil, felt-tip pen, etc.)); 
13. Needle for stapling; 
14. Threads to match the wig and needle for sewing hair; (or if the hairstyle is made of yarn - then the yarn is the right color) 
15. Great mood:



- at. n. - air loop; 
- sbn - single crochet; 
- ssn - double crochet; 
- ss - connecting column; 
- pr. - increase; 
- kill - decrease; 
KA - amigurumi ring; 
() Is the total number of loops;


Main color:

1. 6 sbn in spacecraft

2. pr. X 6 (12)

3. 1 sbn, pr x 6 (18)

4. 2 sbn, pr x 6 (24)

5. 3 sbn, pr x 6 (30)

6. 30 sat

7. 4 sbn, pr x 6 (36)

8. 36 sat

9. 5 sbn, pr x 6 (42)

10-16. 42 UBN - 7 rows;

17. 6 sbn, pr x 6 (48)

18. 48 sbn

19. 7 sbn, pr x 6 (54)

20. 54 Sat

21. 8 sbn, pr x 6 (60)

22. 9 sbn, pr x 6 (66)

23-31. 66 Sat - (9 rows)

32. 9 sbn, slau x 6 (60)

33. 8 sbn, slau x 6 (54)

34. 7 sbn, slau x 6 (48)

35. 6 sbn, slau x 6 (42)

36. 5 sbn, slau x 6 (36)

37. 4 sbn, slau x 6 (30)

38. kill (15) Fasten the thread, cut (leaving a long end for sewing).

You can fill with filler:


Black dial 9 in. P.

1. Starting from the second loop from the hook, knit 7 knit, in the last loop - knit 3; To turn knitting: 6 sbn, etc. (18)

2. pr, 6 sbn, pr x 3, 6 sbn, pr x 2 (24)

3. 1 sbn, pr, 7 sbn, pr, 3 sbn, pr, 7 sbn, pr, 2 sbn (28)

4. (5 sbn, pr) x 2, 4 sbn, pr, 5sbn, pr, 5 sbn (32)

The red thread:

5. 2 sbn, pr, sbn, pr, 7 sbn, pr, sbn, pr, 3 sbn, pr, sbn, pr, 7 sbn, pr, sbn, pr, sbn (40)

6. Knit for the back wall of 40 sbn

7-9. 40 sat

10. 11 sbn, (ass, sbn) x 2, ass, 2 sbn, ass, (sb, ass) x 2., 11 sbn (34)

11. 10 sbn, 2 ass, sbn, ass, sbn, 2 ass, 10 ass, ass, (28)

12. 12sbn, 2 ass, 12 cbn (26)

13. 9 sbn, ub, 4 sbn, ub, 9 sbn (24)

Brown thread behind the back wall -

14. (4 sbn, ub) x 4 (20) (further to knit a white edging behind the front wall) Fill tightly with filler.

15. (3 sb, u) x 4 (16)

16-30. 16 sat

The red thread behind the back wall:

31. (3 sbn, pr) x 4 (20)

32. 20 Sat

33. (4 sbn, pr) x 4 (24)

34. 24 Sat

35. (5 sbn, pr) x 4 (28)

36. 28

Tie up the middle to the middle and connect both legs of the upper edge.

Now the BODY begins:

(we begin to knit from the connecting loop in the direction of the future ass, so that in the future it will not be ahead).

1. To knit 27 sbn - one leg and 27 sbn - the second leg (54)

2-3. 54 sat

4. 2 sbn (pr, sbn) x 3, 38 sbn, (sbn, pr) x 3, 2 sbn (60)

5-10. (60)

11. 6 UbN, Ub, 5 Ubn, Ub, 30 Ubn, Ub, 5 Ub, Ub, 6 Ub (56)

12-13. 56 sat

Change the thread on the brown and knit for the back wall:

14. 56 Sat

15. 6 sbn, (ass, sbn) x 4, 21 sbn, (ass, sbn) x 4, 5 sbn (48)

16-26. 48 sat

27. (6 sb, k)) 6 (42)

28. 42 Sat

29. (5 Ub, u) x 6 (36)

30. 36 bn

31. (4 sbn, ub) x 6 (30)

32-33. 30 sat

34. Killing (15)

You can fill:


For the front wall we knit with red thread:

1. 2 ssn in each loop ... (110)

2. Sat (110)

3. ssn (110)

4. Sat (110)

5. ssn, 2 ssn, etc ... (162)

6. Sat (162)

7. ssn (162)

8. Sat (162)

RING (on skirt, pants and boots):

White shiny thread for the front wall - 3 sbn in one loop, ss, ... and so on ...


1. With a dairy or white thread, dial 17 wd, starting from the second loop from the hook, knit 15 knobs, last - 3 knobs, turn knitting - 14 knobs, etc. (34)

2. pr, 14 sbn, pr x 3, 14 sbn, pr x 2 (40)

3. sbn, pr, 17 sbn, pr, sbn, pr, 17 sbn, pr (44)

4. (44)

5. sbn, pr, 2 sbn, pr, 6 sbn, pr, 6 sbn, pr, 2 sbn, pr, sbn, pr, 2 sbn, pr, 6 sbn, pr, 6 sbn, pr, 2 sbn, pr ( 54)

6-7. (54)

8. (sbn, pr) x 3, 5 sbn, pr, 4 sbn, pr, 5 sbn, (pr, sbn) x 6, (4 sbn, pr) x 2, 5sbn, ave, (sbn, pr) x 2 (70)

9-14. (70)

Optionally, you can add another 1-2 rows, so that the muzzle was more voluminous.

I sewed my face right away, having previously filled it with filler

Now you can sew the head to the body, after making recesses in the head and in the body and insert your holder for the head (I got it 13 cm)):

Before or after sewing, you can still make an eyelet for the peephole:

Then I embroider my mouth with a thinner red thread (you can also first knit - then sew, or in any way convenient for you).

This is what my mouth looks like in my version:


Type in dark brown yarn

1. 6 sbn in spacecraft

2. Pr x6 (12)

3. (1 sbn, pr) x 6 (18)

4-5. (18)

Fasten the thread, fill the spout, sew, then sew to the attractive face. With such a spout, your monkey will look something like this:

This time I decided to experiment a bit - and instead of such a nose I tied my nostrils - it seems to me that the monkey will be more realistic (although not as good-natured as the first one) - this option may be useful to anyone:


1. Milky or white yarn in the middle of the top of your attractive face, dial 5 out, 1 in, turn

2. 2 sbn, pr, 2 sbn, 1 run, turn

3. 6 sbn, 1 run. thread to fasten, leave the end for sewing. Similarly, tie the second nostril and sew to the attractive face:


Knit 2 details of light yarn and 2 parts of dark:

1. 6 sbn in spacecraft

2. pr x 6 (12)

3. (1 sbn, pr) x 6 (18)

4. (2 sbn, pr) x 6 (24)

5. (3 sbn, pr) x 6 (30)

6. (4 sbn, pr) x 6 (36)

7. (5 sbn, pr) x 6 (42)

Attach the light and dark parts inside out to each other and tie with a dark thread a number of sbn, sew.

Next - sew or glue hairs and eyes


1. 6 sbn in half ring

2. pr x 6 (12)

3. (12)

4. (1 sbn, pr) x 6 (18)

5. (18)

6. (pr, 2 sbn) x 6 (24)

7. (24)

8. (pr, 3b) x 6 (30)

9. (30)

Fasten the thread - sew a tum. It is possible in the middle to make a stitch crosswise with a dark thread (navel).


Dark brown thread:

1. 6 sbn in spacecraft

2. pr x 6 (12)

3. (1 sbn, pr) x 6 (18)

4. (2 hours, pr) x 6 (24)

5-9. (24)

10. (2 sb, k) x 6 (18).

11. (18)

12. (1 sb, k) x 6 (12)

Handles tamp in the course of knitting (not very tight).

Change the thread on the main and tie another 28-30 rows (12 loops). Loops close 6 sbn, leave the end for sewing - sew to the body.


1. 6 sbn in spacecraft

2. pr x 6 (12)

3-6. (12)

7. kill x 6 (6)

8-34. (6)

Fasten the thread, insert the wire, pre-wrapping the ends with adhesive tape, and sew to the body:

Bend the tail like someone like:

The final touch - CAP

1. Dial with red thread 72 vp, ss. (Maybe someone will need more loops - measure over the head)

2. (72)

3. (16 sb, u) x 4 (68)

4. (68)

5. (15 sb, u) x 4 (64)

6. (64)

7. (14 sbn, ub) x 4 (60)

8. (60)

9. (13 sbn, ub) x 4 (56)

10. (56)

11. (12 Ub, k) x 4 (52)

12. (52)

13. (11 Ub, k) x 4 (48)

14. (48)

15. (10 sb, k) x 4 (44)

16. (44)

17. (9 sb, u)) 4 (40)

18. (40)

19. (8 sb, k)) x 4 (36)

20-21. (36)

22. (7 Ub, k)) x 4 (32)

23–25. (32)

26. (6 sb, u) x 4 (28)

27-29. (28)

30. (5 sb, u)) 4 (24)

31-34. (24)

35. (4 sb, k) x 4 (20)

36-39. (20)

40. (3 sb, k) x 4 (16)

41-44. (sixteen)

45. (2 sb, k) x 4 (12)

46-49. (12)

50. kill (6), fasten the thread.

Next - BUBBON:

White shiny thread dial

1. 6 sbn in spacecraft

2. pr x 6 (12)

3. (1 sbn, pr) x 6 (18)

4. (2 sbn, pr) x 6 (24)

5-8. (24)

9. (2 sb, k)) 6 (18) Fill with filler.

10. (1 sb, k) x 6 (12)

11. kill (6) Close the loop.

White shiny thread dial on the edge of 72 UBN, knit 6 rows of UBN, 7 row - SS. Bubon Sew.

Here is my Christmas monkey ready!

You can also tie a monkey in a blue robe - take blue yarn instead of red for clothes and significantly reduce the number of rows in the cap.

I knitted my New Year monkey out of yarn YARN ART BABY (100% acrylic), crocheted No. 2.5. Height - 35 cm. Perhaps someone will want such a cute symbol of the coming year for themselves under the Christmas tree - I will be glad if this workshop is useful to you, and with a new toy you will come to your home with a sense of celebration, joyful and fabulous mood ...
Source : http://stranamasterov.ru/user/353797

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