
Beautiful Crochet Dress Free Pattern

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Crochet Dress Size 36/38 
500 g fine yarn, Hook № 2, satin ribbon length 1.5 m. 

· Types of loops and patterns: 
Air Loop (VP) 
· Connecting Column (co-ed.) 
· Non-scale column (article b/n) 
· Column with a scale (art. S/n) 
· Three-scale column (art. C/3n) 
· Four-scale column (art. C/4n) 
· Small coin: 
1st P.: Chain of 6 VP to close in Circle 
2nd P.: 1 VP (for lifting = 1st. b/N), 11 art. b/N in a circle, co-ed. In 1st V.P. = 12p. 
3rd p.: 3 VP (for lifting = 1st. S/N), 2 St. S/n in each of the previous series, finish the co-ed. In the 3rd p. P. lifting = 24p. 
4th R.: 3 VP (for lifting = 1st. S/N), * 1st. S/N, 2 St. S/N in one previous English. P., *, Pote. from * to *, finish the Co. st in the 3rd p. P. rise = 36 P. 
At the same time in the 4th p.! Every 2 art. S/N: 
Execute Pico of 5 VP (tie a chain of 5 VP, soyed. St. C/N (= base of this pico)), see Scheme in which places to perform Pico 
Perform art. C/3n and St. C/N, attaching a "coin" to the arches of the intermediate strip 

1st – 4th P.: as "coin" small (without Pico and connecting columns) 
5th R.: 3 VP (for lifting = 1st. S/N), * 2 St. S/N, 2 art. c/N in one P. previous English *, p. from * to *, to finish the co-ed. In the 3rd p. P. rise = 48. 
At the same time in the 5th p.! Every 3 art. c/N to perform pico or connecting columns, see Previous scheme. 

After the big "coins": 
1st p.: Art. C/3n (or 5 v. P. Rise) in the p. "Coins" (retreating from the article with Pico 3p.), * * 6 VP, skip 3 p. On the "coin", 1 art. c/N in P. "Coins", 6 VP, skip 3 p. On "Coin", 1st. S/N in the p. "Coins", 6 VP, skip 3 p. On the "Coin", art. C/3n (failed to end, leaving on the hook 2 p.), art. C/3n to the next "coin" (3 Enter the hook in the p. On the "coin", pull the loop, * scum, touch it through the 2 loops on the hook *, turn from * to * 3 times), on the hook 3 loops, scum, projazit through 3 p. * *, repeat from * * to * * to the end of the series, Finish, 6 VP , art. S/N, 6 v. P., art. S/N, 6 v. P., art. C/3n, co-ed in 5-th P rise (or 1st St. C/3n) 
2nd p.: 1 P. P. Lifting, art. b/N In the chain of the previous p. 
3rd p.: 3 v. P. Lifting, art. S/n in the previous p. 
4th p.: Chain of 5 V.P., art. b/N, repeat until the end of the p. 
5th p.: In each chain to perform 2 art. b/N, 2 v. P., 2 art. b/N 

After small "coins", differences from the previous ones: 

Intermediate stripes: 
In the 1st P. instead of 6 V p to perform 5 VP 
In 4th RV instead of chain of 5 VP, Knit chain of 6 VP 
In the 5th p. In each chain knit 3 art. b/N, 2 v. P., 3 art. b/N. 
A column with a scale, which is made together with a column with 3 scale, connecting a "coin" with an intermediate stripe: a scum, to enter a hook in the previous p. "Coins", to draw out a loop, a scum, to make it through 2 loops on a hook, remained on a hook 2 loops, to do 3 Scale, enter the hook in the Arch of the intermediate strip, pull the loop, * scale, push it through 2 p. On the hook *, repeat from * to * 3 times, on the hook 3 loops, scum, stretch it through 3 loops on the hook (St. S/n + St. C/3n VM) 
A column with a scale, put together with a column with a scale connecting a "coin" with an intermediate stripe: a scale, to enter a hook in the p. of the previous p. "Coins", to draw out a loop, a scum, to touch it through 2 loops on a hook, on a hook 2 loops, a scale, to enter a hook in Arch of an intermediate strip, to draw out a loop, a scale, to stretch it through 2 p. On a hook, on a hook there are 3 loops, a scale, to extend it through 3 loops on a hook (St. S/n + art. S/n VM) 

Belt loops 
1st P.: To execute the 1st p. of the intermediate strip, Projazazat 5 V.P. 
2nd P.: 3 art. b/N in the shop. 1st P., 4 VP Lifting (= St. C/2n), turn the work, 3 art. S/2n in art. b/N, 1 v p for lifting, work turn, 3 art. b/N in art. c/2n, go down 4 co. 4 p. P. Lifting, * 2 art. b/N in the shop. 1st P., 6 art. b/N on the trail. Flail. 1st P., 6 art. b/N on the trail. Flail. 1st P., 3 art. b/N on the trail. Flail. 1st P., 4 VP Lifting, work turn, 6 art. S/2n in 6 art. b/N, 1 v. N Lifting, 6 v. b/N in art. c/2n, go down 4 soed. Art. By 4 V P rise *, repeat from * to *, finish 6 art. b/N on the trail. Shop, 6 art. b/N on the trail. 4 p. P. Lifting, co-ed. Art. In art. S/2н, work turn, 2 art. C/2 N in 2 art. b/N, 1 v P lifting, work turn, 2 art. b/N in art. c/2n, CO. St in VP 
3rd p.: 4 v. P. Lifting, 3 art. S/2n in art. b/N of the previous p., * 5 VP, 1st. C/4n between the average columns of 6 previous p., 5 VP, 7 St. C/2n in art. b/N of the previous p. *, repeat from * to *, Finish 5 v. P., art. C/4n, 5 VP, 3 art. S/2n in art. b/N of the previous p. 
4th and 5th p.: Knit as the 4th and 5th p. Intermediate strip after small "coins". 

Attention! "Coins" can be knit with "thread-free" technique. 

Description for small coins: 
1st Coin: 
1st P.: A chain of 6 V.P. to close in a circle of the soyed. V., 1 VP Lifting, work turn. 
2nd P.: 11 art. b/N in a circle, co-ed. Art. V p rise = 12p., 3 VP Lifting, work turn 
3rd p.: 1 art. c/N in co-ed. Art. Previous P., * 2 art. c/N in each p. of the previous p. = 24p., soed. Art. In 3rd VP lifting, 3 v P lifting, work turn 
4th p.: * 1 art. c/N, 2 art. c/N in one loop of the previous p., Pico of 5 VP (to close the soyed. S/n, from which it began) *, repeat 2 times from * to *. 1 art. c/N, in the next paragraph of the previous series: 1 art. c/N, 1 art. C/n + St. C/3n. VM, * * 1 art. c/N, in the trail. P. 1 Art. S/N, 1st. S/n + art. c/N VM (in the next arch) * *, repeat from * * to * * 2 times, 1 art. c/N, in the trail. P. 1 Art. c/N, 1 art. C/n + ST/3n VM (in the next arch). Repeat from * to * 1 times, art. c/N, 2 art. c/N in one P. Sm. Diagram below: 

Tie a chain of 18 VP (2 VP Pico + 1 VP (soed) + 2 VP Pico (trace. "Coins") + 3 VP lifting + 3 VP lifting + 1 VP lifting + 6 VP (initial row of the next "coin")), the scheme below: 

2nd Coin: 
1st P.: 6 last V.P. to close in a circle of the soyed. St., 1 VP Lifting, co-ed. Art. In the VP on the chain, turn the work 
2nd P.: 10 art. b/N in a circle, co-ed. Art. V P chain on the other hand, = 12p., 2 VP Lifting, soyed. Art. In the 3rd VP on the chain, turn the work 
3rd p.: 2 art. S/n in each p. 11 times, co-ed. St in the 3rd v. P. Chain on the other hand, = 24p., 2 VP Lifting, co-ed. Art. In the 3rd VP chain, work turn 
4th P.: 2 art. c/N in one P., 2 VP (= Half pico), co-ed. In the Pico of the previous "coin", 2 vp (= The second half of the Pico), the co-ed. Art. In art. c/N, from which began the tying of Pico, 1 art. c/N, in the trail. P. 1 Art. S/N and 1st. S/n + St. C/3n VM (to enter the hook in the Arch of the intermediate strip, which has already been made by St. C/n + St. C/3n of the previous "coin"), continue the "coin". * * 1 art. c/N, in the trail. P. 1 Art. S/N, 1st. S/n + art. c/N VM * * (in the next arch), repeat from * * to * * 2 times, 1 art. c/N, in the trail. P. 1 Art. c/N, 1 art. C/n + ST/3n VM. (to the next arch). Repeat from * to * 1 times (from the 4th p. 1st coin), art. c/N, 2 art. c/N in one P. 
Continue to knit the next coin, tying a chain of 18 VP, etc. When the last "coin" in the row, attach to the Pico 1st "coin", as described in the 4th p.: 2 VP, Co., 2 VP Thus concluding a "coin" in the circle. Finish tying the top halves of "coins", alternating art. c/N, 2 art. c/N in one P. Transition from one coin to another to finish 2 VP, Co. Art. In V. P. (soed.), 2 V.P., co-ed in art. c/N Trace. "Coins", etc. 

To go to the staging Lane, perform 5 VP Lifting (= St. C/3n). After the intermediate strip is executed, the thread is trimmed, the end is hidden. The next row of "coins" start with a new thread. 

Big "coins" knit Similarly, tying completely 4th p., and 5th p.-Partially. 

Sample: Big "coin" with Pico = approx. 6 cm 
Small "coin" with Pico = approx. 5 cm. 


Run a range of 18 large "coins", not having to touch the connecting art. C/3n and art. S/n (because there is nothing to connect). 
Run the intermediate Lane in the 4th row by executing 66 chains of VP 
A number of 22 small "coins". 
Intermediate strip, in the 4th row-51. From VP 
A number of 17 big "coins". 
The intermediate strip, in the 4th p. – 63 is the ceep. From VP 
A number of 21 small "coins". 
The intermediate strip, in the 4th p. – 48 is the ceep. From VP 
A number of 16 big "coins". 
The intermediate strip, in the 4th p. – 60 tsep. From VP 
A number of 20 small "coins". 
The intermediate strip, in the 4th p. – 45 is the ceep. From VP 
A number of 15 big "coins". 
The intermediate strip, in the 4th p. – 54 is the ceep. From VP 
A number of 18 small "coins". 
The intermediate strip, in the 4th p. – 42 is the ceep. From VP 
A number of 14 big "coins". 
The intermediate strip, in the 4th p. – 42 is the ceep. From VP 
A number of 14 small "coins". 
Shvvki 1-5th series (42 arches). 
A number of 14 large "coins", so that the middle of the front and back is between the "coins". 
Run the 1-3 series of the intermediate Lane. Leave the line in the middle of the front = 10 seep. From V. P. 1st p. On other loops to execute 4-5-th p., having executed 35 arches. 
Tie for each sleeve on a row of 6 big "coins". Run the intermediate Lane, in the 4th p. – 24 Seep. From VP 
A number of 18 small "coins", distributing them: 7 from the sleeves (fixing for 4 arches on the front and 7-th "coin" for arches on the back), 4 arches on the Pass (Sew with 3 arches on the sleeve), on the back between these "coins" to get another 4 "coins. 
Run on them 1 -3rd p. Intermediate Lane. 
Wrap the neck with "medallions". 
In the helmet, extend the satin ribbon. 
Sew the bottom dress or pick up a ready-to-tone.

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