
Blankets with Square Knitting

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I love patchwork knitting for the fact that the things made in this technique, are bright and cheerful. Probably, that is why it became so popular.

Today I caught my eye with a hook motif resembling a sun in a frame. As it turned out, this motive is not the most motley representative of the family of elements for patchwork. Usually this square is made in only one or two colors.

So the solar square looks at the front.

This is the wrong way.

In order to link such a motive will need:

Hook № 6, yarn length of approximately 150 m for 100 g.


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VP-Air Loop

RVN is a non-lime column

PS-Semi-stacked with scale

SN-a column with a scale

С2N-Two-scale column

SS-Connecting Column

LRSN-Face relief column with scale

4 VP, SS in the first loop for ring formation.

1 row. (Obverse side.) 3 VP, 11 SN, SS in the third lifting loop = 12 columns.

2nd row. 3 VP, Facial Relief sn from the same column of the previous row, * sn, LRSN from the same column-repeat from * 10 more times, SS = 24 loops.

3 row. 3 VP, 1 sn, 1 lrsn from the same relief column of the previous row, * 2 sn, 1 lrsn from the relief column of the previous row; Repeat from * 10 more times; SS = 36 Loops.

4th row. 3 VP, 2 sn, 1 lrsn from the same column, * 3 sn, 1 lrsn from the same column; Repeat from * 10 more times, SS = 48 loops.

5th row. 3 VP, 3 sn, 1 lrsn from the same column, * 4 sn, 1 lrsn from the same column; Repeat from * 10 more times, SS = 60 loops.

6th row. In this row, knit all the bars behind the back of the loop. 4 VP (will be the first column), * 1 sn, 1 PS, 9 SBN, 1 PS, 1 sn, 1 с2n, 3 VP, 1 с2n (angle is ready); Repeat from * 2 more times, 1 sn, 1 PS, 9 SBN, 1 PS, 1 sn, 1 с2n, 3 V.P., SS in the 4th loop of lifting = 60 loops, 4 angles with arches of 3 VP

The 7th row. 1 VP, to tie the whole square with the columns without a scale: 1 SBN in each loop, in each arch of 3 V.P.-on 5 SBN, to finish SS = 80 columns.

The square is ready.

These are the plaids that can be linked from this motive.

Monophonic with a fringe of usual and relief columns with a scale.

Color variant of Pleda.

I like the last one a lot more. It is as if warmer, cozier and more cheerful.

Source : http://moipetelki.ru/blog/patchwork/sun-square/

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