
Nice Baby Vest Free Pattern

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Button holes = Make 1a 1a slot in 50 iron (DL): 1a v. K. Up to the last 4m, LG, IAEC, 2d. 
Make 1a 2nd and 1a 3a 16-row slot from the previous. 
On circular needle to tarting 66m and 1a intro 4 rows in Garter St. 
F 7: IoD, * Laum, 3d 15 times, finish with Laum, I Id = 82 m 
FS, F9, F i: dir. 
F II: I Id, * laum, 4d 15 times, Laum, 98 m 
F 12, F 13, F 14: dir. 
F 15: Id, * Laum, 5d * x 15 times, Laum, 12d = 114 m 
F 16, F 17, FIS: dir. 
F 19:12d, * Laum, 6d * x 15 times, Laum, 12d = 130 m 
F20, F21, F22: dir. 
F 23:12d, * Laum, 7d * x 15 V, Laum, 13d 146 m 
F 24, F25: dir. 
F 25 (DD: 25d. M 28d, M. 40d. M. 28d. M. 25d 
F 26:12d, backhand up to the last 12m, 12d. 
F 27: * dir. Up to LM before M, (Laum, ID, SM, ID, x 4 times, dir. to the end. 
F 28:12d, backhand up to the last 12m, 12d. 
F 29, F 31. • EOMEI1F27 
F 30, F 32: The F28 
Continue with the increases of Raglan to the Iati to have 226m, so distributed: 
35m (front) 48m (sleeve) 60m (back) 48m (sleeve) 35m (front) 

Split the sleeves from the body 
Next iron (DL): 35d, start at new 6m, leave in suspense on a scrap wire the 48111 
of the sleeve, 60d, start at new 6m, leave on a scrap wire the 48m of the 
Sleeve, 35d. 
Next row (RL): 12d, 1st v. Backward up to the last 12m, 12d. 
Continue 1a Vorando the first and last 12m in Garter St and in stocking St the central meshes. 
After 6 cm (from the Gùvmanica) Start 1a working of the perforated pattern on the front following 
I plan. 
After the working of the perforated pattern, work another 4 rows in stocking st the mesh 
Central and the first and last 12m in Garter St. 
Terminal with 19 rows in Garter St and close all STS on the reverse of 1st Vora 
Resume the 48meshes from the scrap wire, resume 3m from the Giromanica, M, resume 3m from 
Giromaniea, and 1a intro in the round with double pointed needles. 
Each turn x 5 times Dec 2m: 1st v. to K. Up to Im before M, IACC, ID, SM, ID, 2ins. 
Finish with me in Garter St. 
Sew the buttons and hide the hanging wires. 

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