
Amigurumi Tilde Free Pattern

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I think I got sick with tildes... And not just tildes, but why exactly angels. This time, after trying to tie the tilde with the spokes, I switched to the hook. I liked the result.

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PRS-Column without a throw

PRSPs-Needle with Crochets

PRSs-Column with Crochets

Decrease-to knit 2 columns together

Raise-from one column to knit two


4 loops in the ring (shoe color)

1 row-appraised STB in each.  Column = 8

2 Row-8 PRS

3-4 rows-6 PRS, 2 PRSPs (where 2 PRSPs is Razukras)

Change the thread to bodily

5-6 Series-8 PRS

7 row-At the beginning of the series add 1 column = 9

8-9 rows of 9 PRS

10 row-At the beginning of the series add 1 column = 10

11 -12 rows of 10 PRS

Change color to Trouser color

13-14 Series-10 PRS

15-At the beginning of the series add 1 column = 11

Then make 1 increase in the beginning of 18 Series (= 12 PRS),

At the beginning of 21 rows (= 13SBN), in the beginning of 24 rows (= 14SBN),

 In the beginning of 30 series (= 15SBN) and in 36 row (= 16SBN)

From 37 to 41 series – 16 PRS

Thread break

Body + head (one detail)

Start the colors trouser. Dial 33 humidity.  Loops Connect in a circle

1 – 5 rows of 33 PRS in a circular

6 row-(UBAV, 9 PRS) Repeat 3 times = 30

7-8-9 Series-to 30

10 Row – (UB, 8 PRS,) repeat 3 times = 27

11-12 Series on 27SBN

Change color to Nude

13 Row-27SBN

14 Row – (UB, 7SBN) Repeat 3 times = 24

15-16 Series-by 24SBN

17rjad-(Decrease, 4 prs) Repeat 4 times = 20

18-19-20-21 Series-by 20SBN

22 Row – (Raise, 9 PRS) Repeat 2 times = 22

23-24 Series-by 22SBN

Change the thread to the color of the dress

25-(Raise, 10 PRS) Repeat 2 times = 24

26-27 Series-On 24

Change the thread to bodily

28 Row-24SBN

29rjad-(UB, 4SBN) 4 times = 20

30 row-(UB, 3 PRS) reused 4 times = 16

31 Row – (Decrease, 6 prs) Repeat 2 times = 14

32 Series – (Decrease, 5 prs) Repeat 2 times = 12

33 Row-12 PRS

34 Series-(arr, 3SBN) 3 times = 15

35-36 Series-by 15SBN

37 (arr, 4 PRS) reused 3 times = 18

From 38 to 42 (5 rows) by 18SBN

43 Series (UB, 1 prs) 6 times = 12

44-2 together = 6 steal


6 loops in the ring (start from the shoulder thread color of the dress)

1 row-1 PRS, 5 additions = 11

2-3-4 Series-by 11SBN

5 row-At the beginning of the series make 1 ubavku = 10

6-7-8 series of 10 PRS

9 row-At the beginning of the series make 1 ubavku = 9

10-11-12 Series-9 PRS

13 row – At the beginning of the series make 1 ubavku = 8

From 14 to 18 (5 rows) to 8 PRS

Change color to Nude

С19 28 rows (10 rows) to 8 PRS

29 row-by 2stolbika together = 4 Steal  

You can beat and sew all the details.


6 bars in the ring Amigurumi

1 row-6 additions = 12

2 and 3 row on 12 PRS thread to break and put aside this,, a cup,,

To tie the second same and connect both,, cups,,

Further knit in a circle, making decreases opposite to the place where,, cups,, are connected. Thus, two decreases are obtained in each row.

That the heart became Tildovsko-lengthened in each 4 row decreases do not.

Angel Wings

To dial a chain of 16 EAP (we will knit not in a circle, and in rows to-forward)

1 Row-4 PRS, arr (from one column to Knit 2 PRS), arr (from one column to Knit 2 PPSN), 4 PRSPs, 5 PRSs, = 17 Turn, 1 humidity.   Lifting loop

2 Row 10 PRs, raise, 6 prs. = 18

3 row knit behind the back wall! -5 PRS, arr (from one column to Knit 2 PRS), 2 PRSPs, a raise (from one column to Knit 2 PRSPs), 2 PRSPs, 5SSN, 2 columns with two throw in one (penultimate) loop. = 20 Turn, 1 humidity loop for lifting

4 Row – 12 PRS, arr, 7 PRS = 21

5 row knit behind the back wall! -5 PRS, arr (from one column to Knit 2 PRS), 3 PRSPs, arr (from one column to Knit 2 PRSPs), 9 PRSs, 2 columns with two throw to bind in one (penultimate) loop.

At the second wing in 3 and 5 rows to knit behind the front wall!

To tie the top edge of a wing and a track from Polupetel,, Lobster,, a step of a contrast color

Make your hair at your discretion, eyes very small beads or embroider French knot.

The dress can be tied or sewn from fabric. The hem of the dress I sewed from fabric and decorated brjugskim lace.

Source :

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