
Wonderful Kitty Free Pattern

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Art. -Non-lime column
VP-Air Loop
Ave. -Add a
()-Number of loops in a row.

Head and Torso:

1 row-in the ring Amigurumi Projazit 6 art. 6
2 Series-Pr. In each loop (12)
3 Series-PR + 1 art. -Repeat to the end of the series (18)
4 Series-D. + 2 art. -Repeat to the end of the series (24)
5 row-Art. In each loop (24)
6 Series-PR + 3 art. To the end of the series (30)
7-9 Series-Art. In each loop (30)
10 row-3 St. + UB. To the end of the series (24)
11 Series-Art. In each loop (24)
12 Row-2 St. + UB. 18 
Fill your head with a filler.
13 row-1st. + UB (12)
The head is over. Do not trim the threads with a knit torso.

14 Series-Art. In each loop (12)
15 Series-Ave + 1 art. 18
16 Series-Pr. + 2 Art. 24
17 Row-art. In each loop (24)
18-21 Series-PR + 3 art. 30
22 Row-3 St. + UB. 24
23 Series-Art. In each loop (24)
24 Row-2 St. + UB. 18
Fill the torso with filler.
25 row-1st. + UB. 12
26 Series-Ubavki up to the formation of 6 loops. The thread is trimmed, leaving a long tail. Insert the thread into the needle and pull the loops into the ring. Trim the thread and hide it in the trunk.

Top Legs

Link 8 VP The second from the Hook Loop 1st. + 6 art. 7
1 v P lifting, flip knitting, 7 art. 7
1. VP. Lifting, turn, 7 art. 7
You get a rectangle. Thread from the beginning of knitting to hide in knitting. Fold the rectangle in half, with the connecting poles both edges.

Lower Legs

Link 9 VP in the second from the Hook Loop 1st. + 7 Art. 8
1 v P lifting, flip knitting, 8 art. 8
1. VP. Lifting, turn, 8 art. 8
Fold in half, shake with connecting bars

Link 4 VP The second from the hook Loop 1 art. + 2 Art. 3
1 VP, turn, 3 art. 3
1 VP, turn, UB. + 1 Art. 2
1 VP, turn, kill 
Thread hide in knitting and trim.


Link 14 VP The second from the hook Loop 1 art. + 12 Art. 13
1 VP, turn, 13 art. 13
1 VP, Twist, column in each loop (13)
Fold in half and connect the columns.
Thread hide in knitting and trim.


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