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cap of a rose in dew

1. type 60 loops - white thread 
2. knit 5 rows with garter stitch (1 row front, 1 row purl)
3. 1 row with front ones on the wrong side
4. 6 rows garter stitch, change thread with pink and 2 rows with garter stitch
5. 1 row - 2 together 1 wrap
6. sled.ryad - purl, change the thread on the white 2 rows garter stitch
7. knit on pattern 15 - 30 row (see diagram previous description)
8. 2stash garterrow
9. then divide the work into 4 knitting needles (it turns out 15 loops on each) and join them in a circle and then
       knit in a circle
8. change the thread to pink - 4 rows with the front ones 
9. 1 row - 2 together 1 cap
10. 4 rows face, change the thread to white  
11. then gradually close the work: we 
       knit 8 loops, 9 and 10 together and so 6 times (we get a whole circle) we 
       knit 7 loops, 8 and 9 together (a whole circle) 
       6 loops .. ......, 7 and 8 together (..) 
       5 loops ......., 6 and 7 together (..) 
       4 loops ......., 5 and 6 together (.. ) 
       3 loops ......., 4 and 5 together (..) and so on, we knit the last 4 loops together and .... the 
cap is tied, now we sew and decorate 

I usually knit on circular needles, it is more convenient for me

Taken from the Internet, I do not remember where

Another Description 1. type 60 loops - white thread 2. knit 5 rows with garter stitch (1 row front, 1 row purl) 3. 1 row with front ones on the wrong side 4. 6 rows garter stitch, change thread with pink and 2 rows with garter stitch 5. 1 row - 2 together 1 wrap 6. sled.ryad - purl, change the thread on the white 2 rows garter stitch 7. knit on pattern 15 - 30 row (see diagram previous description) 8. 2 stash garter row 9. then divide the work into 4 needles (it turns out 15 loops on each) and join them in a circle and then knit in a circle 8. change the thread to pink - 4 rows with the front ones 9. 1 row - 2 pieces those 1 nakid 10. 4 rows face, change the thread to white 11. then gradually close the work: knit 8 loops, 9 and 10 together and so 6 times (a whole circle is obtained) 7 loops are knitted, 8 and 9 together (a whole circle) 6 loops ........, 7 and 8 together (..


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