
Knitting Pullover Free Pattern

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Hello !!

I found this pullover. 

Pattern Here

o = e face, X-series-Front loop, in Ian "
Night Series-Purl Netlja
• = In the front rows-purl Netlja,
In purl rows-facial Netlja
A = 2 N. To bind together the facial
􀂤 = 1 p. Remove, Spedujushhuju petpju to bind
The front and the removed loop to stretch through the
Tied Up

􀂥 = 2 N. Knit together reverse.---, = 1 p. Translate to auxiliary spoke at work, 2 persons., Loop with Sun ': o •
b. = 2 p. Translate to the right spoke and, re-supporting spokes to knit licevoi,
Krutiv, return back (= with tilt acc. reverse (in figure)
right), both loops to knit together for... _ = 2 N. Translate to auxiliary back wall reverse spoke before work, 1 Piz., acc.
1 IPMs. (according to the picture), then
2 N. With leak. Facial Spokes
■ = in the same loop knit: 1 Piz., yarn,
1 persons., yarn, 1 persons., rotate, tie
5 IPMs., rotate, tie 5 persons.. Stretch
Last 4 N. Through the first loop

Source :

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