
Little Amigurumi Free Pattern

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Head and Torso:

1st row: Ring Amigurumi, dial 6 loops (6)

2nd row: Raise in Each loop (12)

3rd row: (1 PRS, 1p) * 6 times (18)

4th row: (2 PRS, 1p) * 6 times (24)

5th row: (3 PRS, 1p) * 6 times (30)

6th row: (4 PRS, 1p) * 6 times (36)

7th – 12th series: (36 PRS) (36)

13th row: (4 PRS, 1u) * 6 times (30)

14th row: (3 PRS, 1u) * 6 times (24)

To enhance the reliability of the toy, I tied my head with the torso of one detail, so it's time to embroider on the head smile and nose, carefully securing the thread with side. Then you can continue to knit

15-th row: (2 prs, 1u) * 6 times (18)

16-th row: (1 prs, 1u) * 6 times (12)

17th row: (1u) * 6 times (6)

18th row: (6 prs) (6)

The head and neck are connected, they are filled with dense filler and then the knitting of the torso begins.

19th row: Increment in each loop (12)

20-th row: (1 PRS, 1p) * 6 times (18)

21st Row: (2 PRS, 1p) * 6 times (24)

22nd row: (3 PRS, 1p) * 6 times (30)

23rd – 25th Series: (30 PRS) (30)

26th row: (30 PRS for the front wall of the hinge) (30)

27th Row: (30 prs behind the back wall of the 25-row loops)

Thus form a rib, a shingles belly of a frog. Through this hem we will continue to bind skirt.

28th Row: (30 PRS) (30)

29th Row: (3 PRS, 1u) * 6 times (24)

30-th row: (2 prs, 1u) * 6 times (18)

The body is filled with a filler, it is convenient to do with tweezers.

31st Row: (1 prs, 1u) * 6 times (12)

32-th row: (1u) * 6 times (6)

Steal the hole, hide the thread inside the toy.

All 4 Paws are connected according to the same scheme.

1st row: Ring Amigurumi, dial 5 loops (5)

2nd row: Raise in Each loop (10)

3rd – 4th Series: (10 prs) (10)

Hammering, sew)))


1st row: Ring Amigurumi, dial 6 loops (6)

2nd row: Raise in Each loop (12)

3rd row: (1 PRS, 1p) * 6 times (18)

4th – 6th series: (18 PRS) (18)

We fasten the eyes, hammer, sew to the head.

And it only remains to bind skirt. Stick to the hem on the belly of the frog thread, and knit such petals:

2 VP, 5 PRSs, 1 VP, 1СС-it's all in one loop, it turns the petal.

In the next loop Knit 1 PRS, and then repeat the knitting petals. Since the thread is hard, the skirt on my frog is more like a circle for swimming)))


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