
Amigurumi Sweet Dog

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Sweet Dog Head

We begin knitting with a light thread.

1.6 in the satellite 

2.6 pr (12) 

3. (1 pr, 1 sb) * 6 (18)

4-6. 18 sb (18) change the thread to a dark

7. 2sbn, 1pr, 5bn, 2pr, 5bn, 1pr, 2sbn (22) 

8. 3bn, 1pr, 6cbn, 1pr, 1cb, 1pr, 6cbn, 1pr, 2cbn (26) 

9. 26sbn (26) + 1n of the offset 

10. 10sbn, 1pr, 4bn, 1pr, 10sbn (28)

11. 28bn (28) 

12. 10 сбн, 1пр, 6 сбн, 1пр, 10 сбн (30) 

13. 2cb, 1pr, 9cbn, 1pr, 4cdn, 1pr, 9cbn, 1pr, 2cbn (34) 

14. 13sbn, 1pr, 6bn, 1pr, 13bn (36) 

15-18. 36bn (36)

19. (1yb, 4cbn) * 6 (30) 

20. (1бб, 3сбн) * 6 (24) 

21. (1yb, 2cb) * 6 (18) 

22. (1yb, 1cbn) * 6 (12)

23. 6уб (6) We tighten, hide the thread. 


1.6 in the satellite 

2.6 pr (12) 

3. (1 pr, 1 sb) * 6 (18) 

4-12. 18 sb (18)

13. 1yub, 14cb, 1ub (16)

14. 2yb, 8cbn, 2ub (12) 

15. 6уб (6) We tighten, hide the thread. 


1.6 in the satellite

2. (1 pr, 1 cbn) * 3 (9)

3. (1 pr, 1 sb) * 4.1 sbn (13) 

4-8. 13bn (13)

9. 1ub, 4cdn, 2pr, 5sbn (14) 

10.1уб, 5сбн, 2пр, 5сбн (15) 

11. 1yb, 5bn, 2pr, 6sbn (16) 

12. 1yb, 14cbn (15) 

13. (1yb, 1cbn) * 4 (9) 

14. (1yb, 1cbn) * 3 (6) 

15. ub before closing.

Tail. We begin with a light thread.

1. 4bn in the spacecraft 

2-4. 4ббн (4) Change the thread to a dark

5-7 4сбн (4) We pull and hide the thread. 

Ears. (according to the correct one, where the rotary columns with the crochet should be made 2 in. Lifting, but for the ears to be convex we make 1 st lift)

1. 6 in, turn (6) 

2. 5cc, 1in, turn (6) 

3. 5снн, 1вп., Turn (6) 

4. 2ss, 1pr from ccn, 2ss, 1in, turn (7) 

5. In, let's skip, 5ss, 1in, turn (6) 

6. In, let's skip, 4ss, 1in, turn (5) 

7. In, let's skip, 5cc, 1in, turn (4) Cc, we tie along the edge of the cable along with a thin wire. We collect, put on the collar and rejoice in the baby.


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