

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

Teddy bear in the style of Samantha Lutherotti, perhaps one of the most popular toys amigurumi. No one can resist these lovely faces with sad and dreamy expressions. 

These toys attract, like a magnet and so and ask for hands)

The hare and the teddy bear in the style of Samantha Lutherotti are tied in one pattern and differ only in their ears. 
A distinctive feature of the toy is the design. As a rule, a large flat nose, which is most often made of a button on a leg, and small eyes located at the level of the nose, very close to it or nearby - it is already a matter of fantasy. 

Ears, rabbits or Amigurumi bears can also be arranged in different ways. that gives the toy greater expressiveness and emotionality.

Attach a special charm to the bear or bunny eyebrows-long or short, straight or at an angle. 
To distinguish the front part of the tinted, tint also paws and tummy. 
Sometimes on a toy make the effect of aging, that is, sew a patch or make some uneven stitches. 

Decorate the toy bow, suspension, usually do not knit clothing. 

Description knitting bunny in the style of Samantha Lutherotti. 
CP - air loop 
Addition - 2 sb in one loop of the previous row; 
Decrease - tie 2 stitches without crochet together 
- crochet without crochet 
- crochet without crochet 
* 6 times - number of repetitions 
[= 12 sb] - the number of sb in a row.


1 row: 6 sbn in the ring amigurumi [= 6 sbn]. 
2 row: (increase) * 6 times [= 12 sb]. 
3 rd row: (increase, 1 sb *) * 6 times [= 18 sb]. 
4 row: (increase, 2 scales) * 6 times [= 24 sb]. 
5 series: (increase, 3 scales) * 6 times [= 30 sb]. 
6th row: (increase, 4 cbn) * 6 times [= 36 cbn]. 
7-13 series: to line through 1 cd in each previous row [= 36 cbn]. 
14 series: (4 sb, decrease) * 6 times [= 30 sb]. 
15 row: (3 scales, decrease) * 6 times [= 24 sb]. 
16 row: (2 sb, decrease) * 6 times [= 18 sb]. 
Fill with filler. 
17 series: (1 sb, reduction) * 6 times [= 12 sb]. 
18 row: decrease, reduce until the hole is completely closed. 
Remove the sewing thread


1 row: 6 sb in the ring amigurumi [= 6 sb]. 
2 row: (increase) * 6 times [= 12 sb]. 
3 rd row: (increase, 1 sb *) * 6 times [= 18 sb]. 
4 row: (increase, 2 scales) * 6 times [= 24 sb]. 
5-7 series: to carry on 1 sb in each slave of the previous row [= 24 sb]. 
8 row: 6 deductions, (1 sb, reduction) * 4 times [= 14 sb]. 
9-11 series: to carry on 1 sb in each sbn the previous row [= 14 sb]. 
Fill with filler. 
12th row: (reduction, 1 sc.) * 6 times [= 8 sc.]. 
13 row: decrease, reduce until the hole is completely closed. 
Leave the sewing thread 

(2 pieces):

1 row: dial 10 bp. and tie the sb. in the second from the hook loop, 4 sb, 3 polostolbika s / n, 6 st s / n in the last loop. Turn knitting. 3 polostolbika s / n, 5 sbn, 1 connecting loop [= 23 st]. 
2 row: 5 connecting loops, 13 sb, 5 connecting loops [= 23 st]. 
Leave the sewing thread 

Lower foot (2 parts): 

1 Row: dial 7 bp. and tie the rope to the second from the hook loop, 4 sb, 3 sb in one loop, turn knitting clockwise, 4 sb, 2 sb in the first loop [= 14 sb]. 
2nd row: an increase, four wins, three increases, four wins, two increases [= 20 wins]. 
3 row: 4 connecting bars, 10 sb. 6 connecting posts [= 20 items] 
4 rows: tie 20 sb for the back of the hinge of the previous row [= 20 sb]
5 row: unchanged [= 20 sb]. Attach a cardboard base. 
6 row: 3 sb, (decrease, 1 sb) * 3 times, 8 stb / n [= 17 sb] 
7 row: (decrease, 1 sb) * 6 times [= 11 sb] 
8-9 rows: 1 sbn each in the previous row [= 11 sb]. 
Fill with filler. 
10 row: decrease, 3 rolls, decrease, 4 sbn [= 9 sb] 
11 row: stitch 1 sb in each slab of the previous row [= 9 sb] 
12 row: decrease, reduce until the hole closes completely. 
Leave the sewing thread

Upper foot (2 parts): 

1 row: dial 4 bp. and tie the slit into the second from the hook loop, 1 cb, 3 sb in one loop, turn the knitting clockwise, 1 sb, 2 sb in the first loop [= 8 sb]. 
2 series: (1 st.b / n, increase) * 4 times [= 12 sb]. 
3 rd row: move along 1 sb in each slab of the previous row [= 12 sb] 
4 ranks: 2 decreases, 8 sbn [= 10 sb]. 
5-9 row: fetch 1 cd in each previous row [= 10 sb]. 
Fill with filler. 
10 row: decrease, decrease, until the hole is completely closed. 

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