
Knitted Slippers Tutorial

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

V.P. - the air loop of the 
RLS - the column without the crochet 
CCN - the column with the cap 
PSSN - polustolbik with the crochet 
We knit the sole 
Hook # 3.2, slippers about 38 size. 
As a basis, Olga took this scheme, it may be easier for someone to understand the verbal description. 33 VP, 1 VP of lifting. 1 circle 31 СБН, 4СБН in the last air loop (sock), 31СБН, 4СБН in the last loop (heel) 2 circle 15 СБН, 3 ПССН, 13 ССН, 2 ССН in 1 loop * 4 times (8 socks), 13 SSN, 3 PRSP, 15 sc, 2 sc in 1 loop * 4 times (heel 8 sc)

3 circle 15 SCN, 3 PRSPs, 13 SSNs, 2 SSNs per 1 loop * 8 times (16 SNS toe), 13 SSNs, 3 PRSPs, 15 scs, 2 scs per 1 loop * 8 times (heel 16 sc) 
4 the RLS circle was replaced by 
18 PRSPs, 13 SSNs, (2 SSNs per 1 point, 1 SSN) at the PRSP 18 * 8 times (24 SNS socks), 13 SSNs, 18 PRSPs, 16 PRSPs (heel) 
5 round 31 PRSPs, 24 PRSPs sock) 31 PRSP, 8 PRSP (half of the heel) 
6 circle 103 RLS 
But again, we look at my leg, I knit because I have a narrow leg, someone in the 5th circle may not need to replace the 
CLS with the PSSN We knit the upper part 
1 we begin to knit from the middle of the heel, the inferior relief of the RLS, the knit is free enough to not pull about the sole 
2 series 103 sc 
3 row 25 sc, 3 PRSPs, 47 SSNs, 3 PRSPs, 25 sc
4 ranks 25 RLS, 3 PRSPs, 1 SSN, (2 SSNs with one peak, 1 SSN) * 15 times, 1 SSN, 3 PRSP, 25 RLS 
5 RLS 25 RLS, 3 PRSPs, 1 SSN, (2 SSNs with one peak 1 SSN) * 10 times, 1 SSN, 3 PRSP, 25 SCN 
6 row 25 SCN, 3 PRSP, 1 SSN, (2 SSNs with one vertex, 1 SSN) * 7 times, 3 PRSPs, 25 SCNs 
7 series 25 SCNs , 3 PRSPs, 2 SSNs with one vertex, 1 SSN) * 5 times, 3 PRSPs, 25 SCNs 
8 series 25 SCNs, 3 PRSPs, 1 SSNs (2 SSOs with one vertex, 1 SSN) * 3 times, 3 PRSPs , 25 sc in 
row 9 and the following RLS to the desired height. if necessary, evenly reduce (I reduce approximately 14 loops in two rows) 
Finishing the 
edge of the sole and the last row is tied with a step, the bows-leafs-flowers can be tied at will.

The sole can be strengthened with a dense fabric, so that the threads are not wiped. 
Schemes of knitted flowers can be found in our articles: Crochet flowers crochet, Knitting flowers. Part 2, Knitting flowers. Part 3 
Schemes of knitted leaves: Crocheted leaves. Part 1, Crocheted leaves. Part 2, Crocheted leaves. Part 3 

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