
How to Make Knitting Princess Dress

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1-2 years (48-53 cm OG)
2-3 years (51-56 cm OG)
3-4 years (56-61 sm OG)
4-6 years (61-66 sm OG)

Do not follow the size by year only, but check the volume of your child's breasts (all children are different).
Knit density:

21p per 10cm facial binding in a circle
22p per 10cm facial binding
24p by 8.5cm "Soto" pattern


I recommend using wool yarn with well-expressed loops when knitting, so that the patterns can be clearly seen. I used myself:
Zara from Filatura di Crosa (125 m in 50g)
Emerald Classic from Austermann (125m in 50g)

I find it difficult to recommend yarn since I don't know the name of the companies that are available to you.

3, 4, 4, 5 tangles of wool color A (125m)
1 tangle of Color B if you want to work with two colors.
circular spokes, 3 mm (60 cm long)
circular spokes, 4 mm (60 cm long and 80 cm)
2 loopholders
2 multicolored markers loops
Hook, 3 mm (for refilling ponytails threads and for finishing with contrasting color)


The tunic is connected in a circle from the waist to the armpits. Then the work is divided into two parts: front and back, which fit equally.
Shoulders are connected by the bonding of two canvases by the third spoke.
Then the loops are collected from below (at the edge of the waist), and the skirt knits in a circle to the hem.
I offer several options: you can knit in two colors (the option that I myself used in a green tunic will be explained). I also offer three options for hem. Fairy can knit as a vest, and as a tunic, and as a dress. Instructions for length here are given for the tunics option.


Pick a hook 134 (146, 158, 166) loops auxiliary thread. Then using 3mm circular spokes, pick up the basic thread of 124 (136, 148, 156) loops with pigtails that you made hook. Mark the circle connection with a marker of the same color. Be sure to make sure the loops don't twist.
Then use the main color yarn, tie the circle. In this other color marker, mark the middle of the work through 62 (68, 74, 78) loops. In the future, these markers will be used to separate the back and the transmission.
Knit 8 (10, 10, 12) rounds of 1x1 gum.

Green tunic 2-color performance: tie one circle with the main color, the next circle again the main color, but already 1x1 rubber band. Then the next circle of 1x1 rubber band of contrasting color and so on. Finish with the main color.

Go for 4mm spokes. Tie one lap, while evenly adding 20 (20, 20, 24) loops. You must now have 144 (156, 168, 180) loops on spokes.

Cellular Pattern:

Circles 1-4: 2 from the south, 2 faces, 4 from the first. Repeat up to the last 4 loops, then 2 faces, 2 from
Circle 5: 2p per do. spoke (keep at work), 1 persons, 2p with pre-spokes to tie the from. 1p per up spoke (keep before work), 2 nis, tie the liz loop with the dopp spokes, 2p per dop. spoke (keep at work), 1 persons, 2p with up spokes to tie from the outside.
Circles 6-10: 1 persons, 4 from the right, 2 persons to repeat up to the last 5 loops, then 4 from the last, 1 persons.
Circle 11: 1p per dop spoke (keep before work), 2 of all faces. loop with the doep spokes, 2p per do. spokes (keep at work), 1 persons, 2p with pre-spokes to tie the nis, 1p on the up spoke (keep before work), 2 of all face. loop with the doep spokes. Repeat until the last 3 loops, then 2p on the pre-p. spoke (keep at work), 1 persons, 2p with pre-spokes to tie the from.
Krug 12: Like Circle 1

In the 12th round knit up the last six loops and close them as on the first. Remove the marker and close another 6 loops as on the froman (i.e. only closed 12 loops)
Start a new circle:
Row1: knit as the first round of the 100th pattern up to the last 6 loops before the second marker, close them as an out.. Remove the marker and close both on the from the out. 6 more loops (i.e. closed 12 more loops). To tie the circle to the end.
The front and back of the dales will be knit separately and equally. The total number of loops on each half should be 60 (66, 72, 78).

Continue to knit with a cellular pattern, but now not in a circle, but in rows. Keep in mind that there should be five rows between each interweaving. How to knit the work rows below (Row2). When you need to simultaneously reduce the loops and make weaves and you do not have enough loops for full interweaving, then just tie these loops on the picture (i.e. faces or from the wrong).


Row2 (from the night): 2 first loops to knit facial. Next, the work and face loops on the picture (i.e., as you can see them). Finish with two faces. All the night rows will be knitted further.
Rows 3, 5, 7, 9 (facial): 2 persons, remove one noose as a front, tie the next, throw the removed loop on the tied. Up to the last 4 loops, knit 2 loops together as faces, 2 faces.
After the 9th row, the number of loops was reduced to 8 (but 4 on each side).
The total number of loops is now 52 (58, 64, 70).

For sizes 1-2g and 2-3g:

Rows 11, 13: 2 persons, "rapport," 2 persons
Row 15: Go straight to row19 and continue knitting from it.

For sizes 3-4g and 4-6g:

Rows 11, 13, 15: 2 persons, remove one loop as a front, tie the next, throw the removed noose on the tied. Up to the last 4 loops, knit 2 loops together as faces, 2 faces.
After the 15th row, the total number of reduced loops should be 14 (7 on each side). This number includes a 3-9 down.

For all sizes:

Number 17: 2 persons, "rapport," 2 persons
Number 18: As Series 2
The total number of loops at this stage is 52 (58, 58, 64).
Row 19 (facial): 2 persons,2 persons, the next 12p knit rapports, then tie two loops together as a base, the next 22 (28, 28, 34) loops to knit the 1x1 gum, starting with the persons., the next 12 loops knit rapports, 2 persons.
Series 21: 2 persons,, the next 12p knit rapports, the following 23 (29, 29, 35) loops knit gum 1x1, 12 loops knit rapports, 2 faces.
Number 23: 2 persons., the next 12p knit rapports, 2 persons,, the next 19 (25, 25, 31) loops close as from, 2 persons., 12 loops knit rapports, 2 persons.
Number 24: (start knitting the right shoulder strap) on 16 loops on the picture (12 loops drawing 2 faces on each side).
Knit the strap until the height of the stretch from the armpits to the shoulder is 10 (11.5, 12.6, 14) cm. Throw the loops onto the holder.
Left strap: Attach a thread with the lime. Side. To be right, starting with the 24th row.

Back: like before

Now combine the shoulder seams by tying two canvases with a third spoke.


Dissolve the auxiliary thread and lift 124 (136, 148, 156) loops on the spoke. Put on a marker and combine to knit in a circle.
Knit the next circle, evenly adding 6 (4, 2, 4) loops, so that the total number of loops was 130 (140, 150, 160).
The skirt will be divided into 10 sections, each with 13 (14, 15, 16) loops.
Each section will have a pigtail pattern. The pigtail is composed of 6 loops, so between the pigtails will be 7 (8, 9, 10) loops.
Before you start the "Kosicka" pattern when you knit the skirt, move the marker 3 loops forward!
Now you can get to work:
Circles 1-2 (initial circles): 8, 9, 10 from the beginning, 6 persons.
Circle 3: 8, 9, 10 from the south, then remove 3 loops on the auxiliary spoke and hold before work, the next 3 loops knit faces, then knit 3 loops with auxiliary spokes of faces.
Circle 4 (we begin to add loops): q add a loop (tie the loop twice as a non-sand first for the back wall and then behind the front wall), 5 (6, 7, 8) from, add a loop as it was done earlier, 6 faces.
So we added 20 loops.
Circles 5-8: 10, 11, 12 from the south, 6 persons.
Circle 9: 10, 11, 12 from, then remove 3 loops on the auxiliary spoke and keep to work, the next 3 loops knit faces, then knit 3 loops with auxiliary spokes of faces.
Laps 10-14: 10, 11, 12 from the south, 6 persons.

At an interval of 5 (6.5, 7.5, 10) cm repeat twice circular row with the addition of loops. Circular rows with the addition of loops do not necessarily turn out on the 4th lap on the score. In this case, knit the fourth round as 5-8. There should be 3 laps with the addition of loops, in each of 20 loops (the total will be 60 loops).
If you want the skirt to be more lush, you can add more loops repeating the circles of addition more often.
Repeat laps 3-14 until the length of the skirt becomes 14 (17.5, 20, 25.5) cm from the lower edge of the elastic band at the waist. This length is for the tunics option. You can make both a vest and a dress (making the skirt shorter or longer).
Next stage: hem!
Option 1: Finish the skirt on lap 3 or 9.
Option 2: Finish the skirt on lap 8 or 14.
Option 3: Finish the skirt on 4 or 10 lap.

Podol variant (length 4-5 cm):

The center of corrugation is two medium loops of 6 faces. that made up the pigtail.

Circle 1:15 (16, 17, 18) from the out, the cape, the two persons, the cape, the 17 (18, 19, 20) is not, cape, 2 persons, cape to the last 2 loops, 2 from.
Circle 2: 15 (16, 17, 18) from the south, 4 persons, 17 (18, 19, 19, 20) from now, 4 persons, up to the last 2 loops, 2 from now.
Circle 3:15 (16, 17, 18) from the out, the cape, 4 persons, cape, 17 (18, 19, 20) from the cape, 4 persons, cape to the last 2 loops, 2 from the
Circle 4: 15 (16, 17, 18) from the south, 6 persons, 17 (18, 19, 20) from the other, 6 persons, up to the last 2 loops, 2 from the
Circle 5:15 (16, 17, 18) from the out, the cape, 6 persons, cape, 17 (18, 19, 20) of the cape, 6 persons, cape to the last 2 loops, 2 from the
Circle 6: 15 (16, 17, 18) from the south, 8 persons, 17 (18, 19, 20) from now, 8 persons, up to the last 2 loops, 2 from the
Circle 7:15 (16, 17, 18) from the out, the cape, 8 persons, cape, 17 (18, 19, 20) from the cape, 8 persons, cape to the last 2 loops, 2 from the
Circle 8: 15 (16, 17, 18) from the first, 10 persons.
Circles 9-10: knit like 8

If you use two colors, now enter the second color thread into the work.

1 circle of faces.
1 lap of the first.
Close the loops of faces.

Podol variant (5 cm length):

The total number of loops at this stage should be 190 (200, 210, 220), unless you have of course reduced or increased the number of laps on the skirt where the loops were added.

If you use two colors, tie the following circles 1-3, the second color. And if not, tie them with the main color.

Circle 1: Persons.
Circle 2: From.
Circle 3: Persons.
Circles 4-6: 1x1 (persons, from)
Circle 7: 1 persons., add a loop (tie twice as a fromthe, first for the back wall, and then for the front.) *
Circles 8-10: 1 persons, 2 from
Circle 11: 1 persons, 1 in.
Circles 12-13: 1 persons, 3 from
Circle 14: Close the loops by drawing.

Podol variant (5.5 cm length):

The total number of loops at this stage should be 190 (200, 210, 220), unless you have of course reduced or increased the number of laps on the skirt where the loops were added.
If you use two colors, tie the following circles 1-2 and 14-17, the second color. And if not, tie them with the main color.

Circle 1: Persons.
Circle 2: From.
Circle 3: Knit the facial viscous and evenly add 5 (4, 7, 6) loops in each section that would be between the pigtails. The total number of loops should be 240 (240, 280, 280).

If you have done more or fewer laps where loops have been added to the skirt, the number of loops between each pigtail for the hem 3 should be divided into 6. And the ringing of loops after lap 3 should be more than the original (do not reduce the loops to reach the division by 6, but on the contrary add).

Circle 4: 1 persons.,4 from the first, 2 persons, 4 from the last 7 loops, then 2 persons, 4 persons, 1 persons.
Circle 5-13: Start the Cellular Pattern, but only with lap 11 and finish it with lap 6 (circles numbers as stated in the description of the honey pattern previously).
Circles 14, 16: persons.
Circle 15: From.
Circle 17: Close the loops like an out.

Tie in any way, decorate with buttons or embroidery.

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