
Knitted Long Cardigan Free Pattern

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36/38 (40/42) 44/46

You will need to
Yarn (77% cotton, 15% cashmere, 8% polyamide; 175 m/50 g)-500 (550) 600 g soft pink; Spokes № 4.5; Circular Spokes № 4.5.

Patterns and diagrams

Openwork pattern
Number of loops Multiple 20 = Knit SOGL. Schema. On it are given facial ranks. In purl rows all loops to tie on a figure, a scale to tie purl; Of the 2 scale in a row of the 1st scale to tie the reverse, the 2nd scale-reverse crossed. Raport is constantly repeating. For the bottom part of the jacket to execute 2 times 1-100th series. For sleeves to execute 1 time 61-100-TH series, then to repeat another 1 time 1-100-TH series =
Total 140 series.

Patent Edge (3 loops)
Facial ranges: 3 loops to touch the facial.

Purls rows: Thread before work: 3 loops to take off as Purls, and a little tighten the thread to the edge spun inside.

Facial surface
Facial Rows-facial loops, purls rows-purls loops.

Purl surface
Facial rows-purls loops, purls rows-facial loops.

Reglane Line (8 loops)
Face rows: 1 scale, 3 loops to hold together a stretch (1 loop to take off as a face, 2 loops to touch together a front and to stretch through a removed loop), 2 obverse, 3 loops to touch together obverse, 1 scum.

Purls rows: Loops and dips tie purl.

Density of Knitting
22 p. x 33 P. = 10 x 10 cm, is associated with openwork pattern of the front surface;
3 p. = 1 cm, bound by the patent edge.

The back and shelves to the sleeves knit a single cloth = The lower part of the cardigan.

Sleeves knit separately. Then finish the cardigan with a yoke of cut the Reglan on all the details.

For technical reasons, the yoke on the lower part of the Cardiagan and on the sleeves is depicted separately, while the line of the Reglane on the pattern half refers to the individual details respectively.

Doing the work

The Lower part of the cardigan
Dial on the Spokes 246 (266) 286 loops cross-shaped set (see page 31) and knit openwork pattern = 12 (13) 14 rapports, and start and finish 3 p. Patent edge.

For armholes in 200 a row from the initial row (= Seamy row) to knit as follows: 3 p. Patent Edge, 56 (61) 66 p. purl, close 8 p., 112 (122) 132 p. purl, close 8 p., 56 (61) 66 p. purl, 3 p. Patent edge.

After 60.5 cm = 200 rows from the initial row to leave the loops.

External on 56 (61) 66 p. + 3 p. Patent Edge Form shelves, average 112 (122) 132 p.-A backrest.

To Dial on Spokes 62 (64) 66 loops cross-shaped set and between Kromovyi knit openwork pattern, thus a pattern to start from 61-th row of a scheme and on both parties to expand on 0 (1) 2 p. A front smooth, and in 61 and 62-th row, and also in 95 and 96-м a number of a scheme reverse Smooth, respectively.

After 12 cm = 40 rows from the initial row add to the bevel sleeves on both sides 1 x 1 P., then in each 10th row 9 x 1 P. (In each 8th row 11 x 1 p.) alternately in each 6th and 8th row 13 x 1 P.; Additions, including external on 0 (1) 2 p. In a pattern, at the same time to make sure that the number of the scale and the put together loops coincide = 82 (88) 94 p.

In 140 a row from the initial row to close on both sides on 4 p. and through 42.5 cm = 140 series from the initial row to leave the remaining 74 (80) 86 p.

The Yoke of a Reglan
Left loops of all details to dial on circular spokes, thus sleeves to include between shelves and a backrest = 378 (410) 442 p.

Continue the work Trail. Way: 3 p. Patent Edge, 20 p. (= 1 raport) openwork pattern, 32 (37) 42 p. Front smooth, 8 p. Line Reglan, 66 (72) 78 p. Front surface, 8 p. Line Reglan, 104 (114) 124 p. Front surface, 8 p. Line Reglan, 66 (72) 78 p. Facial smoothness , 8 p. Line Reglan, 32 (37) 42 p. Facial smoothness, 20 p. (= 1 raport) openwork pattern, 3 p. Patent edge.

At the Same time, starting in the 1st Lyceum row, reduce in each lyceum row on the lines of the Reglan 31 (35) 39 x 2 p. (= 8 p. In each face row) Sogl. Instructions = 130 P.

For Pattern 1 Execute 1 times 1 – 62nd series, then repeat another 0 (1) 2 times 55 – 62nd row.

For the neck strap through 19 cm = 62 series (21 cm = 70 rows) 23.5 cm = 78 rows from the beginning of knitting of the yoke to repeat one more time 55 – 62nd row on all loops, thus to start and finish 3 p. Patent Edge and on lines of a Reglan no more to carry out decreases.

At width of a lath 2.5 SM = 8 rows to close 130 loops as purls.

Carry out seams of sleeves and horizontal seams of a reglan.

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