
White Sweater Tunic Free Pattern

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S/M (M/L) L/XL

You will need to
Yarn (68% alpaca wool, 10% sheep wool, 22% synthetic fibre; 50 g/110 m) — 10 (11) 12 skein White; Straight Spokes № 5 and 6; Circular Spokes № 4.5, 5 and 6 lengths of 40 cm.

Patterns and diagrams

Alternately 2 Izn, 2 persons. (1st row = N. Row).

Main pattern
Knit by scheme.

2 p. With tilt left
2 p. Pull together the front with a tilt to the left: 1 p. Take off, as with the face knitting, the next loop projazit front and removed loop to stretch through the projazazit.

3 p. Together Front
3 p. Touch the front face: 1 p. Projazat Front and the next 2 p. Stretch through the Projazemno loop.

3 p. With tilt left
3 p. Projazat together a front with a slope to the left: 2 p. To remove, as at a face knitting, the following loop to touch a front and the removed loops to stretch through Projazelno.

Add 1 P.
To Make a scum, in the next row of a scale to twist and touch behind a back wall.

Density of Knitting
16 p. x 24 R. = 10 x 10 cm, is connected by the main pattern on the spokes № 6.

The Density of knitting should correspond to the given, therefore before work it is necessary to link a sample. To do this, dial 27 p. and knit 14 cm of the specified pattern on the SOOTV. Spokes. Then calculate the loops on the average length of 10 cm and compare with the data of the given density of knitting. If there are more than 16 p., go to thicker spokes, if less-to thinner. The Density of knitting should correspond to the preset in the first place on width.

If only one number is specified in the statement, it applies to all dimensions.

Doing the work

On the Spokes № 5 Dial 98 (106) 114 p. and Knit rubber = alternately 2 izn, 2 persons. (1st row = N. Row).

After 4 cm next persons. Number to touch the face, while evenly reduce the loops so that the spokes left 81 (87) 93 p. Projazit 2 p. Facial, then go to the spokes № 6 and continue to work the main pattern of the scheme.

When the length of the part will be 46 cm (end of the 8th p. diagram), start the Reglani Ubavki:

1-St row with Ubavkami: 1 persons., 3 p. Projazat together a face with a slope to the left, to knit the basic pattern to the last 4 p. On a spoke, 3 p. To touch together the obverse, 1 persons. In all subsequent Rows of 2 extreme loops on both sides of the tie purl.

The 2nd row with the Ubavkami: 1 persons., 2 p. Projazat together the obverse with a slope to the left, to knit the basic pattern to the last 3 p. On a spoke, 2 p. Projazat together obverse, 1 persons. These 2 p. With Ubavkami repeat until the spokes will not remain 33 (33) 33 p.

Finish. Close by, tying all the loops to the facial. Close on both sides of the loop, the remaining loops are transferred to the auxiliary spokes or thread.

Knit like a backrest.

On the Spokes № 5 dial 46 (50) 54 p. and Knit rubber = alternately 2 izn, 2 persons. (1st row = N. Row).

After 8 cm next persons. Number to touch the face, while evenly reduce the loops so that the spokes left 39 (45) 51 p.

Projazit another 2 p. Facial, go to the spokes № 6 and continue the work of the main pattern of the scheme. In each 4th p. Add on both sides after/before the Crown Loop on 1 p., while on the spokes will not be 75 (81) 87 p.

When the length of the sleeve is 43 cm (end of the 8th p. diagram), start the Reglani Ubavki and execute them as described for the backrest.

Repeat 2 p. With Ubavkami until the spokes will remain 27 (27) 27 p. Finish. Close by, tying all the loops to the facial. Close on both sides of the loop, the remaining loops are transferred to the auxiliary spokes or thread.

To Execute lateral seams and seams of sleeves-approximately to 6 р. Before 1st Reglannoy Ubavkoj = These 6 р. will be continuation of reglannyh seams. Run the stitches.

On Circular Spokes № 6 to translate the left loops and all 112 p. Projazat Facial. Row Close and work to continue in a circle of rubber band = alternately 2 persons., 2. When the width of the gum is 4 cm, go to the spokes № 5. When the width of the entire gum is 8 cm, the work continue spokes № 4.5. When the width of the gum 22 cm loop close.

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