

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

Sizes: 42 (50; 54) 

You will need: 650 (700; 750) g ​​Diandra copper-colored yarn (85% wool, 15% linen; 50 g / 50 m); Knitting needles number 8, circular needles number 7, auxiliary needle. 

Knitting technique. 
Gum 2x2: 2 persons alternately. n., 2 out. P. 
Purl: facial rows - purl loops, purl rows - facial loops. 

Pattern with rhombus: knit according to the scheme, on which only the front rows are given; knit in the purl stitches of the loop. Run 1–4th rows 1 times, then 5–36th rows 2 times, 69–95th rows 1 time, then knit the loops according to the pattern. 

Knitting density 
Wrong surface and gum 2x2 needles number 8: 11 n. And 16 p. = 10 x 10 cm; 
Pattern with rhombus: 27.5 cm = 40 p. 


Back: dial 50 (58; 62) n. And knit 4 rows of purses, continue with the purl stitch. To form an armhole at a height of 44 (42; 40) cm, close the trace at the beginning. 2 p. 3 p., at the beginning of the trail. 6 p. 1 p. = 38 (46; 50) p. To form a neckline at a height of 62 cm, knit up to 14 pp central, close 14 pp central thread from another skein, knit to the end. Knit both halves at the same time 2 rows straight, then close on the side of the neckline 2 p. At a height of 64 cm close the remaining 10 (14; 16) p. Shoulder.

Before: dial 50 (58; 62) paragraphs and knit 4 rows of purses, adding evenly 10 points to the central 30 points in the last purl row = 60 (68; 72) paragraph. Continue to knit the next. in a way: chrome., 9 (13; 15) p. purl satin., 40 p. of a pattern with rhombus, 9 (13; 15) p. purl stitch., chrome. p. At a height of 44 (42; 40) cm, make armholes, as on the back = 48 (56; 60) p. separately, diminishing from the side of the neckline, 1 p. in the 71st row of the scheme, then 11 more times in each trace. front row. At a height of 64 cm, close the remaining 12 (16; 18) sections of the shoulder.

Sleeve: dial 30 (34; 34) p., Starting from the wrong side of the knit after chrome. 1 out. p., 2 persons. p., then an elastic band 2x 2. After 24 (24; 28) p. add on both sides in the next. a row of 1 p., then in every 8th p. 5 (5; 7) times 1 p. = 42 (45; 50) p. At a height of 45 cm close the trace at the beginning. 2 rows of 3 p., At the beginning of the trail. 20 rows of 1 p., At the beginning of the next. 2 rows of 2 p. At a height of 60 cm close the remaining 12 (16; 20) p. The second sleeve knit the same. 

Assembly: perform shoulder and side seams, seams of sleeves. Sew sleeves. On circular knitting needles, dial with a facial intake of 75 points along the neckline and close the loops with a facial device.

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