
Story Dress Love Free Pattern

Click For Crochet Abbreviations List

dimensions: the S - M - of L - XL - XXL - XXXL 

You will need: Darn Pars yarn from Garnstudio 850-950-1050-1150-1250-1400 g color 17, natural; stocking and knitting needles (40 and 80 cm) № 5 mm; Knitting needles No. 4 mm - for the openwork row at the waist and for the edge of the garter stitch; 4 wooden beads for strings. 

Knitting density: 17 p. X 22 p. front satin = 10 cm x 10 cm. 

Shawl knitting (circular knitting): 1 shawl row = 2 circular rows: 1 row of facial and 1 row of purl loops. 

Shawl knitting (knitting in swivel rows): 1 shawl row = 2 rows of facial loops. 

Pattern Diagram: See Diagrams A.1-A.4. Choose a scheme for your dimensions (Scheme A.3). 

Product Length: The 
bottom edge of the dress will be uneven due to the wavy pattern, so measure the length of the knitting to the top of the wave (short section).

Skids for skirts: 
Gaps after the marker: remove 1 p. As faces., 1 faces., Throw the removed paragraph onto the knit one (= decrease 1 p.). 
Reducements in front of the marker: without adding 2 points to the marker, knit 2 points together. (= subtracting 1 p.). 

Hotshots are performed near 3 garter strap edge loops in the front rows. 
Reduce after 3 chrome: remove 1 p. As persons .. 1 persons., Throw the removed p. Onto the knit one (= subtract 1 p.). 
Reduce before 3 chrome: without adding 2 sections to 3 edge ones, knit 2 sections together. (= subtracting 1 p.). 

Uniform increments: 
To calculate the implementation of uniform increments, divide the total number of loops (for example, 180 points) by the required number of reductions (for example, 8) = 22.5.
In this example, knit together, alternately, every 21st and 22nd, and every 22nd and 23rd loop. 

Side extensions and sleeves 
extensions : Perform increases in the front rows, on each side of the side markers or markers of the lower part of the sleeve: without reaching 2 points to the marker, make 1 nakid, 4 faces. (the marker is in the middle of these 4 p.), 1 nakid (= increase 2 p.). In the next row knit crochets with crossed loops. 
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Job description: The 
dress is knitted round the corner, starting from the bottom edge of the skirt, to the notch on the shelf, then - by turning rows. After armhole back and shelf knit separately. Sleeves fit round bottom up. 

Freely dial 247-266-285-323-342-380 section on the circular needles No. 5 mm and knit 2 shawl rows, then knit under the scheme A.1 (= 13-14-15-17-18-20 rapports 19 each P.). 
Note! In the row with arrow-1 in diagram A.1, move the beginning of the row 2 items to the left so that the pattern is symmetrical. In the row with the arrow-2 in diagram A.1, move the beginning of the row 1 point to the left. 
When you knit a full repeat of pattern A.1, you will have only 156-168-180-204-216-240 p.
Continue to knit the facial smooth. When the knitting length is 28 cm, fasten 4 markers in the canvas: 1st marker - after 18-21-24-30-32-38 n. From the beginning of the row, 2nd - after 42-42-42-42-44 -44 p., 3rd - through 36-42-48-60-64-76 p. And 4th - through 42-42-42-42-44-44 p .; after the last marker to the end of the row will remain 18-21-21-30-32-38 p. Move the markers up during operation. 
In the next row, subtract 1 p. After the 1st and 3rd marker, and before the 2nd and 4th marker - see the description above (= subtract 4 p.). Repeat a subtraction every 4½-4½-5½-6-6 cm, just 7-7-6-6-6-6 times near each marker = 128-140-156-180-192-216 p. Remove the markers.
Through 59-60-61-62-63-64 cm from the beginning of the work (the finishings are completed), knit 1 row with the front ones, decreasing evenly 0-0-0-8-0-4 p. = 128-140-156-172-192 -212 p. Go to the spokes number 4 mm and knit under the scheme A.2. When you knit a full repeat of pattern A.2, at the beginning of the row fix 1 marker (= side marker), 1 more marker - at 32-35-39-43-48-53 p. (= Middle of the front) and 1 - at 32- 35-39-43-48-53 p. (= Side marker). Between the side markers you should have 64-70-78-86-96-106 n. On the back. Go to the needles number 5 mm and cut the thread. Continue to knit the back and the shelf in rotating rows.
First persons. start knitting from the midpoint of the forehand marker: A.3B pattern (= 12-12-14-14-16-16 p.), 40-46-50-58-64-74 p. front face (the marker is in the middle of these 40-46-50-58-64-74 p.), A.3A pattern (= 12-12-14-14-16-16 p.), A.3B pattern (= 12-12-14-14- 16-16 p.), 40-46-50-58-64-74 p. Front facial (side marker is in the middle of these 40-46-50-58-64-74 p.) And the pattern A.3A (= 12-12-14-14-16-16 p.). Continue to knit by this pattern. 
After 3 cm from the place of separation add 1 p. On each side of the side markers (= increase 4 p.). Repeat increments after 6-6-7-7-8-8 cm from the point of separation = 136-148-164-180-200-220 p.
Through 70-72-74-76-78-80 cm from the start of work, knit 2 shawls along the middle 12-12-14-18-22-26 section from each side (i.e., 6-6-7 -9-11-13 n. Garter stitch on each side of the side markers), the rest of the loop knit as before. 
In the first front row after the garter rows, close the 6-6-8-12-16-20 paragraph from each side for armholes (3-3-4-6-8-10 paragraph on each side of the side markers). Shelf and back continue to knit separately. 

Left shelf: 
= 31-34-37-39-42-45 p. Center knots are crocheted under the A.3A scheme, the other loops are made with a front satin stitch, 3 edge loops on the side of the armhole are garter stitch (the first row is the wrong side).
When you tie 3 rows, in the next persons. reduce the number of loops for the armhole - see the description above. Repeat the downs in each 2nd row (i.e., in each person. Row) only 2-3-5-6-8-11 times = 29-31-32-33-34-34 p. 
Continue to knit the same pattern, until the dress is 84-87-90-93-96-99 cm long (the next row should be purlled; finish after the end of the vertical repeat of the pattern). 
Transfer the first 7-8-8-9-10-10 p. To the aux. thread for the neck, without breaking the thread. At the beginning of each int. close the row from the middle of the front 2 times 2 points and 3 times 1 point = 15-16-17-17-17-17 points left for the shoulder. Knit until there is 1 row left until reaching a length of 90-93-96-99-102-105 cm, then knit 1 row with the front ones and close the loops. 

Right shelf:
= 31-34-37-39-42-45 p. Center hinges before knit under the scheme A.3B, the other loops - the front satin stitch, 3 edge loops from the armhole - garter stitch (first row - wrong side). 
When you tie 3 rows, in the next persons. reduce the row for the armhole. Repeat the downs in each 2nd row (i.e., in each person. Row) only 2-3-5-6-8-11 times = 29-31-32-33-34-34 p. 
Continue to knit the same pattern until the length of the dress is approx. 84-87-90-93-96-99 cm (the next row should be the front ones - finish in the same row of scheme A.3 as on the left shelf). 
Transfer the first 7-8-8-9-10-10 p. To the aux. thread for the neck, after tying these loops.
At the beginning of each row, close from the middle of the front to 2 times 2 points and 3 times 1 point = 15-16-17-17-17-17 points left for the shoulder. Knit until there is 1 row left until reaching a length of 90-93-96-99-102-105 cm, then knit 1 kn. row facial and close loops in faces. the row. 

= 62-68-74-78-84-90 p. 3 crom. P. Knit a garter stitch on each side, the rest of the loop - with the front satin stitch, the middle loop of the front - according to the schemes A.3A / A.3B (the first row - the wrong side). 
When you tie 3 rows, turn down the faces next. a number of loops for armholes on each side (= 2 increments). Repeat a decrease in every 2nd row (ie, in every person. Row) only 2-3-5-6-8-11 times = 58-62-64-66-68-68 p. 
Continue to knit the same pattern as long as the dress length reaches 88-91-94-97-100-103 cm.
Close the middle 26-28-28-30-32-32 p for the neck and knit each shoulder separately. In the next row, close the 1 p. From the side of the neck = 15-16-17-17-17-17 p. Left for the shoulder. Knit until there is 1 row left until reaching a length of 90-93-96-99-102-105 cm, knit 1 kn. row facial and close loops in faces. the row. Tie the second shoulder. 

Freely dial 76-76-76-95-95-95 p. On short circular needles No. 5 mm and knit 2 shawl rows, then knit according to A.4 (= 4-4-4-5-5-5 rapports 19 p.). Note! In the row with the arrow-3 in scheme A.4, move the beginning of the row 2 pt. To the left for symmetry of the pattern.
When you finish knitting the pattern A.4, you should have 48-48-48-60-60-60 p. Continue to knit with the front satin stitch until the sleeve length reaches 20 cm. Then, knit 1 row with the front ones, subtracting evenly 6-4- 2-12-10-8 p. = 42-44-46-48-50-52 p. Go to the stocking needles No. 4 mm and knit under the scheme A.2. When finished knitting pattern A.2, go to the stocking needles number 5 mm. 
At the beginning of the row, fasten the marker and knit it with a face stitch. After 25-25-25-26-26-26 cm from the beginning of work, add 2 paragraphs near the marker. Repeat the increase 7-9-9-11-12-14 times, for size S - in every 4th row; for sizes M and L - in every 3rd row; for size XL - in every 2nd row; for size XXL - alternately in every 1st and every 2nd row; for size XXXL - in each row = 56-62-64-70-74-80 p.
After 38-38-37-37-35-34 cm, close the middle 6 points of the sleeve undercut (3 points on each side of the marker). 
Next, knit the sleeves of the sleeves in turning rows, closing the loops at the beginning of each row: close 2 times 2 points and 3-3-3-5-6-8 times 1 point. Then close 2 points at the beginning of each row until sleeve length will not reach 45-45-45-46-46-47 cm. Close the 3 points at the beginning of the next 2 rows, then close the remaining loops. Sleeve length - approx. 46-46-46-47-47-48 cm. Tie the second sleeve. 

Sew the shoulder seams, sew the sleeves so that the 1st row of garter is outside the seam. 

Binding of a mouth:
From the front side, lift along the edge of the neckline 72-88 n., Including the shelved shelves of the neck of the shelf, on the spokes No. 4 mm. Knit 1 purl, 1 face and 1 purl row of faces, and close the loops in the faces. the row. 

Cut 2 strands of 3 meters each and start twisting them together until they start to curl themselves, fold them in half and let them twist into the cord. Tie a knot at each end and put on a wooden bead. Make 2 brushes and attach 1 brush to each end of the braid under the bead. Brush: cut 12 threads 11 cm each, then cut 1 thread approx. 25 cm and wrap it 12 pieces in the middle, fold the tassel in half and tie it with a long thread at a distance of approx. 1 cm from the fold. Sew the brush to the cord. Fold the string in half, thread the loop at the edge of the neckline next to the cut, and pull the ends of the string into the loop. Make a second lace and attach to the other side of the shelf.

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