
Kids Sweater Free Pattern

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Size: 62-68-74-80-86 
You will need for jumper: 150-175-175-200-200 g dark pink, 25 g white, light gray, pink and purple yarn Schachenmayr Original Baby Wool (100% wool, 85 m/25 g); Spokes № 3 and № 3.5; 2 buttons; Three buttons. 
Counting scheme, knitted needles. 
Elastic band 2х 2:1 Series-Knit alternately 2 persons. and 2. Starting from the second row of the loop knit on the figure. Facial surface: Faces. Ranks – persons. Loops, in the Series Loops. Motive with the owl: Knit faces. By the counting scheme. When changing the color of the crossed thread on the Side so that there are no openings. Run from 1st to 58th p. 
Density of knitting: persons. Surface, Spokes № 3.5:28 p. and 36 P. = 10 x 10 cm. 
Description of the work of the Sweater "owl" for the Girl, knitting needles: 
Back: On the spokes № 3.5 in the open. Thread dial 73-79-83-89-95 p., Knit faces. With a dark pink thread. Through 13-15-16-17-18 cm for armholes close on both sides 3-3-4-4-5 p., then in each 2nd P. 1 times 2 p. and 1 times 1 p. = 61-67-69-75-79 p. Through 18-20-22-24-26 cm for the cut to tie 27-30-31-34-36 loops on the figure, to dial 7 p. For the strap = 34-37-38-41-43 p. Postpone Remaining 34-37-38-41-43 p. Knit to a height of 25-27-29-31-33 cm. Close from the right edge for the shoulder 1 x 5-6-5-7-7 loops and in each 2nd P. 2 times for 4-5-6-6-7 loops. At the same time close the left edge to cut the neck 11-11-11-12-12 loops, then 10 loops. The left half to finish symmetrically. 
For the rounded bottom edge on the spokes № 3.5 white thread to collect 73-79-83-89-95 p., Pattern jumper for girls 1st Izn. Number of facial and 3 rows of persons. Stitch, Postpone loops. Remove the vom. Thread inlaid a row of the Backrest and Dial 73-79-83-89-95 p. On the spoke. Position the loops of the rounded edge behind the hinges of the backrest and touch the 1st one. A number of pink thread purl, capturing on 1 p. with each spokes. Go to the Spokes № 3 and knit a white thread rubber band 2x2, evenly reduce in the 1st p. 3-1-1-3-1 p. = 70-78-82-86-94 p. Tie another 1 p. White, 2 p. Dark Pink, 6 p. Pink, 2 p. Violet and 2 p. Dark Pink Thread. Close loops on a drawing a dark pink thread. 
Before: Knit as a backrest, but after 6 rows of dark pink thread on the average 35 p. Perform account Shemamotiv with the owl, then knit on all loops of dark pink thread. Run the armholes on both sides, as on the back = 61-67-69-75-79 p. At the height of 22-24-25-27-28 cm for the neck cut close the average 13-13-13-15-15 p. and knit further separately, closing the edges of the cut in each 2nd P. 1 times 4 p., 1 times 3 p., 1 times 2 p. and 2 times 1 p. Play Sin To perform shoulder bevetas on the backrest. Run the rounded edges as on the backrest. 
Sleeves: On spokes № 3.5 in the open. Thread dial 50-50-54-58-58 p. and knit faces. A smooth dark pink thread, adding on both sides in each 6th P. 2-4-3-3-0 times on 1 p. and in each 4-th p. 5-3-6-8-14 times on 1 p. = 64-64-72-80-86, 5 p. Through 10-11-13-15-17 SM for okata sleeves to close on both parties 3-3-4-4-5 p. and in each 2nd P. 6 times on 4-4-4-5-5 p. , close the remaining 10-10-16-12-16 p. For the rounded edge on the spokes № 3.5 to dial a white thread 50-50-54-58-58 p., knit, as for the backrest, and connect the bar with the detail as well. Go to the Spokes № 3 and knit Rubber band 2x2 to 2 p. White and Dark pink thread, 6 p. Pink Thread, 2 p. Violet thread and 2 p. Dark Pink Thread. Close the P. By drawing a dark pink thread. 
Assembling the jumper for the girl: perform all the seams of the jumper and sew the sleeves. On spokes № 3.5 a dark pink thread to dial for a tie of a neck 76-76-84-88-96 p., to link the 1st Izn. Number of facial and 4 p. Persons. Surface. Go to the Spokes № 3 and knit Rubber band 2x2 to 2 p. White, dark pink, pink and violet thread, then 1 p. Dark Pink Thread, starting 1st persons. P. With Chrome, 2 persons. Close all loops with a dark pink thread on the figure. Sew the bale to the neck cut so that the first 5 p. Located on the outside, forming a small rulik. Sew a white thread buttons for the eyes of the owl (see photo). Sew the buttons to the edges of the section.

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