
White Blouse With Collar Pattern

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White cardigan with collar-resistant. Knitting Needles

Light cardigan with delicate openwork patterns, narrow sleeves and high collar looks very romantic and exquisite

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Dimensions: S/m (L/XL) 

Width of the product on the grasp of the breast: 95 (101) See 
Product Length: approx. 58 (59) cm. 

You will need: 8 (8) Motkov white yarn (100% Cotton; 50 g/178 m); Spokes № 2.5 and 3; Circular Spokes № 2.5, 40 cm long. 

Knitting technique. 
Facial surface: Faces. P.-Persons. P., N. P.-N. N. In the circular series, all loops tie the front. 
Purl Surface: persons. P.-N. P., N. P. – Persons. P. 
Openwork Patterns: Knit According to diagrams A, B and C. 
1 Uavka: 1 p. Take off as the front, the next loop to touch the face and removed the loop to stretch through the Projazitno. 
1 raise: stretch between loops to pick up the left spokes and to touch faces. Crossed. 

Density of knitting. 
openwork patterns: 22 p. = 10 cm; 
Front Surface: 24 p. and 34 R. = 10 x 10 cm.

Job description 

Backrest: On the spokes № 2.5 Dial 107 (115) p. and Projazit 2 p. Facial. Go to the Spokes № 3 and the next. Series to continue knitting openwork patterns on schemes A, B and C (important! Knit depending on the size according to the respective schemes). In height to repeat the given rapports of patterns: on diagrams A + C to repeat every 20 р., under the scheme B-every 16 p. To make it easier to see which row is being executed in height, patterns can be noted markers. Knit straight until the length of the part is 38 cm. Then on both sides close for armholes of 6, 2 (7, 2) p. In the next person. Row to perform the Ubava as follows: persons. Chrome, 2 p. Touch together front, knit up to the last 3 p. On the spokes, 1 ubavka, persons. Chrome. Ubavki repeat in each 2nd p.-only on each side of 4 (5) times = 83 (87) p. Then knit straight until the height of the armholes is 19 (20) cm. After that close for a neck average 29 p. and both parties to finish separately. For rounding of a neck to close from an internal edge another 2, 1 p., and from an external edge for a shoulder bevel-8, 8, 8 (8, 9, 9) p. The second party to finish symmetrically. 
Important! Vertical patterns after closing of loops for a neck to continue up to a humeral bevel.

Before: Knit as a backrest until the height of the armholes is 13 (14) cm. Then close the neck to the Middle 21 p. and both sides to finish separately. For rounding of the neck close from the inner edge of 3, 2, 1, 1 p. and both sides to finish separately. When the height of the armhole is 19 (20) cm, close the loops for the shoulder bevel as on the backrest. The second side to finish symmetrically. 

Sleeves: On spokes № 2.5 to dial 57 (59) p. and Projazit 2 p. Facial. Go to the Spokes № 3 and the next. Row on the average 25 p. Knit pattern according to the scheme C, on the other loops-facial smoothness (ie in this series of loops to Purl). Rows of starting and finishing faces. Chrome. When the length of the part is 4 cm, the next person. Number to perform on both sides of the increase: persons. Chrome, 1 increment, knit to the last loop, 1 raise, faces. Chrome. The increase is repeated in each 10th p. (alternately in each 8th p. and in each 10th p.) – Total to execute on 14 (15) increments on each side = 85 (89) p. Rapport in height on scheme C to execute 7 times = length of a sleeve will make approximately 41-42 SM. Last row circuit C = faces. Several. In the next A row of all loops to touch the obverse. The next person. Row continue knitting openwork pattern on the scheme D and knit to the end of the sleeves. Pattern loops (scheme D) to distribute from the middle. When the length of the sleeve is 44 cm, start to form the Okat: first close on both sides of 6, 2 (7, 2) p., in the next person. Row to perform the Ubavki: persons. Chrome, 2 p. Touch together front, knit up to the last 3 p. On the spokes, 1 ubavka, persons. Chrome. The Ubavki repeat in each 2nd p.-only to perform 16 (17) times. Then close at the beginning of each row of 2, 3, 4 p. and the remaining 19 p. in one row. The second sleeve is knit the same way. 

Assembly: Carry out shoulder, lateral seams and seams of sleeves. Sew Sleeves. 
Collar-stand: on circular spokes № 2.5 dial on the edge of the neck 100 p. Knit in a circle alternately 1 p. purl, 1 p. Facial-there should be 11 facial grooves. Close the hinges very freely – use thicker spokes for this purpose (on several sizes of thickness). The hinges should be closed so freely that the product can be easily put through the head. The edge of a collar to tie a hook: To attach a thread with the help of 1 art. b/N of one of the shoulder seams, * 4. P., 1 Co. Art. Back to the 1st. N. (= 1 pico), skip 1 P. and perform 1 art. b/N through 2 p. *, repeat *-* to the end of the circular series. 
Decorative Trim Sleeves: Put the product collar to yourself. Attach a thread with 1 art. b/N at seam of sleeves on border of patterns. Run a series of Picko behind the front notch separating patterns C and D on the sleeve. Knit in the same way as described for the collar, i.e. touch 1 pico, then skip the number of loops that corresponds to the length of the Arch Pico.

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