Click For Crochet Abbreviations List
Mesh Spokes
Number of loops multiple 4 + 2
Row 1 (side): 1 persons., * 2 together, double-scale, 2 together; *; Repeat the rapport from * to * to the last loop, 1 persons.
A number of 2:1 persons., * 1persons., 1 persons. In the scale of the previous row, 1 In the trail. Scum, 1 persons. *; Repeat the rapport to the last loop, 1 persons.
Number of 3:3 persons., * 2 together, double-scale, 2 together; *; Repeat rapport to the last 3 loops, 3 persons.
A number of 4:3 persons., * 1persons., 1 persons. In the scale of the previous row, 1 In the trail. Scum, 1 persons. *; Repeat rapport to the last 3 loops, 3 persons.
repeating rows of 1-4